package com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.randomwalk;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.Outline;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.QuimP;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.geom.TrackOutline;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.geom.filters.OutlineProcessor;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.ana.ANAp;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.randomwalk.BinaryFilters.MorphoOperations;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.randomwalk.RandomWalkSegmentation.SeedTypes;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.utils.IJTools;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.utils.test.RoiSaver;

import ij.ImagePlus;
import ij.ImageStack;
import ij.gui.Roi;
import ij.process.AutoThresholder;
import ij.process.Blitter;
import ij.process.ByteProcessor;
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;

 * Generate new seeds for n+1 frame in stack using previous results of segmentation.
 * <p>This class supports two methods:
 * <ol>
 * <li>Based on morphological operations
 * <li>Based on contour shrinking (part of QuimP Outline framework)
 * </ol>
 * <p>In both cases the aim is to shrink the object (which is white) to prevent overlapping
 * foreground
 * and background in next frame (assuming that objects are moving). The same is for background.
 * Finally, the new seed should have set foreground pixels to area inside the object and background
 * pixels in remaining part of image. There should be unseeded strip of pixels around the object.
 * @author p.baniukiewicz
public abstract class PropagateSeeds {

  /** The Constant LOGGER. */
  static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PropagateSeeds.class.getName());

   * Seed propagators available in this class.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  public enum Propagators {
     * Just copy input as output.
     * Use contour shrinking.
     * @see Contour
     * Use morphological operations.
     * @see Morphological


   * Default setting. Better do not change.
  public boolean darkBackground = true;
   * Thresholding method used for estimating true background.
   * <p>If null background is not modified.
  private AutoThresholder.Method thresholdMethod = null;

   * Default constructor.
  public PropagateSeeds() {

   * Allow to store seed history that can be later presented in form of composite image.
   * @param storeSeeds <tt>true</tt> to store seeds.
   * @param trueBackground if not null, selected method will be used for estimating true background
   *        - excluding bright objects from it
   * @see #getCompositeSeed(ImagePlus, int)
  public PropagateSeeds(boolean storeSeeds, AutoThresholder.Method trueBackground) {
    this.storeSeeds = storeSeeds;
    if (storeSeeds) {
      this.seeds = new ArrayList<>();
    thresholdMethod = trueBackground;

   * Default resolution used during outlining objects.
   * @see Contour#getOutlineAndColors(ImageProcessor, boolean)
  public static final int STEPS = 4;
   * By default seed history is not stored.
  protected boolean storeSeeds = false;
   * Container for FG and BG seeds pixels used for seed visualisation.
   * <p>Every imageProcessor in pair contains important bits set to WHITE. For example BG pixels are
   * white here as well as FG pixels.
   * @see #getCompositeSeed(ImagePlus, int)
   * @see PropagateSeeds#storeSeeds
  protected List<Seeds> seeds;
   * Scale color values in composite preview.
   * <p>1.0 stand for opaque colors.
   * @see #getCompositeSeed(ImagePlus, int)
  public static final double colorScaling = 0.5;

   * Return demanded propagator.
   * @param prop propagator to create
   * @param storeseeds true for storing seeds
   * @param trueBackground if not null, selected method will be used for estimating true
   *        background - excluding bright objects from it
   * @return the propagator
  public static PropagateSeeds getPropagator(Propagators prop, boolean storeseeds,
          AutoThresholder.Method trueBackground) {
    switch (prop) {
      case NONE:
        return new PropagateSeeds.Dummy(storeseeds);
      case CONTOUR:
        return new PropagateSeeds.Contour(storeseeds, trueBackground);
        return new PropagateSeeds.Morphological(storeseeds, trueBackground);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown propagator");

   * Empty propagator. Do nothing.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  public static class Dummy extends PropagateSeeds {

    /** The binary. */
    PropagateSeeds binary;

     * Default constructor without storing seed history.
    public Dummy() {
      binary = new PropagateSeeds.Morphological();

