package com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.protanalysis;

import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.Outline;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.QParamsQconf;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.QuimpException;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.QuimpException.MessageSinkTypes;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.filesystem.FileExtensions;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.AbstractPluginQconf;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.QuimpPluginException;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.qanalysis.STmap;

import ij.ImagePlus;

// TODO Update UML below
 * !>
 * @startuml doc-files/Prot_Analysis_1_UML.png 
 * salt
 * {
 *  {^"Visual tracking"
 *    {+
 *    Text field with help
 *    ...
 *    // Select points with   // 
 *    // CTRL key//
 *    }
 *    **Selected:**             4
 *    {
 *    [to ROI] | [from ROI]
 *    }
 *    [Clear all points]
 *    { (X) Static | () Dynamic}
 *    [X] Show tracked point
 *    [X] Smooth tracks
 *    ^Outline color  ^
 *    [ ] Open in new image
 *    [Track           ]
 *    [Clear Overlay   ] 
 *  }
 *  {^"Maps"
 *  ^Select cell     ^
 *    { [Mot ] | [Convex] | [Fluo] }
 *  }
 *  {^"Tables and plots"
 *    [X] Plot selected
 *    ^Select cell     ^
 *    { (X) Ch1 | ( ) Ch2 | ( ) Ch3}
 *    ...
 *    {
 *    [X] X-Centr | [ ] Y-Centr
 *    [ ] Displ | [ ] Distance 
 *    [ ] Direct | [ ] Speed
 *    [ ] Perim | [ ] Elong
 *    [ ] Circ | [ ] Area
 *    ==== | ===
 *    [ ] Total fl | [ ] Mean fl
 *    [ ] Cortex wd | [ ] Cyto ar
 *    [ ] Total ctf | [ ] Mean ctf
 *    [ ] Cortex ar | [ ] Total ctf
 *    [ ] Mean ctf |     
 *   }
 *  ===
 *  [Generate           ]
 *  }
 *  {^"Ploar plots"
 *  [Click point        ]
 *  [Get from ROI       ]
 *  Selected point:     127,45
 *  ^Select relative to^
 *  [Show plots         ]
 *  }
 * }
 * @enduml
 * @startuml doc-files/Prot_Analysis_2_UML.png
 * usecase UC0 as "**Load QCONF**
 * --
 * Open QCONF file
 * ..UC0.."
 * usecase UC1 as "**Select points on contour**
 * --
 * Use can click and select multiple
 * points in cell contour.
 * ==
 * This works within all frames
 * ..UC1..
 * "
 * usecase UC2 as "**Transfer points to ROI**
 * -- 
 * Selected points can be
 * copied to ROI manager
 * ..UC2..
 * "
 * usecase UC3 as "**Transfer points from ROI**
 * --
 * Copy points from ROI
 * manager and show them
 * in contour.
 * ==
 * * Delete old points
 * * Deal with different
 * frames
 * ..UC3..
 * "
 * usecase UC4 as "**Show selected points**
 * --
 * Show points for each frame
 * as user slide slider
 * ..UC4..
 * "
 * usecase UC5 as "**Clear points**
 * --
 * Remove all points
 * ..UC5.."
 * usecase UC6 as "**Track points**
 * --
 * Perform tracking for
 * selected points
 * ==
 * Regards static or dynamic
 * ..UC6..
 * "
 * usecase UC6b as "**Plot intensity**
 * --
 * Plot intensity change
 * over tracking point
 * ==
 * This hsould be default
 * for each tracking
 * ..UC6b..
 * "
 * usecase UC6a as "**Save tracks**
 * --
 * Save tracks after
 * tracking to csv
 * file
 * ==
 * ..UC6a..
 * "
 * usecase UC7 as "**Display tracking**
 * --
 * Show results on screen
 * ==
 * * Depending on settings show
 * in original window or separate
 * * Show dynamic or static
 * * Color outline
 * * Smooth if option selected
 * ..UC7..
 * "
 * usecase UC8 as "**Color outline**
 * --
 * Show outline in selected
 * color
 * ==
 * Colorscale scaled to range
 * ..UC8..
 * "
 * usecase UC9 as "**Clear overlay**
 * --
 * Clear tracking
 * ==
 * * Clear original window
 * * Remove points
 * ..UC9.."
 * usecase UC10 as "**Plot maps**
 * --
 * Show selected maps
 * ==
 * Together with **UC10a**
 * ROI allows to select
 * maxim on the map and
 * track them
 * ..UC10.."
 * usecase UC10a as "**Plot raw maps**
 * --
 * Show selected maps as unscaled
 * ==
 * Together with transferring
 * ROI allows to select
 * maxim on the map and
 * track them
 * ..UC10a.."
 * usecase UC11 as "**Plot 2d**
 * --
 * Plot selected metrics as
 * 2D plot in function of
 * frames
 * ==
 * * Can open many plots at
 * once
 * * Should allow to select
 * cell and channel
 * ..UC11.."
 * usecase UC12 as "**Copy to table**
 * --
 * Copy selected metrics to
 * IJ table.
 * ==
 * * Should allow to select
 * cell and channel
 * ..UC12..
 * "
 * usecase UC13 as "**Polar plots**
 * --
 * Generate polar plots
 * ==
 * * Save or show (depending on IJ
 * features in showing vector files)
 * * Show in log if saved
 * ..UC13..
 * "
 * usecase UC14 as "**Select origin point**
 * --
 * Allow to select origin
 * point for polar plots
 * ==
 * * click on screen
 * * Relative to screen
 * * Relative to cell
 * ..UC14..
 * "
 * usecase UC15 as "**Predefined trackings**
 * --
 * Allow to track points
 * from predefined settings
 * ==
 * Like:
 * * Max from motility map
 * ..UC15..
 * "
 * usecase UC16 as "**Smooth tracks**
 * --
 * Apply smoothing to tracks
 * ==
 * * If option selected
 * ..UC16..
 * "
 * note bottom of (UC12) : Decide how to deal\nwith many tables
 * note right of (UC8)
 * Decide if standalone
 * Now dependend from UC7
 * Tracking must be done first and 
 * tracking map shown but this can
 * be a standalone option as well
 * end note
 * User -> (UC0)
 * User -> (UC1)
 * (UC1) ..> (UC4) : <<include>>
 * User -> (UC12)
 * User -> (UC5)
 * User -> (UC3)
 * (UC3) ..> (UC5) : <<extend>>
 * User -> (UC2)
 * User -> (UC6)
 * (UC6) ..> (UC7) : <<include>>
 * (UC6) ..> (UC6a) : <<include>>
 * (UC6) ..> (UC6b) : <<include>>
 * (UC6) ..> (UC15) : <<include>>
 * (UC7) ..> (UC8) : <<include>>
 * (UC7) ..> (UC16) : <<include>>
 * User -> (UC9)
 * (UC9) ..> (UC5) : <<extend>>
 * User --> (UC10)
 * (UC10) ..> (UC10a) : <<include>>
 * User --> (UC11)
 * User --> (UC13)
 * (UC13) ..> (UC14) : <<include>>
 * @enduml
 * !<
 * Main class for Protrusion Analysis module.
 * <p>Contain business logic for protrusion analysis. The UI is built by
 * {@link com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.protanalysis.ProtAnalysisUi}. The communication
 * between
 * these modules is through
 * {@link com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.protanalysis.ProtAnalysisOptions}
 * <br>
 * <img src="doc-files/Prot_Analysis_1_UML.png"/><br>
 * <br>
 * <img src="doc-files/Prot_Analysis_2_UML.png"/><br>
 * @author p.baniukiewicz
public class Prot_Analysis extends AbstractPluginQconf {

