
package com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.randomwalk;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.File;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.security.InvalidParameterException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.MatrixDimensionMismatchException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.MatrixUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.QuimP;
import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.utils.QuimPArrayUtils;

import ij.IJ;
import ij.ImagePlus;
import ij.ImageStack;
import ij.plugin.ImageCalculator;
import ij.process.BinaryProcessor;
import ij.process.ByteProcessor;
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;

 * //!>
 * @startuml doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_1_UML.png
 * usecase IN as "Initialisation
 * --
 * Apply when main object is initialised.
 * Object is always connected to the image
 * that will be segmented."
 * usecase RUN as "Run
 * --
 * Related to running segmentation on
 * the object. The result is segmented
 * image"
 * usecase CON as "Convert
 * --
 * Related to various conversions
 * that are available as static
 * methods. They allow to change
 * representation of objects among
 * dataformats used by this object.
 * "
 * usecase PAR as "Parameters
 * --
 * Related to creating object
 * representing parameters
 * of the segmentation process.
 * "
 * Dev -> IN
 * Dev -> RUN
 * Dev --> CON
 * Dev --> PAR
 * RUN ..> IN : <<include>>
 * PAR -- IN
 * CON -- RUN
 * @enduml
 * //!<
 * //!>
 * @startuml doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_2_UML.png
 * start
 * :Assign inputs
 * to internal fields;
 * note right
 * Inputs are **referenced**
 * end note
 * :Validate input
 * image;
 * :Convert image to
 * ""Matrix"";
 * note right
 * Or Matrix to image
 * depending on constructor
 * end note
 * stop
 * @enduml
 * //!<
 * //!>
 * @startuml doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_3_UML.png
 * start
 * :Compute gradients;
 * note left
 * Gradients depend
 * on image structure
 * and they are tabelarised
 * for speed
 * end note
 * :solve problem;
 * -> //Result of segmentation, FG and BG probability maps//;
 * note right
 * Main procedure for
 * RW segmentation.
 * Return segmented image.
 * end note
 * if (next sweep?) then (yes)
 * :Run
 * intermediate
 * filter;
 * note left
 * Optional, run on
 * previous results
 * end note
 * :Prepare to
 * next sweep;
 * note left
 * Convert previous result
 * into seed, increment
 * ""currentSweep""
 * end note
 * :solve problem;
 * endif
 * :Compare FG and BG;
 * note left
 * Foreground and 
 * background probabilities
 * are compared to get 
 * unique result
 * end note
 * -> //Binary image//;
 * :Run
 * post-filtering;
 * note right 
 * Optional
 * end note
 * stop
 * @enduml
 * //!<
 * //!>
 * @startuml doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_4_UML.png
 * actor User as user
 * participant RandomWalkSegmentation as rw
 * user -> rw : run(..)
 * activate rw
 * rw -> rw : precomputeGradients()
 *  activate rw
 *  rw --> rw : RealMatrix[]
 *  deactivate rw
 * rw -> rw : solver(..) 
 *  note right: Solver always return\nprobability map for\nforeground unless input\nFG was empty
 *  activate rw
 *  rw --> rw : Map<Seeds, RealMatrix> solved
 *  deactivate rw
 * alt next sweep?
 *  rw -> rw :  rollNextSweep(solved)
 *   activate rw
 *   rw --> rw : Map<Seeds, ImageProcessor> seedsNext
 *   deactivate rw
 *  rw -> rw : solver(seedsNext) 
 *   activate rw
 *   rw --> rw : Map<Seeds, RealMatrix> solved
 *   deactivate rw
 * end 
 * rw -> rw : compare(solved)
 *  note right: Compare FG and BG maps\nto get segmentation result
 *  activate rw
 *  rw --> rw : RealMatrix result
 *  deactivate rw
 * alt final filtering == yes
 *  rw -> Converter : RealMatrix
 *   activate Converter
 *   Converter --> rw : ImageProcessor
 *   deactivate Converter
 *  rw -> BinaryFilters : filter(ImageProcessor) 
 *   activate BinaryFilters
 *   BinaryFilters --> rw : filtered ImageProcessor
 *   deactivate BinaryFilters
 * else No final filtering
 *  rw -> Converter : RealMatrix
 *   activate Converter
 *   Converter --> rw : ImageProcessor
 *   deactivate Converter  
 * end 
 * note right: Except filtering, output can be\ncut by raw mask here, See run method.
 * rw --> user : ImageProcessor
 * deactivate rw
 * @enduml
 * //!<
 * This is implementation of Matlab version of Random Walk segmentation algorithm.
 * <p>Available use cases are: <br>
 * <img src="doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_1_UML.png"/><br>
 * <h1>Parameters</h1>
 * In this Use Case user creates a set of segmentation parameters. They are hold in
 * {@link RandomWalkOptions}
 * class. This class also contains some pre- and post-processing settings used by
 * {@link RandomWalkSegmentation} object. Default constructor sets recommended values to all numeric
 * options skipping those related to pre- post-processing objects.
 * <h1>Initialisation</h1>
 * In this step the image that is supposed to be segmented is assigned to the object as well as
 * parameters of the process. There are two constructors available accepting <tt>ImageProcessor</tt>
 * and <tt>RelaMatrix</tt> image. These formats can be converted to each other using static
 * {@link QuimPArrayUtils#imageProcessor2RealMatrix(ImageProcessor)} and
 * {@link QuimPArrayUtils#realMatrix2ImageProcessor(RealMatrix)}.
 * <img src="doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_2_UML.png"/><br>
 * <h1>Convert</h1>
 * This Use Case contains preparatory static methods used for converting data into required format.
 * {@link RandomWalkSegmentation} uses {@link Seeds} structure to store information about foreground
 * (FG) and background (BG) seeds. Initially these seeds can be provided in different formats such
 * as:
 * <ol>
 * <li>RGB image where FG seeds are {@link Color#RED} and BG is {@link Color#GREEN}. In this mode
 * only these two seeds can be stored.
 * <li>Grayscale image, each object is labelled by different gray level. In this mode each object is
 * segmented separately, setting other objects to background.
 * <li>Binary image, works as grayscales.
 * <li>ROIs - rois selected on image.
 * </ol>
 * All above formats are converted to {@link Seeds} (the only accepted input by
 * {@link #run(Seeds)} by numerous methods from {@link SeedProcessor}. The
 * {@link Seeds} contains two keys important for segmentation, {@link SeedTypes#FOREGROUNDS} and
 * {@link SeedTypes#BACKGROUND}, {@link SeedTypes#FOREGROUNDS} is mandatory whereas
 * {@link SeedTypes#BACKGROUND} can be empty. Along one key seeds are stored as separate
 * <b>binary</b>
 * images that contain only pixels that belong to specified seed (e.g. red color for RGB or
 * specified grayscale for multi-cell segmentation). The optionl key {@link SeedTypes#ROUGHMASK}
 * contains one binary image that stands for initial estimation of object larger than the object. It
 * is used by local mean feature only ({@link RandomWalkOptions#useLocalMean} set <tt>true</tt>).
 * <h1>Run</h1>
 * In this Use Case the image assigned in <b>Initialisation</b> step is segmented and processed
 * according to parameters set in <b>Parameters</b>. The process is started by calling
 * {@link #run(Seeds)} method. For RGB seeds FG and BG are always defined but if the input is
 * converted from grayscale image, {@link SeedTypes#BACKGROUND} in {@link Seeds} is empty. The
 * method returns probability maps {@link ProbabilityMaps} that are organised similarly to
 * {@link Seeds}. Again for multi-cell segmentation returned {@link ProbabilityMaps} may not contain
 * {@link SeedTypes#BACKGROUND} key. The algorithm assumes that background is on probability 0 and
 * it is {@link Color#BLACK}. Probabilities are compared in {@link #compare(ProbabilityMaps)}
 * method that returns 2d matrix being an output image.
 * <p>Here is brief look for {@link #run(Seeds)} method activity:
 * <img src="doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_3_UML.png"/><br>
 * <p>Sequence diagram of {@link #run(Seeds)} giving the order of called methods:
 * <img src="doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_4_UML.png"/><br>
 * <p>See: src/test/Resources-static/Matlab/rw_laplace4.m
 * @author p.baniukiewicz
public class RandomWalkSegmentation {