     * Allow to store seed history that can be later presented in form of composite image.
     * @param storeSeeds <tt>true</tt> to store seeds.
     * @see #getCompositeSeed(ImagePlus, int)
    public Dummy(boolean storeSeeds) {
      binary = new PropagateSeeds.Morphological(storeSeeds, null);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.randomwalk.PropagateSeeds#propagateSeed(ij.process.
     * ImageProcessor, double, double)
    public Seeds propagateSeed(ImageProcessor previous, ImageProcessor org, double shrinkPower,
            double expandPower) {
      Seeds decodedSeeds = new Seeds(2);
      try {
        decodedSeeds = SeedProcessor.decodeSeedsfromGrayscaleImage(previous);
        if (decodedSeeds.get(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS) == null) {
          throw new RandomWalkException("no FG maps");
      } catch (RandomWalkException e) {
        // this is handled to console only as return is still valid (no FG seeds in output)
        LOGGER.debug("Empty seeds. " + e.getMessage());
      return decodedSeeds;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.randomwalk.PropagateSeeds#getCompositeSeed(ij.ImagePlus)
    public ImagePlus getCompositeSeed(ImagePlus org, int offset) throws RandomWalkException {
      // Need override as we have different object here (binary, not this).
      return binary.getCompositeSeed(org, offset);


