
package com.github.celldynamics.quimp.geom.filters;

import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.scijava.vecmath.Point2d;
import org.scijava.vecmath.Tuple2d;
import org.scijava.vecmath.Vector2d;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.Outline;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.QuimP;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.geom.BasicPolygons;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.QuimpPluginException;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.ecmm.ODEsolver;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.utils.IPadArray;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.utils.QuimpDataConverter;

import ij.IJ;
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;

 * Implementation of HatFilter for removing convexes from polygon.
 * <h3>List of user parameters:</h3>
 * <ol>
 * <li><i>window</i> - Size of window in pixels. It is responsible for sensitivity to protrusions of
 * given size. Larger window can eliminate small and large protrusions whereas smaller window is
 * sensitive only to small protrusions. Window size should be from 3 to number of outline points.
 * <li><i>pnum</i> - Number of protrusions/cavities that will be removed from outline. If not
 * limited by <i>alev</i> parameter the algorithm will eliminate <i>pnum</i> features
 * (convex/concave parts) from outline. Feature is removed if its rank is bigger than <i>alev</i>
 * threshold. If <i>pnum</i> is set to 0 algorithm will remove all candidates with rank higher than
 * <i>alev</i> regardless their number. <i>pnum</i> should be from 0 to any value. Algorithm stops
 * searching when there is no candidates to remove.
 * <li><i>alev</i> - Threshold value, if circularity computed for given window position is lower
 * than threshold this window is not eliminated regarding <i>pnum</i> or its rank in circularities.
 * <i>alev</i> should be in range form 0 to ?, where 0 stands for accepting every candidate
 * </ol>
 * <p><h3>General description of algorithm:</h3> The window slides over the wrapped contour. Points
 * inside window for its position <i>p</i> are considered as candidates to removal from contour if
 * they meet the following criterion:
 * <ol>
 * <li>The window has achieved for position p circularity parameter <i>c</i> larger than
 * <i>alev</i>
 * <li>The window on position <i>p</i> does not touch any other previously found window.
 * <li>Points of window <i>p</i> are convex/concave (can be configured by {@link #setMode(int)}).
 * </ol>
 * <p>Every window <i>p</i> has assigned a <i>rank</i>. Bigger <i>rank</i> stands for better
 * candidate
 * to remove. Algorithm tries to remove first <i>pnum</i> windows (those with biggest ranks) that
 * meet above rules. If <i>pnum</i> is set to 0 all protrusions with rank > <i>alev</i> are deleted.
 * <p><H3>Detailed description of algorithm</H3> The algorithm comprises of three main steps:
 * <ol>
 * <li>Preparing <i>rank</i> table of candidates to remove
 * <li>Iterating over <i>rank</i> table to find <i>pnum</i> such candidates who meet rules and store
 * their coordinates in <i>ind2rem</i> array. By candidates it is understood sets of polygon indexes
 * that is covered by window on given position. For simplification those vertexes are identified by
 * lover and upper index of window in outline array (input). <i>pnum</i> can be 0, see note above.
 * <li>Forming output table without protrusions.
 * </ol>
 * <p><H2>First step</H2> The window of size <i>window</i> slides over looped data. Looping is
 * performed by {@link Collections#rotate(List, int)} method that shift data left copying
 * falling out indexes
 * to end of the set (finally the window is settled in constant position between indexes
 * <0;window-1>). For each its position <i>r</i> the candidate points are deleted from original
 * contour and circularity is computed (see {@link #getCircularity(List)}). Then candidate points
 * are passed to {@link #getWeighting(List)} method where weight is evaluated. The role of weight is
 * to promote in <i>rank</i> candidate points that are cumulated in small area over distributed
 * sets. Thus weight should give larger values for that latter distribution than for cumulated one.
 * Currently weights are calculated as squared standard deviation of distances of all candidate
 * points to
 * center of mass of these points (or mean point if polygon is invalid). There is also mean
 * intensity calculated by {@link #getIntensity(List, List, ImageProcessor)} (not obligatory, it can
 * be switched off using {@link #runPlugin(List)} method.). It is sampled along
 * shrunk outline produced from input points. Finally
 * circularity(r) is divided by weight (<i>r</i>) and intensity and stored in <i>circ</i> array.
 * Additionally in this step the convex/concave is checked. All candidate points are tested whether
 * <b>all</b> they are inside the contour made without them (for concave option) or whether
 * <b>any</b> of
 * them is inside the modified contour (for convex option). Convex/concave sensitivity option can be
 * modified by {@link #setMode(int)}
 * This information is stored in <i>convex</i> array. Finally rank array <i>circ</i> is NOT
 * normalised.
 * <p><H2>Second step</H2> In second step array of ranks <i>circ</i> is sorted in descending order.
 * For every rank in sorted table the real position of window is retrieved (that gave this rank).
 * The window position is defined here by two numbers - lover and upper range of indexes
 * covered by it. The candidate points from this window are validated for criterion:
 * <ol>
 * <li><i>rank</i> must be greater than <i>alev</i>
 * <li>lower and upper index of window (index means here number of polygon vertex in array) must not
 * be included in any previously found window. This checking is done by deriving own class
 * WindowIndRange with overwritten {@link HatSnakeFilter.WindowIndRange#compareTo(Object)} method
 * that defines
 * rules of equality and non relations between ranges. Basically any overlapping range or included
 * is considered as equal and rejected from storing in <i>ind2rem</i> array.
 * <li>candidate points must be convex or concave or any.
 * </ol>
 * If all above criterion are meet the window (l;u) is stored in <i>ind2rem</i>. Windows on the end
 * of data are wrapped by dividing them for two sub-windows: (w;end) and (0;c) otherwise they may
 * cover the whole range (e.g. <10;3> does not stand for window from 10 wrapped to 3 but window from
 * 3 to 10).
 * <p>The second step is repeated until <i>pnum</i> object will be found or end of candidates will
 * be reached. If <tt>pnum</tt> is 0 all objects that meet above criteria will be found.
 * <p><H2>Third step</H2> In third step every point from original contour is tested for including in
 * array <i>ind2rem</i> that contains ranges of indexes to remove. Points on index that is not
 * included in any of ranges stored in <i>ind2rem</i> are copied to output.
 * @author p.baniukiewicz
public class HatSnakeFilter implements IPadArray {