   * How often we will compute relative error.
  final int relErrStep = 20;

   * Keep information about current sweep that {@link #solver(Seeds, RealMatrix[])} is doing.
   * <p>Affect indexing parameters arrays that keep different params for different sweeps. Used also
   * in {@link #solver(Seeds, RealMatrix[]) for computing actual number of iterations (second sweep
   * uses half of defined)}
   * @see RandomWalkOptions
  private int currentSweep = 0;

   * Squared maximal theoretical intensity value.
   * <p>For 8-bit images it is 255^2, for 16-bit 65535^2. Set in constructor.
  private int maxTheoreticalIntSqr;

   * Reasons of stopping diffusion process.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  private enum StoppedBy {
     * Maximum number of iterations reached.
     * Found NaN in solution.
     * Found Inf in solution.
     * Relative error smaller than limit.

    private final int value;

    private StoppedBy(int value) {
      this.value = value;

    public int getValue() {
      return value;

   * Define foreground and background indexes enums with numerical indexes.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  public enum SeedTypes {
     * Denote foreground related data. Usually on index 0.
     * <p>FG data can be grayscale images up to 8-bits.
     * Denote background related data. Usually on index 1.
     * <p>BG data can be grayscale image up to 8-bits.
     * Rough mask used for computing local mean. Used only if {@link RandomWalkOptions#useLocalMean}
     * is true. This mask should be always binary.
     * @see RandomWalkSegmentation#solver(Seeds, RealMatrix[])
     * @see RandomWalkSegmentation#getMeanSeedLocal(ImageProcessor, int)

    /** The index. */
    private final int index;

     * Instantiates a new seed types.
     * @param index the index
    private SeedTypes(int index) {
      this.index = index;

     * Convert enum to int. Used when addressing arrays.
     * @return index assigned to enum value.
    public int getIndex() {
      return index;

   * The Constant LOGGER.
  static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RandomWalkSegmentation.class.getName());

   * Direction of circshift coded as in Matlab.
  public static final int RIGHT = -10;
   * Direction of circshift coded as in Matlab.
  public static final int LEFT = 10;
   * Direction of circshift coded as in Matlab.
  public static final int TOP = -01;
   * Direction of circshift coded as in Matlab.
  public static final int BOTTOM = 01;

   * Image to process in 8bit greyscale. Converted to RealMatrix
   * @see #ip
  private RealMatrix image;
   * Original image to process.
   * @see #image
  private ImageProcessor ip;
   * User provided parameters.
  private RandomWalkOptions params;
   * Probability map obtained in {@link #run(Seeds)}.
  private ProbabilityMaps solved = null;

   * Construct segmentation object from ImageProcessor.
   * @param ip image to segment
   * @param params parameters
   * @throws RandomWalkException on wrong image format
  public RandomWalkSegmentation(ImageProcessor ip, RandomWalkOptions params)
          throws RandomWalkException {
    if (ip.getBitDepth() != 8 && ip.getBitDepth() != 16) {
      throw new RandomWalkException("Only 8-bit or 16-bit images are supported");
    this.ip = ip;
    this.image = QuimPArrayUtils.imageProcessor2RealMatrix(ip);
    this.params = params;

   * Construct segmentation object from 2D RealMatrix representing image.
   * <p>It is assumed that this input image is 8-bit. Use
   * {@link #RandomWalkSegmentation(ImageProcessor, RandomWalkOptions)} for support 8 and 16-bit
   * images.
   * Passing wrong image can have effect to results as {@link #solver(Seeds, RealMatrix[])}
   * normalises
   * image intensities to maximal theoretical intensity. See
   * {@link #setMaxTheoreticalIntSqr(ImageProcessor)} and {@link #solver(Seeds, RealMatrix[])}
   * @param image image to segment
   * @param params parameters
  public RandomWalkSegmentation(RealMatrix image, RandomWalkOptions params) {
    this.image = image;
    this.ip = QuimPArrayUtils.realMatrix2ImageProcessor(image);
    this.params = params;