   * Contain methods for propagating seeds to the next frame using contour shrinking operations.
   * <p>{@link Contour#scaleMagn} and <t>shrinkPower</t> specified in
   * {@link OutlineProcessor#shrinknl(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)}
   * are related to each other. Larger <t>shrinkPower</t> stands for larger number of steps during
   * shrinking
   * (Step size is fixed {@link Contour#stepSize}). Therefore large {@link Contour#scaleMagn} will
   * move concave node too
   * fast because internally {@link Contour#stepSize} is multiplied by factor returned by
   * {@link OutlineProcessor#amplificationFactor(double, double, double)} that ranges 1.0 for
   * positive curvatures to {@link Contour#scaleMagn} for negative with specified
   * {@link Contour#scaleSigma}. Generally increasing <t>shrinkPower</t>,
   * the{@link Contour#scaleMagn} should be deceased.
   * <p>To increase effect of shifting nodes with negative curvature, normals locally can be
   * adjusted according to node with lowest curvature. See
   * {@link OutlineProcessor#shrinknl(double, double, double, double, double, double, double,
   * double)}
   * <p>For linear scaling set {@link Contour#scaleMagn} to 1.0 and
   * {@link Contour#averageNormalsDist} to 0.0.
   * <p>PropagateSeeds_Contour<br />
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   * M7h5PHytA25iV+LWj8QrTyipnDP56Yp6y7t5PHk1Wm6CmYtXc9TlR6bxUzVVM2k1
   * t3cTK8r5ejWrH7jQvQ5+qiZedvOdanITzExazbv+VMhWP7xVTaxczeirGzehmrn8
   * bD8wU6NodjlVk5vD52vcBDMfG8y2+jno+pRRsZSgamJBN+s94CaYeSSR8/7As/Js
   * gxhos2qCm5u7udDeutG7zLRm9vC3yNKoe0z7s9eyjpvHgHNdC908lnZzrCojlut7
   * bAHqBF+azm5mjJG8j8OTn4kwdK/j5ibV7LijV5w/1PXbL3uEc5CZ7XdYcfE8Zj6w
   * I0fbbWMtOWesJjdnqWb5o3eZm+4VzoqVb3+tuvfnCq4la+ReLpz72ALUyeRcrZq9
   * DsGsFM4Rq1JzUzULH73v+UDrDWrvDR7vrlJbsnTt5c3fWoCamaN34XhgwjqnnL1W
   * peamatZV84lHXPtQ7fliCMfvhYf+LLN1d43cLmZeWneyKNjJMvfMjAT3MFLOSGIc
   * N7m5ZjXndPNayJKVb4/T5fpeMfNYYQFq1ewazqkGtr1Wpeamat59rk9ffmGlqwiV
   * r3yb08xCzRIvQD2BmfHSbSuHo/PI2WtVam6qZp5qHsufH3TrGMv5v3zd4xvNfHIB
   * 6my/GdV8dtIZ79rHTW4uU82LQe0Mbl7vneUr35aYeRSvkfvLzJ0WoK7dUZJcvT3H
   * zt7poFA8rx43ublqNad2EzOSzsx45Cb9n97ta2Mmqia4OeK5RpLtldhNrCjnGweC
   * YtgPD396KeVUTW6uPdGc100Y0vZ8TpF47+50ia+Hnr5qcnP5ieakbsKQdogAkXW/
   * bj6FTzWx7HQz6VdIk7kJQ9qH+pTqm8kN30tRTSw43YzHD0p9HV63DWopgyXkjMRX
   * 8qg69101sVQ44+0zgEqH12ncBDNtu27/p5rgZt2mKe13AjdBTltNNcHNJBtFNZHJ
   * zJV2q7izTv3thexVE9xUTZBzmT0rCn4gqj+z8bkmuJmzmj7XxCtmLrBzxdC7Vk1w
   * M6G8zgaCIe2bySw8tvuenKrJzU2rmd5NMHOnZPY50V41wc3em2MeN7HLAG6BE/Za
   * PxGJLM9FNbm5mJtNm2M2N7HjkDYWfHnPezR2K6omN7fYFhO6iR3NnHG3Uk1wc82J
   * pmrCkDaXB5HxSakmNzecbsYSbsKQ1kRTNcHN4a8/VnET5DTRzCinanJz8Vc+rZtg
   * pmqqJrj54BRTNUHO6asZ6cqsmtyc8eSDG1cmmNZNMHPvZP6vk/Xfs+6/FVWTm3Od
   * eRDbuAlyZt+tOlezZDAc75upmtw8Fj4UNLOb2NLMY6Yz3btdEujWWPVtOVWTm8fa
   * H6BM6yaYmX23ii53EaMfWDWxnZsdnuSEboKc2fesePex451nqprcnOhdP3ZyE8zc
   * uppRuHSRauI9N4+1P0Z54oHZhJ3CGcPu9sYJeqUD225PVjW5OV04o/e9RUo3wcwd
   * p5tRJ+CDq8mrJjdnfOOvWUm6TLK4vGZCPPwuAnLuNN2M6lGzasJ0c8wENO5/jfMV
   * N7G9mccEZ7rHG/dWFU7VxCg3533vL89h6+Z7xE2Qc7vppmrCdDPhq432O1RNvCLn
   * 2tWcZTyrmtycaFDb/mr7fGlTNcHMvs9qIjNVk5vrVfPoeKW8r7dSTZhu9t3xVRPc
   * zPmCVRMTyjmJmfHuDZ1Di1fdXHW6GfO4CWbOZ2bFWQPR6+FUE9wc8IJVE6abw19J
   * 9Psx1YRwvvuCVRPMfLmdMei026c+OFFNbq5dzf9eRTzx6QmbMMjMY9ZViqLHpbyK
   * NplqgpuPvux0boKc65upmuAmNwFD2se314MfnKgmN7nZKZnexsDMDQazqml3K/mR
   * sLFMNCGcJpqqaY/jpokmmKmaqgnTTdWEcDJTNcHNFzeQaiKFnNsPad/9ArVqcpOb
   * ny9TMjGTmVvtgK8fAlJNbqpm0WtUTQjnbBNN1YRw5kymauJhMzcOp2piOjdjw22h
   * mkhn5rHj4aBIoKVqcpObkglyqqZqgpudNoRqYiIz194fVRPcnGBbqCbymrnZdFM1
   * wc0JNodq4r290WlBqgluzhZO1UT2ge2e5+ypJripmkDNHrbtme5vfI1aNdHipnCq
   * Jgxp0043VRPcVE2QUzWLXuSoDaCa4GZON4GmIS0zVRPcVE0wk5mqCW5yE2iXc7eP
   * T1764EQ10ejm+tX0oSZUc7bBrGpCNVUTzLz5I6qpmkjo5vrn0KomVJOZqgluqiaW
   * k5OZqgluqibAzJtmDnzpqglu5nQTYKZqgpvcBJjZ5cWrJripmkCTnPtU870PTlQT
   * 3PzzWnyoCWZOPdFUTXDzvdesmmDmbMlUTXAzZzJVE8zcLJmqCW5KJpi5UjJVE9zM
   * mUzVBDP3S6ZqgpuSiYXMPJa63GW2Y7OqiV5ujthZ498/yarJGhjSbjnRVE2kdTMe
   * kcFEE8yUTNXEC25232XjESUyuwnU7oKThzMqjVNN7OtmPGJFcjeBPmbOtc/m11I1
   * kdDNF6opmSDntMlUTew+3XygmpHeTaBtR5wwnFMc/1FN9HUzRj5q7OQm0Lwvfgtn
   * zPKSsmqpmujuZqOYMVgPycTW4eyyL/f9TlhMpaVqItugNoZJEpIJct71M779+fq/
   * R+0dHlNpqZpI4mb5D0ez6ZKJneSMyinj3ZFvdLnD9FqqJh5zs72XJT8fnb91SRAs
   * LeeNYWZtQaO8lzOcmKeaeMzN+P3nOTHncRPouo+O/RyyR2CPObRUTXBTMrGHnEfb
   * SPXPbXtNSMe9WNUEN3dyExi5s946QHP5kcjdI0f1Vr+vpWqCm5KJLeU8savlI5ST
   * G7Z+ZJpCS9UENyUTe5s59En1Ob8o0eUZVBPczOkmYLiX8XWpJrhpiomVduKgpWqC
   * m5IJbLg3Z3whqgluSiYMbD1/1QQ395w0A3/37/CEVRN29c2eMLD4Hj+NkKoJbgK7
   * KeopqSa4qZfA7eFtFC+uUPin4gnMtu1UE9wEuDrg6iPdF2xQTXCTmwBUEwAA1QQA
   * AfzD/wFqNHlO4MJ0zwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" />
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
   * @see OutlineProcessor#shrinknl(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
   * @see OutlineProcessor#amplificationFactor(double, double, double)
  public static class Contour extends PropagateSeeds {