  static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HatSnakeFilter.class.getName());
   * Algorithm will look for cavities.
   * @see #setMode(int)
  public static final int CAVITIES = 1;
   * Algorithm will look for protrusions.
   * @see #setMode(int)
  public static final int PROTRUSIONS = 2;
   * Algorithm will look for cavities and protrusions.
   * @see #setMode(int)
  public static final int ALL = 3;

   * Number of steps used for outline shrinking for intensity sampling.
  public int shrinkAmount = 3;

   * Set it to 1 to look for inclusions, 2 for protrusions, 3 for all.
  private int lookFor = PROTRUSIONS; // default for compatibility with old code

  private int window; // filter's window size
  private int pnum; // how many protrusions to remove
  private double alev; // minimal acceptance level
  private int debugCounter = 0; // for naming of debug files

   * Construct HatFilter Input array with data is virtually circularly padded.
  public HatSnakeFilter() {
    this.window = 15;
    this.pnum = 1;
    this.alev = 0;
    LOGGER.debug("Set default parameter: window=" + window + " pnum=" + pnum + " alev=" + alev);

   * Constructor passing algorithm parameters.
   * @param window size of the window
   * @param pnum number of protrusions to find
   * @param alev threshold
   * @see HatSnakeFilter
  public HatSnakeFilter(int window, int pnum, double alev) {
    this.window = window;
    this.pnum = pnum;
    this.alev = alev;