   * Main runner, does segmentation.
   * <p>Requires defined FOREGROUNDS seeds and one BACKGROUND. If background is not given it assumes
   * during weighting ({@link #compare(ProbabilityMaps)}) background probability map with
   * probability 0. IT should wor even if there is only one seed FG and no BG because most arrays
   * are 0-filled by default.
   * @param seeds Seed arrays from {@link SeedProcessor}
   * @return Segmented image as ByteProcessor or null if segmentation failed due to e.g. empty seeds
   * @throws RandomWalkException On wrong seeds
  public ImageProcessor run(Seeds seeds) throws RandomWalkException {
    LOGGER.debug("Running with options: " + params.toString());
    if (seeds.get(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS) == null) {
      return null; // no FG maps - no segmentation
    RealMatrix[] precomputed = precomputeGradients(); // precompute gradients
    solved = solver(seeds, precomputed);
    if (params.intermediateFilter != null && params.gamma[1] != 0) { // do second sweep
      LOGGER.debug("Running next sweep: " + params.intermediateFilter.getClass().getName());
      Seeds seedsNext = rollNextSweep(solved);
      if (seeds.get(SeedTypes.ROUGHMASK) != null) {
        seedsNext.put(SeedTypes.ROUGHMASK, seeds.get(SeedTypes.ROUGHMASK, 1));
      solved = solver(seedsNext, precomputed);
    RealMatrix result = compare(solved); // result as matrix
    ImageProcessor resultim =
    // cut mask - cut segmentation result by initial ROUGHMASK if present
    if (params.maskLimit == true && seeds.get(SeedTypes.ROUGHMASK) != null) {
      ImageCalculator ic = new ImageCalculator();
      ImagePlus retc = ic.run("and create",
              new ImagePlus("", new BinaryProcessor(
                      (ByteProcessor) seeds.get(SeedTypes.ROUGHMASK, 1).convertToByte(true))),
              new ImagePlus("", new BinaryProcessor((ByteProcessor) resultim)));
      resultim = retc.getProcessor();
    // do final filtering
    if (params.finalFilter != null) {
      return params.finalFilter.filter(resultim.convertToByteProcessor(true));
    } else {
      return resultim.convertToByteProcessor(true);


   * Prepare seeds from results of previous solver.
   * @param solved results from {@link #solver(Seeds, RealMatrix[])}
   * @return new seed taken from previous solution.
   * @throws RandomWalkException on unsupported image or empty seed list after decoding
  private Seeds rollNextSweep(ProbabilityMaps solved) throws RandomWalkException {
    final double weight = 1e20;
    Seeds ret = new Seeds(2);
    RealMatrix solvedWeighted;
    // make copy of input results to weight them
    for (int m = 0; m < solved.get(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS).size(); m++) {
      solvedWeighted = solved.get(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS).get(m).copy();

      // seed_fg = FGl>1e20*BGl
              new MatrixCompareWeighted(solved.get(SeedTypes.BACKGROUND).get(0), weight));

      // convert weighted results to images
      ImageProcessor fg1 =

      if (QuimP.SUPER_DEBUG) { // save intermediate results
        LOGGER.debug("Saving intermediate results");
        String tmpdir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator;
        IJ.saveAsTiff(new ImagePlus("", fg1), tmpdir + "fg1_" + m + "_QuimP.tif");
      // filter them (if we are here intermediate filter can't be null)
      fg1 = params.intermediateFilter.filter(fg1);
      ret.put(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS, fg1);
    // increment sweep pointer to point correct parameters (if they are different for next sweep)
    solvedWeighted = solved.get(SeedTypes.BACKGROUND).get(0).copy();
    // flatten foregrounds to weight background
    double[][] fl = flatten(solved, SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS);
    // seed_bg = BGl>1e20*FGl;
            new MatrixCompareWeighted(MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(fl), weight));
    ImageProcessor bg1 =
    if (QuimP.SUPER_DEBUG) { // save intermediate results
      String tmpdir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator;
      IJ.saveAsTiff(new ImagePlus("", bg1), tmpdir + "bg1_\"+m+\"_QuimP.tif");
    bg1 = params.intermediateFilter.filter(bg1);
    ret.put(SeedTypes.BACKGROUND, bg1);

    return ret;

   * Compare probabilities from and create segmentation matrix depending on winner.
   * @param solved foreground and background seeds. If there is no background seed this procedure
   *        assume probability map of size of foreground filled with 0s
   * @return matrix of size of input image where objects are labelled with constitutive numbers
   *         starting from 1
  RealMatrix compare(ProbabilityMaps solved) {
    double backgroundColorValue = 0.0; // value for fill background
    double[][][] fgmaps3d = solved.convertTo3dMatrix(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS);
    double[][][] bgmaps3d = solved.convertTo3dMatrix(SeedTypes.BACKGROUND);

    if (fgmaps3d == null) {
      return null;
    int rows = fgmaps3d[0].length;
    int cols = fgmaps3d[0][0].length;
    // assume probability of 0 for BG. If there are only FG objects and probability of being FG1 is
    // 0 as well as for FG2, this will impose background
    if (bgmaps3d == null) {
      bgmaps3d = new double[1][rows][cols];
    if (rows == 0 || cols == 0 || rows != bgmaps3d[0].length || cols != bgmaps3d[0][0].length) {
      return null;

    RealMatrix ret = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(rows, cols);

    int[][] fgMaxMap = flattenInd(fgmaps3d);
    int[][] bgMaxMap = flattenInd(bgmaps3d);

    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
      for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        int fi = fgMaxMap[r][c]; // z-index of max element in FG
        int bi = bgMaxMap[r][c]; // z-index of max element in bg
        if (fgmaps3d[fi][r][c] > bgmaps3d[bi][r][c]) { // FG>BG - object
          ret.setEntry(r, c, fi + 1); // set object coded at index z+1 (1-based)
        } else {
          ret.setEntry(r, c, backgroundColorValue); // background
    return ret;