     * Scale magnification. Used by {@link PropagateSeeds.Contour} only.
     * @see OutlineProcessor#shrinknl(double, double, double, double, double, double, double,
     *      double)
    public double scaleMagn = 5;
     * Sigma. Used by {@link PropagateSeeds.Contour} only.
     * @see OutlineProcessor#shrinknl(double, double, double, double, double, double, double,
     *      double)
    public double scaleSigma = 0.3;
     * Distance to set normals equal. Used by {@link PropagateSeeds.Contour} only.
     * @see OutlineProcessor#shrinknl(double, double, double, double, double, double, double,
     *      double)
     * @see Contour#Contour(boolean, ij.process.AutoThresholder.Method, double, double, double,
     *      double)
    public double averageNormalsDist = 0;
     * Distance to average curvature over. This is multiplier of average node distance. Always at
     * least three nodes are averaged (n-1,n,n+1).
     * @see OutlineProcessor#shrinknl(double, double, double, double, double, double, double,
     *      double)
     * @see Contour#Contour(boolean, ij.process.AutoThresholder.Method, double, double, double,
     *      double)
    public double averageCurvDist = 1.0;
     * Use or not extra filtering defined in {@link TrackOutline}.
    public boolean useFiltering = false;

     * Step size during object outline shrinking.
     * @see Outline#scaleOutline(double, double, double, double)
     * @see ANAp
    public static final double stepSize = 0.04;

     * Default constructor without storing seed history.
    public Contour() {
      this(false, null);

     * Allow to store seed history that can be later presented in form of composite image.
     * @param storeSeeds <tt>true</tt> to store seeds.
     * @param trueBackground if not null, selected method will be used for estimating true
     *        background - excluding bright objects from it
     * @see #getCompositeSeed(ImagePlus, int)
    public Contour(boolean storeSeeds, AutoThresholder.Method trueBackground) {
      super(storeSeeds, trueBackground);