   * In contrary to {@link #runPlugin(List, ImageProcessor, Pair)} this method does not use
   * intensity weighting nor externally calculated ranks.
   * @param data contour to process
   * @return Processed input list, size of output list may be different than input. Empty output
   *         is also allowed.
   * @throws QuimpPluginException on wrong input data
   * @see #runPlugin(List, ImageProcessor, Pair)
   * @see #runPlugin(List, ImageProcessor)
  public List<Point2d> runPlugin(List<Point2d> data) throws QuimpPluginException {
    return runPlugin(data, null);

   * In contrary to {@link #runPlugin(List, ImageProcessor, Pair)} this method does not use
   * externally calculated ranks.
   * @param data contour to process
   * @param orgIp Original image used for sampling intensity, can be <tt>null</tt>
   * @return Processed input list, size of output list may be different than input. Empty output
   *         is also allowed.
   * @throws QuimpPluginException on wrong input data
   * @see #runPlugin(List)
   * @see #runPlugin(List, ImageProcessor, Pair)
  public List<Point2d> runPlugin(List<Point2d> data, ImageProcessor orgIp)
          throws QuimpPluginException {
    return runPlugin(data, orgIp, null);

   * Main filter runner.
   * <p>This version assumes that user clicked Apply button to populate data from UI to plugin or
   * any other ui element. User can expect that points will be always valid but they optionally may
   * have 0 length.
   * @param points contour to process
   * @param orgIp Original image used for sampling intensity, can be <tt>null</tt>
   * @param ranks ranks calculated by {@link #calculateRank(List, ImageProcessor)} or <tt>null</tt>
   *        to let them be evaluated by this method. Ranks values must comply with <tt>alev</tt>
   *        value
   * @return Processed input list, size of output list may be different than input. Empty output
   *         is also allowed.
   * @throws QuimpPluginException on problem with input data
   * @see #calculateRank(List, ImageProcessor)
  public List<Point2d> runPlugin(List<Point2d> points, ImageProcessor orgIp,
          Pair<ArrayList<Double>, ArrayList<Boolean>> ranks) throws QuimpPluginException {

    // internal parameters are not updated here but when user click apply
    LOGGER.debug(String.format("Run plugin with params: window %d, pnum %d, alev %f", window, pnum,
    // check input conditions
    if (window % 2 == 0 || window < 0) {
      throw new QuimpPluginException("Window must be uneven, positive and larger than 0");
    if (window >= points.size()) {
      throw new QuimpPluginException("Processing window to long");
    if (window < 3) {
      throw new QuimpPluginException("Window should be larger than 2");
    if (pnum < 0) {
      throw new QuimpPluginException("Number of protrusions should be larger than 0");
    if (alev < 0) {
      throw new QuimpPluginException("Acceptacne level should be positive");

    // Step 1 - Calculate ranks and normalise it - Give up - see tag:LocalAveraging
    if (ranks == null) {
      ranks = calculateRank(points, orgIp);

    ArrayList<Double> circ = ranks.getLeft(); // out ranks
    ArrayList<Boolean> cavprot = ranks.getRight(); // shape flag

    // Step 2 - Check criterion for all windows
    if (circ == null || circ.isEmpty()) {
      LOGGER.info("No candidates found for selected mode: " + lookFor);
      return points; // just return non-modified data;
    TreeSet<WindowIndRange> ind2rem = new TreeSet<>(); // <l;u> range of indexes to remove
    // need sorted but the old one as well to identify windows positions
    // we do not touch circ itself but rater get list of indexes that refer to sorted element in
    // original array. This is sort in ascending order
    IntStream tmpStr = IntStream.range(0, circ.size()).boxed()
            .sorted((i, j) -> circ.get(i).compareTo(circ.get(j))).mapToInt(el -> el);
    List<Integer> sortedIndexes = tmpStr.boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
    Collections.reverse(sortedIndexes); // to have in descending orer - first index in this array
    // point to index in sorted aray where largest element sits