   * Compare values along z dimension for each x,y and return index of max value.
   * @param in matrix to flatten
   * @return 2d matrix of indexes (0-based) of maximal values for each x,y along z
  private int[][] flattenInd(double[][][] in) {
    int rows = in[0].length;
    int cols = in[0][0].length;
    int[][] ret = new int[rows][cols];

    if (in.length == 1) {
      return ret; // just return 0 indexes
    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
      for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        double max = in[0][r][c];
        for (int z = 0; z < in.length; z++) {
          if (in[z][r][c] > max) {
            max = in[z][r][c];
            ret[r][c] = z;
    return ret;

   * Produce 2d matrix of max values taken along z.
   * @param maps maps to flatten to flatten
   * @param key seed key
   * @return 2d matrix of max values (0-based) of maximal values for each x,y along z
  double[][] flatten(ProbabilityMaps maps, SeedTypes key) {
    double[][][] in = maps.convertTo3dMatrix(key);
    if (in == null) {
      return null;
    int rows = in[0].length;
    int cols = in[0][0].length;
    double[][] ret = new double[rows][cols];

    if (in.length == 1) {
      return in[0]; // just return input
    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
      for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        double max = in[0][r][c];
        for (int z = 0; z < in.length; z++) {
          if (in[z][r][c] > max) {
            max = in[z][r][c];
          ret[r][c] = max;
    return ret;

   * Shift image in given direction with step of one and circular boundary conditions.
   * @param input Image to be shifted
   * @param direction Shift direction. This method is adjusted to be compatible with Matlab code
   *        and to keep Matlab naming (rw_laplace4.m) thus the shift direction names are not
   *        adequate to shift direction.
   * @return Copy of input shifted by one pixel in direction.
  RealMatrix circshift(RealMatrix input, int direction) {
    // Routine cuts part of matrix that does not change, paste it into new matrix shifting in given
    // direction and then add missing looped row/column (last or first depending on shift
    // direction).
    double[][] sub; // part of matrix that does no change but is shifted
    int rows = input.getRowDimension(); // cache sizes
    int cols = input.getColumnDimension();
    Array2DRowRealMatrix out = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(rows, cols); // output matrix, shifted
    switch (direction) {
      case BOTTOM:
        // rotated right - last column become first
        // cut submatrix from first column to before last
        sub = new double[rows][cols - 1];
        input.copySubMatrix(0, rows - 1, 0, cols - 2, sub); // cols-2 - cols is size not last ind
        // create new matrix - paste submatrix but shifted right
        out.setSubMatrix(sub, 0, 1);
        // copy last column to first
        out.setColumnVector(0, input.getColumnVector(cols - 1));
      case TOP:
        // rotated left - first column become last
        // cut submatrix from second column to last
        sub = new double[rows][cols - 1];
        input.copySubMatrix(0, rows - 1, 1, cols - 1, sub);
        // create new matrix - paste submatrix but shifted right
        out.setSubMatrix(sub, 0, 0);
        // copy first column to last
        out.setColumnVector(cols - 1, input.getColumnVector(0));
      case RIGHT:
        // rotated top - first row become last
        // cut submatrix from second row to last
        sub = new double[rows - 1][cols];
        input.copySubMatrix(1, rows - 1, 0, cols - 1, sub);
        // create new matrix - paste submatrix but shifted up
        out.setSubMatrix(sub, 0, 0);
        // copy first row to last
        out.setRowVector(rows - 1, input.getRowVector(0));
      case LEFT:
        // rotated bottom - last row become first
        // cut submatrix from first row to before last
        sub = new double[rows - 1][cols];
        input.copySubMatrix(0, rows - 2, 0, cols - 1, sub);
        // create new matrix - paste submatrix but shifted up
        out.setSubMatrix(sub, 1, 0);
        // copy last row to first
        out.setRowVector(0, input.getRowVector(rows - 1));
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("circshift: Unknown direction");
    return out;

   * Compute (a-b)^2.
   * @param a left operand
   * @param b right operand
   * @return Image (a-b).^2
  RealMatrix getSqrdDiffIntensity(RealMatrix a, RealMatrix b) {
    RealMatrix s = a.subtract(b);
    s.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixElementPower());
    return s;

   * Pre-compute normalised gradient matrices.
   * <p>This computes squared intensity differences.These correspond to horizontal and vertical
   * gradients assuming distance of one between pixels.
   * @return Array of precomputed data in the following order: [0] - gRight2 [1] - gTop2 [2] -
   *         gLeft2 [3] - gBottom2
  private RealMatrix[] precomputeGradients() {
    // setup shifted images assuming shift of one pixel and periodic boundary conditions.
    RealMatrix right = circshift(image, RIGHT);
    RealMatrix top = circshift(image, TOP);
    // compute squared intensity differences (a-b).^2
    RealMatrix gradRight2 = getSqrdDiffIntensity(image, right);
    RealMatrix gradTop2 = getSqrdDiffIntensity(image, top);
    // compute maximum of horizontal and vertical intensity gradients (for normalization)
    double maxGright2 = QuimPArrayUtils.getMax(gradRight2);
    LOGGER.debug("maxGright2 " + maxGright2);
    double maxGtop2 = QuimPArrayUtils.getMax(gradTop2);
    LOGGER.debug("maxGtop2 " + maxGtop2);
    // find maximum of horizontal and vertical maxima
    double maxGrad2 = maxGright2 > maxGtop2 ? maxGright2 : maxGtop2;
    LOGGER.debug("maxGrad2max " + maxGrad2);
    if (maxGrad2 == 0) {
      maxGrad2 = 1.0;
    // Normalize squared gradients to maxGrad
    gradRight2.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixElementDivide(maxGrad2));
    gradTop2.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixElementDivide(maxGrad2));
    // assign outputs
    RealMatrix[] out = new RealMatrix[4];
    // get remaining directions - use already normalized squared gradients
    RealMatrix gradLeft2 = circshift(gradRight2, LEFT);
    out[2] = gradLeft2;
    RealMatrix gradBottom2 = circshift(gradTop2, BOTTOM);
    out[3] = gradBottom2;
    out[0] = gradRight2;
    out[1] = gradTop2;

    return out;