     * Allow additionally to set power of shrinking curved parts of the outline and window for
     * equalising normals.
     * @param storeSeeds <tt>true</tt> to store seeds.
     * @param trueBackground if not null, selected method will be used for estimating true
     *        background - excluding bright objects from it
     * @param sigma sigma of Gaussian
     * @param scaleMagn maximum amplification of scaling index (for curv<<0). 1.0 causes linear
     *        shrink.
     * @param averageCurvDist distance to average curvature over. At any case at least 3 nodes are
     *        taken (current, previous and next). See {@link OutlineProcessor}. This parameter plays
     *        as multiplier of average node distance. Setting it to e.g. 5, likely 5 nodes will be
     *        takes in total.
     * @param averageNormalsDist distance to look along for node with smallest curvature (negative)
     *        from current node (forward and backward). Set 0 to turn off this feature. See
     *        {@link OutlineProcessor} and description of previous parameter.
     * @see Contour#Contour(boolean, ij.process.AutoThresholder.Method)
     * @see OutlineProcessor#shrinknl(double, double, double, double, double, double, double,
     *      double)
    public Contour(boolean storeSeeds, AutoThresholder.Method trueBackground, double sigma,
            double scaleMagn, double averageCurvDist, double averageNormalsDist) {
      super(storeSeeds, trueBackground);
      this.scaleMagn = scaleMagn;
      this.scaleSigma = sigma;
      this.averageNormalsDist = averageNormalsDist;
      this.averageCurvDist = averageCurvDist;

     * Generate seeds for next frame using provided mask.
     * <p>The mask provided to this method is shrunk to get new seeds of object (that can move
     * meanwhile). The same mask is expanded and subtracted from image forming the background.
     * <p>Setting <tt>shrinkPower</tt> or <tt>expandPower</tt> to zero prevents contour
     * modifications.
     * <p>Algorithm can utilise object colour to process them in groups within one colour. Objects
     * in one group are processed separately, but then all are stored in the same {@link Seeds}
     * {@link SeedTypes#FOREGROUNDS} map.
     * @param previous Previous result of segmentation. BW mask with white object on black
     *        background.
     * @param org original image that new seeds are computed for. Usually it is current image
     * @param shrinkPower Shrink size for objects in pixels.
     * @param expandPower Expand size used to generate background (object is expanded and then
     *        subtracted from background)
     * @return List of background and foreground coordinates.
     * @see PropagateSeeds.Morphological#propagateSeed(ImageProcessor, ImageProcessor, double,
     *      double)
     * @see Outline#scaleOutline(double, double, double, double)
     * @see #getTrueBackground(ImageProcessor, ImageProcessor)
     * @see #setTrueBackgroundProcessing(ij.process.AutoThresholder.Method)
    public Seeds propagateSeed(ImageProcessor previous, ImageProcessor org, double shrinkPower,
            double expandPower) {
      double stepsshrink = shrinkPower / stepSize; // total shrink/step size
      double stepsexp = (expandPower) / stepSize; // total shrink/step size
      Seeds ret = new Seeds(2);

      // this supports grayscales;
      List<Pair<Outline, Color>> oc = getPairsOutlineAndColors(previous, useFiltering);
      // sort according to colors, need to collect outlines with the same object color in the same
      // map
      Collections.sort(oc, new Comparator<Pair<Outline, Color>>() {

        public int compare(Pair<Outline, Color> o1, Pair<Outline, Color> o2) {
          Color c1 = o1.getRight();
          Color c2 = o2.getRight();
          Integer ci1 = new Integer(c1.getRed() + c1.getBlue() + c1.getGreen());
          Integer ci2 = new Integer(c2.getRed() + c2.getBlue() + c2.getGreen());
          return ci1.compareTo(ci2);

      Iterator<Pair<Outline, Color>> oci = oc.iterator();

