Data associated with the paper: A Curvature-Enhanced Random Walker Segmentation Method for Detailed Capture of 3D Cell Surface Membranes (2020) E. Josiah Lutton, Sharon Collier, Till Bretschneider Images of Dictyostelium cells undergoing macropinocytosis, imaged on an iSPIM microscope. image capture information: Microscope: iSPIM (3i) Planar resolution: 0.165 µm/pixel Slice spacing: 0.2 µm Exposure time: 7 ms Deconvolution: Richardson-Lucy, 50 iterations Directories: -images: deconvolved images -manual: 3 sets of manual annotations of some or all of the images, depending on annotator name pattern: _man_seg_.tif -curvature_enhanced_random_walker: segmentation results from the random walker (kappa = 0) and curvature-enhanced random walker name pattern: _diff_curv_fwd__.tif -band_pass: segmentation results from the band pass method name pattern: _BP_3.tif -power_watershed: segmentation results from the power watershed name pattern: _PW.tif -random_forest: segmentation results from the random forest pixel classifier name pattern: _WEKA_.tif