   * Compute mean value from image only seeded pixels.
   * @param seeds coordinates of points used to calculate their mean intensity
   * @return mean value for points
   * @see Seeds#convertToList(SeedTypes)
  protected double getMeanSeedGlobal(List<Point> seeds) {
    return StatUtils.mean(getValues(image, seeds).getDataRef());

   * Calculate local mean intensity for input image but only for areas masked by specified mask.
   * <p>The mean over segmented image intensity is evaluated within square window of configurable
   * size and only for those pixels that are masked by binary mask given to this method. Mean is
   * calculated respectfully to the number of masked pixels within window. Window is moved over the
   * whole image.
   * <p>This method works similarly to the convolution with the difference that the kernel is
   * normalised for each position of the window to the number of masked pixels (within it). If for
   * any position of the window there are no masked pixels inside, value 0.0 is set as result.
   * @param mask Binary mask of segmented image. Mask must contain only pixels with intensity 0 or
   *        255 (according to definition of binary image in IJ)
   * @param localMeanMaskSize Odd size of kernel
   * @return Averaged image. Average is computed for every location of the kernel for its center
   *         utlising only masked pixels. For not masked pixels the mean is set to 0.0
  protected RealMatrix getMeanSeedLocal(ImageProcessor mask, int localMeanMaskSize) {
    // IJ convolution is utilised. Computations are done twice, first time only on mask to get the
    // number of masked pixels covered by it for each image pixel
    // second time for segmented image to get sum of intensities within the kernel.
    // in both cases kernels are normalised (default behaviour of ImageProcessor.convolve) but then
    // "denormalised" by multiplying by their size. Kernels are 1-filled.
    if (localMeanMaskSize % 2 == 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Kernel sie must be odd");
    // must be binary as we later assume that mx intensity is 255 (like in IJ binary images)
    if (!mask.isBinary()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mask must be binary");
    if (mask.getWidth() != ip.getWidth() || mask.getHeight() != ip.getHeight()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mask must have size of processed image");
    ImageProcessor maskc = mask.duplicate(); // local copy of mask to not modify it
    maskc.subtract(254); // if it is IJ binary it contains [0,255], scale to 0 - 1.0
    // make mask copy for getting number of pixels in mask for each position of kernel
    ImageProcessor numofpix = maskc.duplicate();

    // generate 1-filled kernel of given size
    float[] kernel = new float[localMeanMaskSize * localMeanMaskSize];
    Arrays.fill(kernel, 1.0f);
    // get number of mask pixesl for ach position of kernel
    numofpix = maskc.convertToFloat(); // must convert here
    numofpix.convolve(kernel, localMeanMaskSize, localMeanMaskSize);
    numofpix.multiply(kernel.length); // convolution normalises kernel - revert it 1)
    // cut to mask - mulitply by 1.0 mask - reject pixels that are not masked
    numofpix = new ImageCalculator()
            .run("mul create", new ImagePlus("", numofpix), new ImagePlus("", maskc))

    // get sum of intensities within the kernel for segmented image
    // cut image to input mask - set all other pixels to 0. Must be done here to not count nonmasked
    // pixels
    ImageProcessor cutImage = new ImageCalculator()
            .run("mul create float", new ImagePlus("", ip), new ImagePlus("", maskc))
    // convolve cut image
    cutImage.convolve(kernel, localMeanMaskSize, localMeanMaskSize);
    cutImage.multiply(kernel.length); // denormalise result
    // deal with edges of image after convolution - remove them
    cutImage = new ImageCalculator()
            .run("mul create float", new ImagePlus("", cutImage), new ImagePlus("", maskc))
    // rounding floats to integer values - convolution works for float images only
    float[] cutImageRaw = (float[]) cutImage.getPixels();
    for (int i = 0; i < cutImage.getPixelCount(); i++) {
      cutImageRaw[i] = Math.round(cutImageRaw[i]);
    float[] numofpixRaw = (float[]) numofpix.getPixels();
    for (int i = 0; i < numofpix.getPixelCount(); i++) {
      numofpixRaw[i] = Math.round(numofpixRaw[i]);
    // proper mean - use only pixels inside mask. we use cutImageRaw that contains sums of
    // intensities for each location of kernel and numofpixRaw that contains number of masked pixels
    RealMatrix meanseedFg = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(cutImage.getHeight(), cutImage.getWidth());
    int count = 0;
    for (int r = 0; r < cutImage.getHeight(); r++) {
      for (int c = 0; c < cutImage.getWidth(); c++) {
        if (numofpix.getPixelValue(c, r) != 0) { // skip 0 pixels to not divide by 0
          meanseedFg.setEntry(r, c, ((double) cutImageRaw[count] / numofpixRaw[count]));
        } else {
          meanseedFg.setEntry(r, c, 0.0); // if no pixels in mask for current r,c - set mean to 0

    if (QuimP.SUPER_DEBUG) { // save intermediate results
      LOGGER.debug("Saving intermediate results");
      String tmpdir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator;
      IJ.saveAsTiff(new ImagePlus("", numofpix), tmpdir + "maskc_QuimP.tif");
      IJ.saveAsTiff(new ImagePlus("", cutImage), tmpdir + "imagecc_QuimP.tif");
      IJ.saveAsTiff(new ImagePlus("", QuimPArrayUtils.realMatrix2ImageProcessor(meanseedFg)),
              tmpdir + "meanseedFg_QuimP.tif");
      LOGGER.trace("meanseedFg M[183;289] " + meanseedFg.getEntry(183 - 1, 289 - 1));
      LOGGER.trace("meanseedFg M[242;392] " + meanseedFg.getEntry(242 - 1, 392 - 1));
      LOGGER.trace("cutImage M[192;279] " + cutImage.getPixelValue(279 - 1, 192 - 1));
    return meanseedFg;