      // save extra debug info if property set
      if (QuimP.SUPER_DEBUG) {
        String tmp = System.getProperty("");
        for (Pair<Outline, Color> o : oc) {
          long time = new Date().getTime();
          RoiSaver.saveRoi(tmp + File.separator + "propagateSeed_" + time + "_" + oc.hashCode(),
      int cprev = -1; // previous object color, IT CANT EXIST IN LIST
      ByteProcessor small = null;
      while (oci.hasNext()) {
        Pair<Outline, Color> p =;
        Outline o = p.getLeft();
        Color c = p.getRight();
        // restore int (see TrackOutline.getColors())
        int color = c.getRed() + c.getBlue() + c.getGreen();
        if (o.getNumPoints() < 4) {
        if (color != cprev) { // if new color, create new processor (list is sorted)
          small = new ByteProcessor(previous.getWidth(), previous.getHeight());
        small.setColor(Color.WHITE); // for fill(Roi)
        // shrink outline - copy as we want to expand it later
        Outline copy = new Outline(o);
        LOGGER.debug("Shrink object");
        new OutlineProcessor<Outline>(copy).shrinknl(stepsshrink, stepSize, 0.1, 1.5, scaleSigma,
                scaleMagn, averageCurvDist, averageNormalsDist);
        Roi fr = copy.asIntRoi();
        // small.resetRoi();
        if (color != cprev) { // store only new, old will be updated by reference
          ret.put(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS, small);
        cprev = color; // for next iter

      ByteProcessor big = new ByteProcessor(previous.getWidth(), previous.getHeight());
      // big.setColor(Color.BLACK);
      // big.fill();
      for (Pair<Outline, Color> p : oc) {
        Outline o = p.getLeft();
        if (o.getNumPoints() < 4) {
        // frezeTh influences artifacts that appear when concave regions are expanded
        // 0 prevent a little
        LOGGER.debug("Expand object");
        new OutlineProcessor<Outline>(o).shrinknl(stepsexp, -stepSize, 0.1, 0, scaleSigma,
                scaleMagn, 1.0, 0);
        Roi fr = o.asFloatRoi();
      // store seeds if option ticked
      ret.put(SeedTypes.BACKGROUND, getTrueBackground(big, org));
      if (storeSeeds) {

      return ret;


     * Convert mask to outline.
     * @param previous image to be converted outline. White object on black background.
     * @param filtering if true enable default filtering from {@link TrackOutline} class
     * @return List of Outline for current frame and colors
     * @see TrackOutline
     * @see #getPairsOutlineAndColors(ImageProcessor, boolean)
    public static Pair<List<Outline>, List<Color>> getOutlineAndColors(ImageProcessor previous,
            boolean filtering) {
      TrackOutline track = null;
      if (filtering) {
        track = new TrackOutline(previous, 0);
      } else {
        track = new TrackOutlinNoFilter(previous, 0);
      return track.getOutlinesColors(STEPS, false);

     * Convert mask to outline.
     * @param previous image to be converted outline. White object on black background.
     * @param filtering if true enable default filtering from {@link TrackOutline} class
     * @return List of Outline for current frame and colors enclosed in pairs
     * @see TrackOutline
     * @see #getOutlineAndColors(ImageProcessor, boolean)
    public static List<Pair<Outline, Color>> getPairsOutlineAndColors(ImageProcessor previous,
            boolean filtering) {
      TrackOutline track = null;
      if (filtering) {
        track = new TrackOutline(previous, 0);
      } else {
        track = new TrackOutlinNoFilter(previous, 0);
      return track.getPairs(STEPS, false);


   * Contain methods for propagating seeds to next frame using morphological operations.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  public static class Morphological extends PropagateSeeds {

     * Default constructor without storing seed history.
    public Morphological() {
      this(false, null);

     * Allow to store seed history that can be later presented in form of composite image.
     * @param storeSeeds <tt>true</tt> to store seeds.
     * @param trueBackground if not null, selected method will be used for estimating true
     *        background - excluding bright objects from it
     * @see #getCompositeSeed(ImagePlus, int)
    public Morphological(boolean storeSeeds, AutoThresholder.Method trueBackground) {
      super(storeSeeds, trueBackground);

