package com.github.celldynamics.quimp.geom;

import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.utils.QuimPArrayUtils;

 * Compute forward and backward tracking maps from origin and coordinates maps.
 * <p>Origin and coordinates maps are stored in both <i>QCONF</i> and <i>paQP</i> data files. Allow
 * to
 * track given outline point forward in backward using these maps.
 * @author p.baniukiewicz
public class MapTracker {

   * Denote bad index.
  public static final int BAD_INDEX = -1;
   * Decides whether include starting point in tracking. By default Matlab procedures do not
   * include it. Therefore, trackXX(int, int, int) returns first tracked point AFTER initial one.
  public boolean includeFirst = false;

   * The forward map.
  int[][] forwardMap;

   * The backward map.
  int[][] backwardMap;

   * Number of rows in <i>Map</i> - equals to number of frames.
  int rowsFrames;
   * Number of columns in <i>Map</i> - equals to number of outline points set by resolution in Q
   * Analysis.
  int colsIndexes;

   * Construct tracking maps.
   * <p>Prepare tracking maps that are not stored by default in
   * {@link com.github.celldynamics.quimp.filesystem.DataContainer}. This code is based on Matlab
   * routine buildTrackMaps.m.
   * <p><b>Note</b>
   * <p>All frames are numbered from 0 as well as outline indexes. Nonexisting indexes are marked as
   * -1.
   * @param originMap originMap stored in
   *        {@link com.github.celldynamics.quimp.filesystem.DataContainer}
   * @param coordMap coordMap stored in
   *        {@link com.github.celldynamics.quimp.filesystem.DataContainer}
   * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.filesystem.DataContainer
   * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.qanalysis.STmap
  public MapTracker(double[][] originMap, double[][] coordMap) {

    forwardMap = QuimPArrayUtils.initInteger2dArray(originMap.length, originMap[0].length);
    backwardMap = QuimPArrayUtils.initInteger2dArray(forwardMap.length, forwardMap[0].length);

    QuimPArrayUtils.fill2Darray(forwardMap, -1);
    QuimPArrayUtils.fill2Darray(backwardMap, -1);

    rowsFrames = forwardMap.length;
    colsIndexes = forwardMap[0].length;
    double[] minV = new double[3];
    double[] minI = new double[3];
    // backward map
    for (int i = 1; i < rowsFrames; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < colsIndexes; j++) {
        double p = originMap[i][j];
        double[] diffA = rowDiff(p, coordMap[i - 1]);
        double[] diffB = rowDiff(p, rowAdd(-1, coordMap[i - 1]));
        double[] diffC = rowDiff(p, rowAdd(+1, coordMap[i - 1]));

        double[] minDiffA = QuimPArrayUtils.minArrayIndexElement(diffA);
        double[] minDiffB = QuimPArrayUtils.minArrayIndexElement(diffB);
        double[] minDiffC = QuimPArrayUtils.minArrayIndexElement(diffC);

        // copy min values to array
        minV[0] = minDiffA[0];
        minV[1] = minDiffB[0];
        minV[2] = minDiffC[0];
        minI[0] = minDiffA[1];
        minI[1] = minDiffB[1];
        minI[2] = minDiffC[1];
        double[] minMinV = QuimPArrayUtils.minArrayIndexElement(minV);
        backwardMap[i][j] = (int) minI[(int) minMinV[1]]; // copy index of smallest among A,B,C

    // forward map
    for (int i = 0; i < rowsFrames - 1; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < colsIndexes; j++) {
        double p = coordMap[i][j];
        double[] diffA = rowDiff(p, originMap[i + 1]);
        double[] diffB = rowDiff(p, rowAdd(-1, originMap[i + 1]));
        double[] diffC = rowDiff(p, rowAdd(+1, originMap[i + 1]));

        double[] minDiffA = QuimPArrayUtils.minArrayIndexElement(diffA);
        double[] minDiffB = QuimPArrayUtils.minArrayIndexElement(diffB);
        double[] minDiffC = QuimPArrayUtils.minArrayIndexElement(diffC);