    LOGGER.trace("cirI: " + sortedIndexes.toString());
    LOGGER.trace("circ: " + circ.toString());
    LOGGER.trace("circM: " + circ.get(sortedIndexes.get(0)).toString() + " (among ALL)");
    for (int i = 0; i < sortedIndexes.size(); i++) { // for debug only
      if (cavprot.get(sortedIndexes.get(i)) == true) {
                "circMacc: " + circ.get(sortedIndexes.get(i)).toString() + " (max requested type)");

    if (circ.get(sortedIndexes.get(0)) < alev) {
      LOGGER.info("Skipped this frame due to rank[0]=" + circ.get(sortedIndexes.get(0)));
      return points; // just return non-modified data; TODO does it matter if circ is normalised?

    int found = 0; // how many protrusions we have found already
    // current index in circsorted - number of window to analyze. Real position of
    // window on data can be retrieved by finding value from sorted array circularity
    // in non sorted, where order of data is related to window position starting
    // from 0 for most left point of window
    int i = 0; // position where window begins (linear index of sortedIndexes)
    boolean contains; // temporary result of test if current window is included in any prev
    // temporary variable for keeping window currently tested for containing in ind2rem
    WindowIndRange indexTest = new WindowIndRange();

    // do as long as we can find candidates with rank higher than level and we found less than
    // defined number of candidates. Latter criterion can be switched off by setting pnum to 0
    // note that rank list contains all candidates and those with unwanted curvature type are
    // filtered out in loop
    while (i < sortedIndexes.size() && circ.get(sortedIndexes.get(i)) > alev
            && (found < pnum || pnum == 0)) {
      // find where it was before sorting and store in window positions
      int startpos = sortedIndexes.get(i);
      if (cavprot.get(startpos) == false || lookFor == ALL) { // not valid, skip unless ALL mode

      // check if we already have this index in list indexes to remove
      if (startpos + window - 1 >= points.size()) { // if at end, we must turn to begin
        indexTest.setRange(startpos, points.size() - 1); // to end
        contains = ind2rem.contains(indexTest); // beginning of window at the end of dat
        indexTest.setRange(0, window - (points.size() - startpos) - 1); // turn to start
        contains &= ind2rem.contains(indexTest); // check rotated part at beginning
      } else {
        indexTest.setRange(startpos, startpos + window - 1);
        contains = ind2rem.contains(indexTest);
      if (contains == true) { // if contains go to next candidate
      // if (cavprot.get(startpos) == true || lookFor == ALL) {
      // store range of indexes that belongs to window
      if (startpos + window - 1 >= points.size()) { // as prev split to two windows
        // if we are on the end of data
        ind2rem.add(new WindowIndRange(startpos, points.size() - 1));
        // turn window to beginning
        ind2rem.add(new WindowIndRange(0, window - (points.size() - startpos) - 1));
      } else {
        ind2rem.add(new WindowIndRange(startpos, startpos + window - 1));
      LOGGER.info("added win for i=" + i + " startpos=" + startpos + " coord:"
              + points.get(startpos).toString() + "alev=" + circ.get(sortedIndexes.get(i)));
      // }
    if (i >= sortedIndexes.size()) { // no more data to check, probably we have less prot. pnum
      LOGGER.info("Can find next candidate. You can use smaller window");
    if (found == 0) {
      LOGGER.info("No acceptable candidates found, having desired rank AND being requested type");
    LOGGER.trace("[indexRange;Point]: " + ind2rem.toString());
    LOGGER.trace("Found :" + found + " accepted windows");

    // Step 3 - remove selected windows from input data
    // array will be copied to new one skipping points to remove
    List<Point2d> out = new ArrayList<Point2d>(); // output table for plotting temporary results
    for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++) {
      // set upper and lower index to the same value - allows to test particular index for its
      // presence in any defined range
      if (!ind2rem.contains(indexTest)) { // check if any window position (l and u bound)
        out.add(new Point2d(points.get(i)));
      } else { // include tested point. Copy it to new array if not
        LOGGER.trace("winpos: " + ind2rem.toString() + " " + points.get(i));
    return out;