     * Generate new seeds using segmented image.
     * <p>Setting <tt>shrinkPower</tt> or <tt>expandPower</tt> to zero prevents contour
     * modifications.
     * @param previous segmented image, background on zero
     * @param org original image that new seeds are computed for. Usually it is current image
     * @param shrinkPower number of erode iterations
     * @param expandPower number of dilate iterations
     * @return Map containing list of coordinates that belong to foreground and background. Map is
     *         addressed by two enums: <tt>FOREGROUND</tt> and <tt>BACKGROUND</tt>
     * @see SeedProcessor#decodeSeedsfromRgb(ImagePlus, List, Color)
     * @see #getTrueBackground(ImageProcessor, ImageProcessor)
     * @see #setTrueBackgroundProcessing(ij.process.AutoThresholder.Method)
    public Seeds propagateSeed(ImageProcessor previous, ImageProcessor org, double shrinkPower,
            double expandPower) {
      ImageProcessor cp = previous.duplicate();
      // object smaller than on frame n
      ImageProcessor small = cp.duplicate();
      // object bigger than on frame n
      ImageProcessor big = cp.duplicate();
      // store seeds if option ticked
      Seeds ret = new Seeds(2);
      // need to process each object separately to preserve multi fg seeds.
      Seeds decodedSeeds;
      try {
        decodedSeeds = SeedProcessor.decodeSeedsfromGrayscaleImage(cp);
        if (decodedSeeds.get(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS) == null) {
          throw new RandomWalkException("no FG maps");
        for (ImageProcessor ip : decodedSeeds.get(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS)) {
          // make objects smaller
          small = BinaryFilters.iterateMorphological(ip, MorphoOperations.ERODE, shrinkPower);
          ret.put(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS, small);

        // make background bigger but for all, convert to binary first
        big = BinaryFilters.iterateMorphological(big, MorphoOperations.DILATE, expandPower);
        cp.threshold(0); // input also must be binary (after computing FG)

        // apply big to old background making object bigger and prevent covering objects on
        // frame
        // n+1
        // by previous background (make "empty" not seeded space around objects)
        // IJ.saveAsTiff(new ImagePlus("", big), "/tmp/testIterateMorphological_bigbef.tif");
        // IJ.saveAsTiff(new ImagePlus("", cp), "/tmp/testIterateMorphological_cp.tif");
        for (int x = 0; x < cp.getWidth(); x++) {
          for (int y = 0; y < cp.getHeight(); y++) {
            big.putPixel(x, y, big.getPixel(x, y) | cp.getPixel(x, y));

        big.invert(); // invert to have BG pixels white in seed. (required by convertToList)
        ret.put(SeedTypes.BACKGROUND, getTrueBackground(big, org));
        if (storeSeeds) {
      } catch (RandomWalkException e) { // from decodeseeds - no FG seeds
        // this is handled to console only as return is still valid (no FG seeds in output)
        LOGGER.debug("Empty seeds. " + e.getMessage());
      return ret;


   * Produce composite image containing seeds generated during segmentation of particular frames.
   * <p>To have this method working, the Contour object must be created with storeSeeds==true.
   * @param org Original image (or stack) where composite layer will be added to.
   * @param offset Slice number to display in composite if there is stack provided. Ignored if org
   *        is single image. Set it to 0 to dispplay whole stack.
   * @return Composite image with marked foreground and background.
   * @throws RandomWalkException When seeds were not collected.
  public ImagePlus getCompositeSeed(ImagePlus org, int offset) throws RandomWalkException {
    ImagePlus ret = null;
    try {
      ImageStack smallstack =
              new ImageStack(seeds.get(0).get(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS).get(0).getWidth(),
      ImageStack bigstack =
              new ImageStack(seeds.get(0).get(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS).get(0).getWidth(),