   * //!>
   * @startuml doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_5_UML.png
   * start
   * :Convert seeds to coordinates;
   * :Combine FG and BG maps together;
   * repeat :solve for object **i**
   * :Set object **i** as FG;
   * :Set all other objects as BG;
   * if (local mean?) then (yes)
   *  :compute **local** mean for **FG**;
   *  note left
   *  Result is an image
   *  end note
   *  :compute **global** mean for **BG**;
   *  note left
   *  Result is a number
   *  end note
   *  :subtract FG and BG means\nfrom image;
   * else (no)
   *  :compute **global** mean for **FG**;
   *  :compute **global** mean for **BG**;
   *  :subtract FG and BG means\nfrom image;
   * endif
   * -> Here we have Image-meanseed;
   * :compute normalised\n""(Image-meanseed).^2"";
   * note left
   * Square ""Image-meanseed"" and
   * normalise to maximal theoretical
   * intensity value
   * end note
   * :compute weights;
   * note right
   * Based on intensity of
   * pixels in stencil and 
   * intensity gradient
   * end note
   * :compute average of weights;
   * note left
   * Separately for horizontal
   * and vertical differences.
   * Used later for equalising
   * grid
   * end note
   * :compute diffusion constant;
   * note left
   * To obey stability
   * criterion
   * end note
   * :compute averaged weights;
   * note right
   * Equalising differentiation
   * grid.
   * end note
   * :compute FG;
   * note left
   * Solving Laplace equation
   * by Euler method (loop, number of iter
   * depends on sweep number)
   * end note
   * :Store map;
   * note right
   * Generally algorithm assumes that 
   * last map is BG and can detect it 
   * and store under proper key in Seeds
   * end note
   * repeat while (more objects?)
   * stop
   * @enduml
   * //!<
   * Run Random Walk segmentation.
   * <p>The activity diagram for solver is as follows:
   * <img src="doc-files/RandomWalkSegmentation_5_UML.png"/><br>
   * <p>Note 1: that solver treats FG and BG seeds like equal objects. There is no difference
   * between foreground and background seeds.
   * <p>Note 2:number of iterations for BG object is limited to maximum number of iterations that
   * occurred for FG objects.
   * @param seeds seed array returned from {@link SeedProcessor}
   * @param gradients pre-computed gradients returned from {@link #precomputeGradients()}
   * @return Computed probabilities for background and foreground. Returned structure can be also
   *         empty if there are not FG seeds provided on input (no FG map in {@link Seeds}) or may
   *         not contain BG map.
  protected ProbabilityMaps solver(Seeds seeds, RealMatrix[] gradients) {
    ImageStack debugPm = null;
    RealMatrix diffIfg = null; // normalised squared differences to mean seed intensities for FG
    // store number of iterations performed for each object. These numbers are used for stopping
    // iterations earlier for background object
    ArrayList<Integer> iterations = new ArrayList<>();

    ProbabilityMaps ret = new ProbabilityMaps(); // keep output probab map for each object

    if (seeds.get(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS) == null) { // if no FG maps (e.g. all disappeared)
      return ret;
    // seed images as list of points
    List<List<Point>> seedsPointsFg = seeds.convertToList(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS);
    // user selected background (it is solved like other objects but e.g. local mean does not apply
    // for it so we need to know what was selected by user as background). There is possible
    // that there will be no BCK key, if input is given as GraySclale image
    List<List<Point>> userBckPoints = seeds.convertToList(SeedTypes.BACKGROUND);
    // add background at the end - it will be solved as regular object
    // background points used in conjunction with current foreground. Background points are all
    // other points which are not current foreground (e.g. other cells + user background, or all
    // cells if we solve for user background)
    List<List<Point>> seedsPointsBg = new ArrayList<>();

    // solve problem for each label in FOREGROUNDS, other labels (if any) are merged with BACKGROUND
    for (int cell = 0; cell < seedsPointsFg.size(); cell++) { // over each seed label
      // some maps for FOREGROUNDS key can be empty, so lists will be too. Note that decodeSeeds
      // throw exception when all maps for specified key are empty. Other situations are allowed.
      if (seedsPointsFg.get(cell).isEmpty()) {
      // make copy of objects seeds - need of removing current one and integrate remaining with bck
      ArrayList<List<Point>> tmpSeedsPointsFg = new ArrayList<List<Point>>(seedsPointsFg);
      tmpSeedsPointsFg.remove(cell); // remove current object seed
      // clear Bg, it always contains all objects except current (seedsPointsFg[cell])
      seedsPointsBg.addAll(tmpSeedsPointsFg); // add all remaining foregrounds to current bck

      // decide whether to use local mean or global mean. Local mean is computed within square mask
      // of configurable size whereas the global mean is a mean intensity of all seeded pixels.
      // Local mean evaluated only for FG objects.
      if (params.useLocalMean && seeds.get(SeedTypes.ROUGHMASK) != null
              && !userBckPoints.contains(seedsPointsFg.get(cell))) { // skip BG object
        RealMatrix localMeanFg =
                getMeanSeedLocal(seeds.get(SeedTypes.ROUGHMASK, 1), params.localMeanMaskSize);
        diffIfg = image.subtract(localMeanFg);
      } else { // global for whole seeds
        // compute intensity means for image points labelled by seeds
        double meanseed = getMeanSeedGlobal(seedsPointsFg.get(cell));
        LOGGER.debug("meanseed_fg=" + meanseed);
        // compute normalised squared differences to mean seed intensities (Image-meanseed).^2
        diffIfg = image.scalarAdd(-meanseed);
      // normalize (Image-meanseed).^2 to maximal (theoretical) value which is 255^2 for 8-bit
      // images. Have it as private field as we support 16 images as well
      diffIfg.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixElementPowerDiv(maxTheoreticalIntSqr));
      LOGGER.trace("fseeds size: " + seedsPointsFg.get(cell).size());
      LOGGER.trace("bseeds size: " + seedsPointsBg.stream().mapToInt(p -> p.size()).sum());

      // compute weights for diffusion in all four directions, dependent on local gradients and
      // differences to mean intensities of seeds, for FG maps
      Array2DRowRealMatrix wrfg = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) computeweights(diffIfg, gradients[0]);
      Array2DRowRealMatrix wlfg = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) computeweights(diffIfg, gradients[2]);
      Array2DRowRealMatrix wtfg = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) computeweights(diffIfg, gradients[1]);
      Array2DRowRealMatrix wbfg = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) computeweights(diffIfg, gradients[3]);