   * Evaluate rank for given outline. Return raw unnormalised values.
   * <p>Rank is evaluated for each position of window (defined in
   * {@link #HatSnakeFilter(int, int, double)} and it takes under account shape and local image
   * intensity. If image is <tt>null</tt> only shape features are considered.
   * @param points Outline as list of points
   * @param orgIp Image for sampling intensity along constricted outline. Can be null
   * @return Ranks (left) and cavprot flag (right). Indexes in these arrays correlate with indexes
   *         in input array. E.g. rank[i] stand for rank evaluated for window at position input[i]
   *         (points input[i] - input[i+window-1]). Shape flag is always true for selected type
   *         (CAVITIES or PROTRUSIONS). For ALL it is ignored.
  public Pair<ArrayList<Double>, ArrayList<Boolean>> calculateRank(List<Point2d> points,
          ImageProcessor orgIp) {
    Path tmpDebug;
    PrintWriter pw = null;
    List<Point2d> shCont = new ArrayList<>();
    // create shrunk outline to sample intensity - one of the parameters used for candidate rank
    // this is unnecessary if there is no image provided but kept here for code simplicity
    Outline outline = new QuimpDataConverter(points).getOutline(); // FIXME What if more contours?
    // shrink original to sample intensities close cortex - used for detecting vesicles that are
    // holes in cortex area.
    outline.scaleOutline(shrinkAmount, -0.3, 0.1, 0.01);
    outline.correctDensity(1, 0.5); // dense shape, shrank has different number of verts than org
    shCont = outline.asList();

    if (QuimP.SUPER_DEBUG) {
      tmpDebug = Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"),
              "HatSnakeFilter_debug" + debugCounter + ".csv");
      try {
        pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(tmpDebug.toFile()), true);
      } catch (IOException e) {
      Path shContDebug =
              Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), "shCont_debug" + debugCounter);
      Path pointsDebug =
              Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), "points_debug" + debugCounter);
      debugSaveList(shContDebug, shCont);
      debugSaveList(pointsDebug, points);

    BasicPolygons bp = new BasicPolygons(); // provides geometry processing
    // Step 1 - Build circularity table
    // array to store circularity for window positions. Index is related to window position
    // (negative shift in rotate)
    ArrayList<Double> circ = new ArrayList<Double>();
    // store information if points for window at r position are convex compared to shape without
    // these points
    ArrayList<Boolean> cavprot = new ArrayList<Boolean>();

    double tmpCirc;
    double tmpInt; // mean intensity along contour in window
    double tmpWei; // weighting based on local shape disturbation
    for (int r = 0; r < points.size(); r++) {
      // get all points except window. Window has constant position 0 - (window-1)
      List<Point2d> pointsnowindow = points.subList(window, points.size());
      tmpCirc = getCircularity(pointsnowindow);
      // calculate weighting for circularity
      List<Point2d> pointswindow = points.subList(0, window); // get points for window only
      // will return 1.0 if there is no image provided
      tmpInt = getIntensity(shCont, pointswindow, orgIp); // mean intensity for window points
      tmpInt = tmpInt == 0.0 ? 1.0 : tmpInt; // remove 0 as we divide weight later
      tmpWei = getWeighting(pointswindow);
      double rank = tmpCirc / (tmpWei * tmpInt); // calculate rank for window content
      circ.add(rank); // store weighted circularity for shape without window
      // check if points of window are convex according to shape without these points
      boolean tmpCon;
      switch (lookFor) {
        case CAVITIES:
          tmpCon = bp.areAllPointsInside(pointsnowindow, pointswindow); // true if concave
        case PROTRUSIONS:
        case ALL:
          tmpCon = bp.areAllPointOutside(pointsnowindow, pointswindow); // true if protrusions
      // true values are those that interest us (either concave or protrusions)
      // for ALL yhis list is ignored
      // move window to next position rotates by -1 what means that on first n positions
      // of points there are different values simulate window
      // first iter 0 1 2 3 4 5... (w=[0 1 2])
      // second itr 1 2 3 4 5 0... (w=[1 2 3])
      // last itera 5 0 1 2 3 4... (w=[5 0 1])
      Collections.rotate(points, -1);
      Collections.rotate(shCont, -1);
      // dump to file
      if (QuimP.SUPER_DEBUG) {
        pw.print(r + ",");
        pw.print(IJ.d2s(tmpCirc, 15) + ","); // circularity only
        pw.print(IJ.d2s(tmpInt, 15) + ","); // intensity
        pw.print(IJ.d2s(tmpWei, 15) + ","); // shape distribution weight
        pw.print(IJ.d2s(rank, 15) + ","); // final rank unscaled
        pw.print(tmpCon + ","); // boolean concavity
        pw.print(lookFor + ","); // boolean type of algorithm used
        pw.print(pointswindow); // coordinates of points in window
    if (QuimP.SUPER_DEBUG) {
    Pair<ArrayList<Double>, ArrayList<Boolean>> ret = new MutablePair<>(circ, cavprot);
    return ret;