      for (Seeds p : seeds) {
        // just in case convert to byte
        ImageProcessor fg = SeedProcessor.flatten(p, SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS, 1).convertToByte(true);
        fg.threshold(0); // need 255 not real value of map
        // why duplicate here? without returned map is at 128???????????????? Seems that
        // converToByte returns duplicate only if input is not 8-bit
        // (PropagateSeedsTest.testGetCompositeSeed_Morphological()
        ImageProcessor bg = p.get(SeedTypes.BACKGROUND, 1).duplicate().convertToByte(true);
        bg.threshold(0); // need 255 not real value of map
        // make colors transparent
        // set gray lut just in case
        smallstack.addSlice((ImageProcessor) fg);
        bigstack.addSlice((ImageProcessor) bg);
      // check if stack or not. getComposite requires the same type
      if (org.getStack().getSize() == 1) { // single image
        ret = IJTools.getComposite(org.duplicate(), new ImagePlus("", smallstack.getProcessor(1)),
                new ImagePlus("", bigstack.getProcessor(1)));
      } else {
        if (offset > 0) { // stack but show only one image
          ImageProcessor tmp = org.getStack().getProcessor(offset).duplicate();
          ret = IJTools.getComposite(new ImagePlus("", tmp), new ImagePlus("", smallstack),
                  new ImagePlus("", bigstack));
        } else { // stack
          ret = IJTools.getComposite(org.duplicate(), new ImagePlus("", smallstack),
                  new ImagePlus("", bigstack));
    } catch (NullPointerException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      throw new RandomWalkException("Problem with showing seeds. Seeds were not stored. "
              + "You need at least two time frames to collect one seed or "
              + "segmentation returned empty image.");
    return ret;

   * Propagate seed.
   * <p>Each separated object found in <tt>previous</tt> is returned as separate BW map in
   * {@link Seeds} under {@link SeedTypes#FOREGROUNDS} map. <tt>previous</tt> can contain grayscale
   * labelled objects.
   * @param previous the previous
   * @param org original image that new seeds are computed for. Usually it is current image
   * @param shrinkPower the shrink power
   * @param expandPower the expand power
   * @return the map
   * @see #getTrueBackground(ImageProcessor, ImageProcessor)
   * @see #setTrueBackgroundProcessing(ij.process.AutoThresholder.Method)
  public abstract Seeds propagateSeed(ImageProcessor previous, ImageProcessor org,
          double shrinkPower, double expandPower);

   * Excludes objects from estimated background.
   * <p>If seed propagator is used, background is obtained by expanding initially segmented cell and
   * then negating the image. Thus background covers all area except cell. If there are other cell
   * there they can influence background mean. To avoid this, that background is thresholded to
   * detect objects that should be excluded from mean. This should be used when there are other
   * objects around.
   * @param bck Background (white) estimated from Propagator
   * @param org Original 8-bit image
   * @return Background without objects above threshold
   * @see #setTrueBackgroundProcessing(ij.process.AutoThresholder.Method)
  ImageProcessor getTrueBackground(ImageProcessor bck, ImageProcessor org) {
    if (thresholdMethod == null) {
      return bck;
    ImageProcessor orgD = org.duplicate();
    orgD.threshold(new AutoThresholder().getThreshold(thresholdMethod, orgD.getHistogram()));
    orgD.copyBits(bck, 0, 0, Blitter.AND); // cut
    return orgD;

   * Turn on processing background before using it as seed.
   * @param method Threshold method. null for turning off processing
  public void setTrueBackgroundProcessing(AutoThresholder.Method method) {
    thresholdMethod = method;


 * Disabled preliminary filtering default for {@link TrackOutline}.
 * <p>In purpose of overriding {@link TrackOutline#prepare()} which in super class can remove thin
 * lines.
 * @author p.baniukiewicz
class TrackOutlinNoFilter extends TrackOutline {

   * Default constructor here.
   * @param imp image to process
   * @param background background color
  public TrackOutlinNoFilter(ImageProcessor imp, int background) {
    super(imp, background);

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see com.github.celldynamics.quimp.geom.TrackOutline#prepare()
  public ImageProcessor prepare() {
    ImageProcessor filtered = imp.duplicate();
    return filtered;