        // copy min values to array
        minV[0] = minDiffA[0];
        minV[1] = minDiffB[0];
        minV[2] = minDiffC[0];
        minI[0] = minDiffA[1];
        minI[1] = minDiffB[1];
        minI[2] = minDiffC[1];
        double[] minMinV = QuimPArrayUtils.minArrayIndexElement(minV);
        forwardMap[i][j] = (int) minI[(int) minMinV[1]]; // copy index of smallest among A,B,C

   * Compute <tt>p</tt>-<tt>row</tt>.
   * <p>Based on Matlab routine buildTrackMaps.m
   * @param p single value that row will be subtracted from
   * @param row row to subtract from p
   * @return Vector of <tt>p</tt>-<tt>row</tt> as a copy.
  private double[] rowDiff(double p, double[] row) {
    double[] cpy = new double[row.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < cpy.length; i++) {
      cpy[i] = Math.abs(p - row[i]);
    return cpy;

   * Add value <tt>val</tt> to vector <tt>row</tt>
   * <p>Based on Matlab routine buildTrackMaps.m
   * @param val Value to add
   * @param row Input matrix
   * @return <tt>row</tt>+<tt>val</tt> as a copy.
  private double[] rowAdd(double val, double[] row) {
    double[] cpy = new double[row.length];
    System.arraycopy(row, 0, cpy, 0, row.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < cpy.length; i++) {
      cpy[i] += val;
    return cpy;

   * Get position of <tt>membraneIndex</tt> on frame <tt>currentFrame+1</tt>.
   * @param frame frame number, counted from 0
   * @param membraneIndex index of point on membrane on frame <tt>currentFrame</tt>
   * @return corresponding index on next frame. Returns -1 when there is neither next frame nor
   *         index.
  public int getNext(int frame, int membraneIndex) {
    if (frame >= rowsFrames || membraneIndex >= colsIndexes || frame < 0 || membraneIndex < 0) {
      return BAD_INDEX;
    return forwardMap[frame][membraneIndex]; // membrane index on frame

   * Get position of <tt>membraneIndex</tt> on frame <tt>currentFrame-1</tt>.
   * @param currentFrame frame number, counted from 0
   * @param membraneIndex index of point on membrane on frame <tt>currentFrame</tt>
   * @return corresponding index on previous frame. Returns -1 when there is neither next frame
   *         nor index.
  public int getPrev(int currentFrame, int membraneIndex) {
    if (currentFrame >= rowsFrames || membraneIndex >= colsIndexes || currentFrame < 0
            || membraneIndex < 0) {
      return BAD_INDEX;
    return backwardMap[currentFrame][membraneIndex];

   * Track given point forward.
   * @param currentFrame Starting frame (not included in results - depends on
   *        <tt>includeFirst</tt> flag)
   * @param membraneIndex Tracked membrane index
   * @param timeSpan Number of frames to track
   * @return Indexes of point <tt>membraneIndex</tt> in frames <tt>currentFrame+1</tt> to
   *         <tt>currentFrame+timeSpan</tt>
   * @deprecated Use trackForwardValid(int, int, int) instead
  public int[] trackForward(int currentFrame, int membraneIndex, int timeSpan) {
    if (includeFirst) {
    int[] ret = new int[timeSpan];
    if (includeFirst) {
      ret[0] = membraneIndex;
    } else {
      ret[0] = getNext(currentFrame, membraneIndex);
    for (int t = 1; t < timeSpan; t++) {
      ret[t] = getNext(currentFrame + t, (int) ret[t - 1]);
    return ret;

   * Track given point forward.
   * @param currentFrame Starting frame (not included in results - depends on
   *        <tt>includeFirst</tt> flag)
   * @param membraneIndex Tracked membrane index
   * @param timeSpan Number of frames to track
   * @return Indexes of point <tt>membraneIndex</tt> in frames <tt>currentFrame+1</tt> to
   *         <tt>currentFrame+timeSpan</tt>. Only correct. Do no return negative indexes but may
   *         return empty array. Keep order [frame,index]
  public List<Point> trackForwardValid(int currentFrame, int membraneIndex, int timeSpan) {
    if (includeFirst) {
    ArrayList<Point> ret = new ArrayList<>();
    if (includeFirst) {
      ret.add(new Point(currentFrame, membraneIndex));
    } else {
      ret.add(new Point(currentFrame + 1, getNext(currentFrame, membraneIndex)));
    for (int t = 1; t < timeSpan; t++) {
      ret.add(new Point(ret.get(t - 1).x + 1, getNext(currentFrame + t, (int) ret.get(t - 1).y)));

    ret.removeIf(new PredicateBadIndex());

    return ret;