   * Debug - saves list as tab separated coordinates.
   * @param name name and path
   * @param list list to save
  private void debugSaveList(Path name, List<Point2d> list) {
    try {
      PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(name.toFile()), true);
      int l = 0;
      pw.print(list.size() + "\n");
      for (Point2d p : list) {
        pw.print(l + "\t" + IJ.d2s(p.getX(), 2) + "\t" + IJ.d2s(p.getY(), 2) + "\n");
    } catch (IOException e) {

   * Set detection mode.
   * @param mode can be CAVITIES, PROTRUSIONS, BOTH
  public void setMode(int mode) {
    lookFor = mode;

   * Compute mean intensity for list of points. 3x3 stencil is used for each point.
   * <p>Shrank contour and original contour have different number of points so direct mapping is not
   * possible. For each point in window the method finds closest point in shrank contour and sample
   * 3x3 stencil around. All stencils for all window points are averaged then.
   * @param shpoints shrink contour used for sampling intensities
   * @param pointswindow coordinates of window in original outline
   * @param orgIp image
   * @return 1.0 if input image is null. mean otherwise
  double getIntensity(List<Point2d> shpoints, List<Point2d> pointswindow, ImageProcessor orgIp) {
    double meanI = 0.0;
    if (orgIp == null) {
      return 1.0; // case where intensity is not used
    for (Point2d p : pointswindow) {
      Point2d closest = findClosest(shpoints, p);
      meanI += ODEsolver.sampleFluo(orgIp, (int) Math.round(closest.getX()),
              (int) Math.round(closest.getY()));
    meanI /= pointswindow.size();
    return meanI;

   * Find point in list that is closest to given reference point.
   * @param shpoints List of points to search in
   * @param p Reference point
   * @return Point from list that is closes to reference point
  private Point2d findClosest(List<Point2d> shpoints, Point2d p) {
    double dist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    int minDistIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < shpoints.size(); i++) {
      Point2d loc = shpoints.get(i);
      double d = Math.sqrt((loc.x - p.x) * (loc.x - p.x) + (loc.y - p.y) * (loc.y - p.y));
      if (d < dist) {
        dist = d;
        minDistIndex = i;
    return shpoints.get(minDistIndex);

   * Calculate circularity of polygon.
   * <p>Circularity is computed as: \f[ circ=\frac{4*\pi*A}{P^2} \f] where \f$A\f$ is polygon area
   * and \f$P\f$ is its perimeter
   * @param p Polygon vertices
   * @return circularity
  double getCircularity(final List<? extends Tuple2d> p) {
    double area;
    double perim;
    BasicPolygons b = new BasicPolygons();
    area = b.getPolyArea(p);
    perim = b.getPolyPerim(p);

    return (4 * Math.PI * area) / (perim * perim);