  static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Prot_Analysis.class.getName());

  private static String thisPluginName = "Protrusion Analysis";

  ImagePlus image = null;
  // points selected by user for current frame, cleared on each slice shift. In image coordinates
  PointHashSet selected = new PointHashSet();
  // updated on each slice, outlines for current frame
  ArrayList<Outline> outlines = new ArrayList<>();
   * Instance of module UI.
   * <p>Initialised by this constructor.
  ProtAnalysisUi frameGui;

   * Current frame, 0-based.
  int currentFrame = 0;

   * Default constructor.
  public Prot_Analysis() {
    // here we do not load file! so can not create ui
    super(new ProtAnalysisOptions(), thisPluginName);
    selected = new PointHashSet();
    outlines = new ArrayList<>();

   * Constructor that allows to provide own configuration parameters.
   * <p>Immediately executes all computations.
   * @param paramString parameter string.
   * @throws QuimpPluginException on error
  public Prot_Analysis(String paramString) throws QuimpPluginException {
    // 1. Load File
    // 2. Run runFormQconf (but we overwritten it here to be empty so nothing happens yet)
    super(paramString, new ProtAnalysisOptions(), thisPluginName);
    selected = new PointHashSet();
    outlines = new ArrayList<>();

   * Create UI instance.
   * <p>Require loaded file.
  private void createUIInstance() {
    ImagePlus image = getImage(); // obain image from loaded file
    LOGGER.trace("Attached image " + image.toString());
    frameGui = new ProtAnalysisUi(this, image); // build UI (we need image)

   * get current sink.
   * @return sink type
  MessageSinkTypes getSink() {
    return errorSink;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.PluginTemplate#validate()
  protected void validate() throws QuimpException {