   * Track given point backward.
   * @param currentFrame Starting frame (not included in results - depends on
   *        <tt>includeFirst</tt> flag)
   * @param membraneIndex Tracked membrane index
   * @param timeSpan Number of frames to track
   * @return Indexes of point <tt>membraneIndex</tt> in frames <tt>currentFrame-1</tt> to
   *         <tt>currentFrame-timeSpan</tt>
   * @deprecated Use trackBackwardValid(int, int, int) instead
  public int[] trackBackward(int currentFrame, int membraneIndex, int timeSpan) {
    if (includeFirst) {
    int[] ret = new int[timeSpan];
    if (includeFirst) {
      ret[timeSpan - 1] = membraneIndex;
    } else {
      ret[timeSpan - 1] = getPrev(currentFrame, membraneIndex);
    for (int t = timeSpan - 2; t >= 0; t--) {
      ret[t] = getPrev(currentFrame - (timeSpan - t - 1), (int) ret[t + 1]);
    return ret;

   * Track given point backward.
   * @param currentFrame Starting frame (not included in results - depends on
   *        <tt>includeFirst</tt> flag)
   * @param membraneIndex Tracked membrane index
   * @param timeSpan Number of frames to track
   * @return Indexes of point <tt>membraneIndex</tt> in frames <tt>currentFrame-1</tt> to
   *         <tt>currentFrame-timeSpan</tt> Only correct. Do no return negative indexes but may
   *         return empty array. Keep order [frame,index]
  public List<Point> trackBackwardValid(int currentFrame, int membraneIndex, int timeSpan) {
    if (includeFirst) {
    ArrayList<Point> ret = new ArrayList<>();
    if (includeFirst) {
      ret.add(new Point(currentFrame, membraneIndex));
    } else {
      ret.add(new Point(currentFrame - 1, getPrev(currentFrame, membraneIndex)));
    for (int t = 1; t < timeSpan; t++) {
      ret.add(new Point(ret.get(t - 1).x - 1, getPrev(currentFrame - t, (int) ret.get(t - 1).y)));

    ret.removeIf(new PredicateBadIndex());

    return ret;

   * Helper that generates range of frames for given input parameters.
   * <p>These are frames that {@link #trackForward(int, int, int)} returns indexes for. Input
   * parameters must be the same as for {@link #trackForward(int, int, int)}.
   * @param currentFrame Starting frame (not included in results)
   * @param timeSpan timeSpan Number of frames to track
   * @return Array of frame numbers
   * @deprecated Use {@link #trackForwardValid(int, int, int)} instead
  public int[] getForwardFrames(int currentFrame, int timeSpan) {
    int f;
    if (includeFirst) {
    int[] ret = new int[timeSpan];
    if (includeFirst) {
      f = currentFrame;
    } else {
      f = currentFrame + 1;
    int l = 0;
    do {
      ret[l++] = f++;
    } while (l < timeSpan);
    return ret;

   * Helper that generates range of frames for given input parameters.
   * <p>These are frames that {@link #trackBackward(int, int, int)} returns indexes for. Input
   * parameters must be the same as for {@link #trackBackward(int, int, int)}.
   * @param currentFrame Starting frame (not included in results)
   * @param timeSpan timeSpan Number of frames to track
   * @return Array of frame numbers
   * @deprecated Use {@link #trackBackwardValid(int, int, int)} instead
  public int[] getBackwardFrames(int currentFrame, int timeSpan) {
    int f;
    if (includeFirst) {
    int[] ret = new int[timeSpan];
    if (includeFirst) {
      f = currentFrame;
    } else {
      f = currentFrame - 1;
    int l = timeSpan - 1;
    do {
      ret[l--] = f--;
    } while (l >= 0);
    return ret;

   * Predicate class for detection bad indexes in tracking methods.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  class PredicateBadIndex implements Predicate<Point> {

    public boolean test(Point t) {
      if (t.y == MapTracker.BAD_INDEX) {
        return true;
      } else {
        return false;