package com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.ana;


import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.Outline;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.QParams;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.filesystem.converter.FormatConverter;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.utils.QuimpToolsCollection;

 * Container class for parameters concerned with ANA analysis.
 * <p>This class is serialized through
 * {@link com.github.celldynamics.quimp.filesystem.ANAParamCollection}.
 * The structure of transient and non-transient fields must be reflected in FormatConverter. Note
 * that there is similar class {@link AnaOptions} which keeps parameters related to macros.
 * @author rtyson
 * @author p.baniukiewicz
 * @see FormatConverter#doConversion()
 * @see AnaOptions
public class ANAp {

   * Array of fluorescent channels.
  public File[] fluTiffs;
   * Input file reference.
   * <p>snQP file if run from paQP.
  public transient File inFile;
   * Output snQP file reference (the same as {@link #inFile}.
  public transient File outFile;
   * Reference to Stats file.
   * <p>Used in QCONF/paQP.
  public transient File statFile;
   * Atomic step during contour shrinking.
  public final transient double stepRes = 0.04; // step size in pixels
   * Angle to freeze neighbouring vertexes.
  public final transient double freezeTh = 1;
   * Angle threshold.
   * @see Outline#scaleOutline(double, double, double, double)
  public final transient double angleTh = 0.1;
   * Frame resolution.
   * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.Outline#setResolution(double)
  public final transient double oneFrameRes = 1;
   * Image scale.
   * <p>Initialised by {@link #setup(QParams)} from loaded QCONF/paQP.
  public transient double scale = 1.0;
   * Frame interval.
   * <p>Initialised by {@link #setup(QParams)} from loaded QCONF/paQP.
  public transient double frameInterval;
   * Frame range.
   * <p>Initialised by {@link #setup(QParams)} from loaded QCONF/paQP.
  public transient int startFrame;
   * Frame range.
   * <p>Initialised by {@link #setup(QParams)} from loaded QCONF/paQP.
  public transient int endFrame;

   * The present data.
  transient int[] presentData;

   * The cleared.
  transient boolean cleared;

   * The no data.
  transient boolean noData;

   * The use loc from ch.UI setting
  transient int useLocFromCh;

  private double cortexWidthPixel; // in pixels
  private double cortexWidthScale; // at scale

   * Default constructor.
  public ANAp() {
    fluTiffs = new File[3];
    fluTiffs[0] = new File("/");
    fluTiffs[1] = new File("/");
    fluTiffs[2] = new File("/");
    presentData = new int[3];
    setCortextWidthScale(0.7); // default value

   * Copy constructor.
   * @param src source to copy from
  public ANAp(ANAp src) {
    this.inFile = new File(src.inFile.getAbsolutePath());
    this.outFile = new File(src.outFile.getAbsolutePath());
    this.statFile = new File(src.statFile.getAbsolutePath());
    this.cortexWidthPixel = src.cortexWidthPixel;
    this.cortexWidthScale = src.cortexWidthScale;
    this.scale = src.scale;
    this.frameInterval = src.frameInterval;
    this.startFrame = src.startFrame;
    this.endFrame = src.endFrame;
    this.presentData = new int[src.presentData.length];
    System.arraycopy(src.presentData, 0, this.presentData, 0, src.presentData.length);
    this.cleared = src.cleared;
    this.noData = src.noData;
    this.useLocFromCh = src.useLocFromCh;

    this.fluTiffs = new File[src.fluTiffs.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < fluTiffs.length; i++) {
      fluTiffs[i] = new File(src.fluTiffs[i].getPath());


   * Initiates ANAp class with parameters copied from BOA analysis.
   * @param qp reference to QParams container (master file and BOA params)
  void setup(QParams qp) {
    inFile = qp.getSnakeQP();
    outFile = new File(inFile.getAbsolutePath()); // output file (.snQP) file
    statFile = new File(qp.getStatsQP().getAbsolutePath()); // output file
    // (.stQP.csv) file
    scale = qp.getImageScale();
    frameInterval = qp.getFrameInterval();
    startFrame = qp.getStartFrame();
    endFrame = qp.getEndFrame();
    cleared = false;
    noData = true;

   * Set cortex scale.
   * @param c the scale
  public void setCortextWidthScale(double c) {
    cortexWidthScale = c;
    cortexWidthPixel = QuimpToolsCollection.distanceFromScale(cortexWidthScale, scale);

   * Get cortex width in pixels.
   * @return the cortexWidthPixel
  public double getCortexWidthPixel() {
    return cortexWidthPixel;

   * Get cortex scale.
   * @return cortexWidthScale
  public double getCortexWidthScale() {
    return cortexWidthScale;

   * Set cortex widh in pixels.
   * @param cortexWidthPixel the cortexWidthPixel to set
  public void setCortexWidthPixel(double cortexWidthPixel) {
    this.cortexWidthPixel = cortexWidthPixel;