   * Calculates weighting based on distribution of window points.
   * <p>Calculates center of mass of window points and then standard deviations of lengths between
   * this point and every other point. Cumulated distributions like protrusions give smaller
   * values than elongated ones.
   * If input polygon <i>p</i> (which is only part of whole cell shape) is defective, i.e its
   * edges cross, the weight is calculated using middle vector defined as mean of coordinates.
   * @param p Polygon vertices
   * @return Weight
  double getWeighting(final List<Point2d> p) {
    double[] len = new double[p.size()];
    BasicPolygons bp = new BasicPolygons();
    Vector2d middle;
    try { // check if input polygon is correct
      middle = new Vector2d(bp.polygonCenterOfMass(p));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // if not get middle point as mean
      double mx = 0;
      double my = 0;
      for (Point2d v : p) {
        mx += v.x;
        my += v.y;
      middle = new Vector2d(mx / p.size(), my / p.size());
    int i = 0;
    // get lengths
    for (Point2d v : p) {
      Vector2d vec = new Vector2d(middle); // vector between px and middle
      len[i++] = vec.length();
    // get mean
    double mean = 0;
    for (double d : len) {
      mean += d;
    mean /= p.size();
    // get std
    double std = 0;
    for (double d : len) {
      std += Math.pow(d - mean, 2.0);
    std /= p.size();
    std = Math.sqrt(std);

    // max of len
    // double maxLen = QuimPArrayUtils.arrayMax(len);
    LOGGER.debug("getWeighting= " + std);
    return std * std;

   * Class holding lower and upper index of window. Supports comparisons.
   * <p>Two ranges (l;u) and (l1;u1) are equal if any of these conditions is met:
   * <ol>
   * <li>they overlap
   * <li>they are the same
   * <li>one is included in second
   * </ol>
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
   * @see WindowIndRange#compareTo(Object)
  class WindowIndRange implements Comparable<Object> {
    public int lower;
    public int upper;

    public WindowIndRange() {
      upper = 0;
      lower = 0;

     * Create pair of indexes that define window.
     * @param l lower index
     * @param u upper index
    WindowIndRange(int l, int u) {
      setRange(l, u);

    public String toString() {
      return "{" + lower + "," + upper + "}";

    public int hashCode() {
      int result = 1;
      result = 31 * result + lower;
      result = 31 * result + upper;
      return result;

     * Compare two WindowIndRange objects.
     * @param obj object to compare
     * @return true only if ranges does not overlap
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (this == obj) {
        return true;
      if (obj == null) {
        return false;
      if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
        return false;

      final WindowIndRange other = (WindowIndRange) obj;
      if (upper < other.lower) {
        return true;
      } else if (lower > other.upper) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;


     * Compare two WindowIndRange objects.
     * <p>The following rules of comparison are used:
     * <ol>
     * <li>If range1 is below range2 they are not equal
     * <li>If range1 is above range2 they are not equal
     * </ol>
     * <p>They are equal in all other cases:
     * <ol>
     * <li>They are sticked
     * <li>One includes other
     * <li>They overlap
     * </ol>
     * @param obj Object to compare to this
     * @return -1,0,1 expressing relations in windows positions
    public int compareTo(Object obj) {
      final WindowIndRange other = (WindowIndRange) obj;
      if (this == obj) {
        return 0;

      if (upper < other.lower) {
        return -1;
      } else if (lower > other.upper) {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return 0;

     * Sets upper and lower indexes to the same value.
     * @param i Value to set for u and l
    public void setSame(int i) {
      lower = i;
      upper = i;

     * Set pair of indexes that define window assuring that l < u.
     * @param l lower index, always smaller
     * @param u upper index
    public void setRange(int l, int u) {
      if (l > u) {
        this.lower = u;
        this.upper = l;
      } else {
        this.lower = l;
        this.upper = u;