      // compute averaged weights, left/right and top/bottom used when computing second spatial
      // derivative from first one, avgwx_fg = 0.5*(wl_fg+wr_fg) - for FG
      RealMatrix avgwxfg = wlfg.add(wrfg); // wl_fg+wr_fg - (left+right)
      avgwxfg.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixElementMultiply(0.5)); // 0.5*(wl_fg+wr_fg)
      RealMatrix avgwyfg = wtfg.add(wbfg); // wt_fg+wb_fg - (top+bottom)
      avgwyfg.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixElementMultiply(0.5)); // 0.5*(wt_fg+wb_fg)

      // Compute diffusion coefficient that will obey stability criterion
      double diffusion = getDiffusionConst(wrfg, wlfg, wtfg, wbfg, avgwxfg, avgwyfg);
      LOGGER.debug("D=" + diffusion);

      // get average "distance" between weights multiplying w = w.*avgw, this is only for
      // optimisation purposes.
      // does not apply for FG if we use local mean, applied for BG always (better results)
      if (params.useLocalMean == false || userBckPoints.contains(seedsPointsFg.get(cell))) {
        wrfg.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixDotProduct(avgwxfg));
        wlfg.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixDotProduct(avgwxfg));
        wtfg.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixDotProduct(avgwyfg));
        wbfg.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixDotProduct(avgwyfg));

      // initialize FG probability maps, they are outputs from this routine
      Array2DRowRealMatrix fg =
              new Array2DRowRealMatrix(image.getRowDimension(), image.getColumnDimension());
      // this temporary array will keep solution from n-1 iteration used for computing rel error
      double[][] tmpFglast2d = new double[image.getRowDimension()][image.getColumnDimension()];

      // dereferencing arrays, all computations are done on underlying [][] arrays but not on
      // RelaMatrix objects, optimisation again
      double[][] wrfg2d = wrfg.getDataRef(); // weight to right for FG
      double[][] wlfg2d = wlfg.getDataRef(); // weight to left for FG
      double[][] wtfg2d = wtfg.getDataRef(); // weight to top for FG
      double[][] wbfg2d = wbfg.getDataRef(); // weight to bottom for FG

      double[][] fg2d = fg.getDataRef(); // reference to FG probabilities

      StoppedBy stoppedReason = StoppedBy.ITERATIONS; // default assumption
      int i; // iteration counter
      // compute correct number of iterations. Second sweep uses 0.5*user
      int iter;
      // use less iterations when diffuse background. Background needs much more iterations to reach
      // specified relError and after weighting it dominates leaving only original object seed as
      // segmented object. Here we stop segmenting background after certain number of iterations but
      // not relErr. This is how we have it solved in MAtlab
      if (true && (userBckPoints.contains(seedsPointsFg.get(cell)) && iterations.size() > 0)) {
        // just use average of iters for BCK
        iter = iterations.stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).max().getAsInt();
        // FIXME This can be disabled, then BCK will need more iterations but sometimes results are
        // better
        // potential pitfall is if user mark BG far from cell, then small number of iters is not
        // enough to flood whole background (but it will work because during comparison bck is on 0
        // and FG segmentation rather does not leave object
        iter /= (currentSweep + 1);
      } else { // object - use specified number of iters
        iter = params.iter / (currentSweep + 1);
      // main loop here we simulate diffusion process in time
      outerloop: for (i = 0; i < iter; i++) {
        if (i % relErrStep == 0) {
          LOGGER.info("Iter: " + i);
        } else {
          LOGGER.trace("Iter: " + i);
        // fill seed pixels explicitly with probability 1 for FG and BG
        ArrayRealVector tmp = new ArrayRealVector(1); // filled with 0, setValues() needs that input
        double[] tmpref = tmp.getDataRef(); // just get reference to underlying array
        // set probability to 0 of being FG for BG seeds and vice versa
        for (List<Point> b : seedsPointsBg) {
          setValues(fg, b, tmp); // set 0 all seed pixel currently considered as BG
        // set probability to 1 for of being FG for FG seeds and vice versa
        tmpref[0] = 1;
        setValues(fg, seedsPointsFg.get(cell), tmp); // set 1
        tmp = null;

        // ------------------- Computation of FG map ----------------------------------------------
        // groups for long term for FG. Get all four neighbours to current pixel
        Array2DRowRealMatrix fgcircright = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) circshift(fg, RIGHT);
        Array2DRowRealMatrix fgcircleft = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) circshift(fg, LEFT);
        Array2DRowRealMatrix fgcirctop = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) circshift(fg, TOP);
        Array2DRowRealMatrix fgcircbottom = (Array2DRowRealMatrix) circshift(fg, BOTTOM);

        // extract required references from RealMatrix objects.
        double[][] fgcircright2d = fgcircright.getDataRef(); // reference to FG prob shifted right
        double[][] fgcircleft2d = fgcircleft.getDataRef(); // reference to FG probab. shifted left
        double[][] fgcirctop2d = fgcirctop.getDataRef(); // reference to FG probab. shifted top
        double[][] fgcircbottom2d = fgcircbottom.getDataRef(); // reference to FG prob. shifted bot

        AtomicInteger at = new AtomicInteger(stoppedReason.getValue());
        // Traverse all pixels in FG map and update them according to diffusion from 4 neighbours of
        // each pixel
        int nrows = fg.getRowDimension();
        int ncols = fg.getColumnDimension();
        IntStream.range(0, nrows * ncols).parallel().forEach(ii -> {
          int c = ii % ncols;
          int r = ii / ncols;
          fg2d[r][c] += params.dt * (diffusion * (((fgcircright2d[r][c] - fg2d[r][c]) / wrfg2d[r][c]
                  - (fg2d[r][c] - fgcircleft2d[r][c]) / wlfg2d[r][c])
                  + ((fgcirctop2d[r][c] - fg2d[r][c]) / wtfg2d[r][c]
                          - (fg2d[r][c] - fgcircbottom2d[r][c]) / wbfg2d[r][c])));
          // - params.gamma[currentSweep] * fg2d[r][c] * bg2d[r][c] - disabled
          // validate numerical quality. This flags will stop iterations (break outerloop) but
          // after updating all pixels in FG maps
          if (Double.isNaN(fg2d[r][c])) { // if at least one NaN in solution
          if (Double.isInfinite(fg2d[r][c])) { // or Inf (will overwrite previous flag of course)