   * Write cell statistic and protrusion statistics to files.
   * <p>Currently not used might be useful. Example of use:
   * <pre>
   * <code>
   * // write stats, and add to table
   * writeStats(h, mapCell, mf, trackCollection).cellStatistics.addCellToCellTable(rt);
   * </code>
   * </pre>
   * @param h Cell number
   * @param mapCell cell map
   * @param mf maxima finder object
   * @param trackCollection track collection object
   * @return ProtStat instance of object that keeps cell statistics. Can be used to form e.g.
   *         table with results.
   * @throws FileNotFoundException if stats can not be written
  private ProtStat writeStats(int h, STmap mapCell, MaximaFinder mf,
          TrackCollection trackCollection) throws FileNotFoundException {
    QParamsQconf qp = (QParamsQconf) qconfLoader.getQp();
    // Maps are correlated in order with Outlines in DataContainer.
    // write data
    PrintWriter cellStatFile = new PrintWriter(
            Paths.get(qp.getPath(), qp.getFileName() + "_" + h + FileExtensions.cellStatSuffix)
    PrintWriter protStatFile = new PrintWriter(
            Paths.get(qp.getPath(), qp.getFileName() + "_" + h + FileExtensions.protStatSuffix)
    new ProtStat(mf, trackCollection, qp.getLoadedDataContainer().getStats().sHs.get(h), mapCell)
            .writeProtrusion(protStatFile, h);

    ProtStat cellStat = new ProtStat(mf, trackCollection,
            qp.getLoadedDataContainer().getStats().sHs.get(h), mapCell);

    cellStat.writeCell(cellStatFile, h);
    return cellStat;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.AbstractPluginBase#showUi(boolean)
  public void showUi(boolean val) throws Exception {
    // we need to load file here because UI require image from QCONF
    // execute this only if run with default constructor and empty run("") method (plugin from menu)
    // if (options.paramFile == null || options.paramFile.isEmpty()) {
    // loadFile(options.paramFile);
    // if (qconfLoader != null && qconfLoader.getQp() != null) {
    // options.paramFile = qconfLoader.getQp().getParamFile().getAbsolutePath();
    // }
    // createUIInstance();
    // }
    if (frameGui != null) {
      // gui.setVisible(true);
    } else {
      LOGGER.error("You need image (and QCONF) to see UI");

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.IQuimpPlugin#about()
  public String about() {
    return "Protrusion Analysis Plugin.\n" + "Author: Piotr Baniukiewicz\n"
            + "mail:";

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see ij.plugin.PlugIn#run(java.lang.String)
  public void run(String arg) {;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.AbstractOptionsParser#parseArgumentString(java.lang.
   * String)
  protected boolean parseArgumentString(String arg) throws QuimpPluginException {
    // override only to get always true at output, hack that will cause execute executer in run()
    // method, and then LoadFile and runFromQconf. We need this because we do not support parameters
    // and want to see UI every time but we need loaded file to build UI.
    // With this approach we have the same path for IJ plugin run and IJ macro run (only file):

    // run like IJ macro - scenario 1
    // Prot_Analysis pa = new Prot_Analysis();

    // IJ from script - scenario 2
    // Prot_Analysis pa = new Prot_Analysis();
    // Without this hack scenario 1 will try to open UI (showUI) without loaded file.
    return true;

  protected void runFromPaqp() throws QuimpException {
    throw new QuimpException("This plugin does not support paQP files.");


   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.AbstractPluginQconf#runFromQconf()
  protected void runFromQconf() throws QuimpException {
    // we do not support run from macro so just show UI here
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new QuimpException(e);

   * Get image associated with loaded QCONF.
   * @return image or null if image could not be loaded
  ImagePlus getImage() {
    if (image == null) {
      if (getQconfLoader() != null) {
        image = getQconfLoader().getImage();
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Can not obtain image");
    return image;

   * Get gui.
   * @return Main window class.
  ProtAnalysisUi getGui() {
    return frameGui;

   * Keep list of selected points.
   * <p>Reason of this class is that {@link ProtAnalysisUi} and {@link CustomCanvas} operate on
   * 2D
   * images without knowledge about frame, which is needed. They also use java.awt.Point as main
   * class. Therefore the point selected in the image by user in {@link CustomCanvas} contains only
   * x,y and cell number (all stored in {@link PointCoords}). Frame number is appended with
   * {@link PointHashSet#add(PointCoords)}, called in this context (frame is stored in
   * Prot_Analysis.currentFrame)
   * <p>Field {@link Prot_Analysis#currentFrame} is updated by {@link ProtAnalysisUi} whereas
   * point operations happen in {@link CustomCanvas}. {@link Prot_Analysis} integrates all
   * informations.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  class PointHashSet extends HashSet<PointCoords> {

     * Add information about current frame to point.
     * @param e 2D point from current frame. Field {@link PointCoords#frame} will be overwritten by
     *        current frame.
     * @return true if point exists in set.
    public boolean add(PointCoords e) {
      e.frame = currentFrame;
      LOGGER.debug("Added point: " + e);
      return super.add(e);

     * Add {@link PointCoords} with frame number.
     * <p>In contrary to {@link #add(PointCoords)} this method does not override frame number in
     * specified {@link PointCoords}.
     * @param e 2D point from current frame.
     * @return true if point exists in set.
    boolean addRaw(PointCoords e) {
      LOGGER.debug("Added raw point: " + e);
      return super.add(e);

     * Remove point from set.
     * @param e point to remove
     * @return true if exist
    public boolean remove(PointCoords e) {
      e.frame = currentFrame;
      return super.remove(e);