        // Test state of the flag. Stop iteration if there is NaN or Inf. Iterations are stopped
        // after full looping over FG maps.
        if (stoppedReason == StoppedBy.NANS || stoppedReason == StoppedBy.INFS) {
          break outerloop;
        // check error every relErrStep number of iterations
        if ((i + 1) % relErrStep == 0) {
          double rele = computeRelErr(tmpFglast2d, fg2d);
          LOGGER.info("Relative error for object " + cell + " = " + rele);
          if (rele < params.relim[currentSweep]) {
            stoppedReason = StoppedBy.RELERR;
            // store number of iters for object, required for limiting iterations for BCK
            if (!userBckPoints.contains(seedsPointsFg.get(cell))) {
            break outerloop;
        // store probabilities over iterations
        if (QuimP.SUPER_DEBUG) {
          debugPm =
                  (debugPm == null) ? new ImageStack(fg.getColumnDimension(), fg.getRowDimension())
                          : debugPm;
          if (i > 1000) {
            if (i % 50 == 0) {
          } else {
        // remember FG map for this iteration to use it to compute relative error in next iteration
        QuimPArrayUtils.copy2darray(fg2d, tmpFglast2d);
      } // iter
      LOGGER.info("Sweep " + currentSweep + " for object " + cell + " stopped by " + stoppedReason
              + " after " + i + " iteration from " + iter);
      if (userBckPoints.contains(seedsPointsFg.get(cell))) { // we processed background seeds
        ret.put(SeedTypes.BACKGROUND, fg); // store it in separate key - needed for proper compar.
      } else {
        ret.put(SeedTypes.FOREGROUNDS, fg);
      // save stack of probability maps (over iterations) for each processed object separately
      if (QuimP.SUPER_DEBUG) {
        if (debugPm != null) {
          ImagePlus debugIm = new ImagePlus("debug", debugPm);
          String tmp = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
          Path p = Paths.get(tmp, "Rw_ProbMap-cell_" + cell);
          IJ.saveAsTiff(debugIm, p.toString());
          debugPm = null; // next object
    } // cell
    return ret;

   * Compute relative error between current foreground and foreground from previous iteration.
   * <p>Assumes that both matrixes have the same size and they are regular arrays.
   * @param fglast foreground matrix from previous iteration
   * @param fg current foreground
   * @return relative mean error sum[2* |fg - fglast|/(fg + fglast)]/numofel
  double computeRelErr(double[][] fglast, double[][] fg) {
    int rows = fglast.length;
    int cols = fglast[0].length;
    double rel = 0; // result to sum up
    double tmp = 0; // temporary - current element
    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) { // iterate over every element
      for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
        double denominator = fg[r][c] + fglast[r][c]; // compute denominator
        if (denominator == 0.0) { // not divide by 0
          tmp = 0.0;
        } else { // get relative error
          tmp = 2 * Math.abs(fg[r][c] - fglast[r][c]) / denominator;
        rel += tmp; // sum it up to get mean at the end
    double rele = rel / (rows * cols);
    return rele; // return mean error

   * Compute diffusion weights using difference to mean intensity and gradient.
   * @param diffI2 normalized squared differences to mean seed intensities
   * @param grad2 normalized the squared gradients by the maximum gradient
   * @return wr_fg = exp(alpha*diffI2 + beta*grad2);
  private RealMatrix computeweights(RealMatrix diffI2, RealMatrix grad2) {
    double alpha = params.alpha; // user provided segmentation parameter
    double beta = params.beta; // user provided segmentation parameter
    double[][] diffI2d; // temporary references to intensity to mean values
    double[][] grad22d; // and gradient
    // convert RealMatrix to 2D array, approach depends on the RealMatrix type (see RealMatrix doc)
    if (diffI2 instanceof Array2DRowRealMatrix) {
      diffI2d = ((Array2DRowRealMatrix) diffI2).getDataRef();
    } else {
      diffI2d = diffI2.getData();
    if (grad2 instanceof Array2DRowRealMatrix) {
      grad22d = ((Array2DRowRealMatrix) grad2).getDataRef();
    } else {
      grad22d = grad2.getData();
    Array2DRowRealMatrix w =
            new Array2DRowRealMatrix(diffI2.getRowDimension(), diffI2.getColumnDimension()); // out
    double[][] w2d = w.getDataRef(); // reference of w to skip get/set element from RealMatrix
    // calculate weights
    for (int r = 0; r < diffI2.getRowDimension(); r++) {
      for (int c = 0; c < diffI2.getColumnDimension(); c++) {
        w2d[r][c] = Math.exp(diffI2d[r][c] * alpha + grad22d[r][c] * beta);

    return w;

   * Multiply two matrices (element by element) and return minimum value from result.
   * @param a left operand (matrix)
   * @param b right operand (matrix of size of left operand)
   * @return min(a.*b)
   * @see #getDiffusionConst(RealMatrix, RealMatrix, RealMatrix, RealMatrix, RealMatrix, RealMatrix)
  private double getMinofDotProduct(RealMatrix a, RealMatrix b) {
    RealMatrix cp = a.copy();
    cp.walkInOptimizedOrder(new MatrixDotProduct(b));
    return QuimPArrayUtils.getMin(cp);

   * Compute diffusion constant that obeys stability criterion.
   * <p>Diffusion constant that meets CFL stability criterion (when solving Euler scheme):
   * D*dt/(dx^2) should be <<1/4
   * It is computed in the following way:
   * <pre>
   * <code>
   * drl2 = min ( min(min (wr_fg.*avgwx_fg)) , min(min (wl_fg.*avgwx_fg)) );
   * dtb2 = min ( min(min (wt_fg.*avgwy_fg)) , min(min (wb_fg.*avgwy_fg)) );
   * D=0.25*min(drl2,dtb2);
   * </code>
   * </pre>
   * @param wrfg weights for diffusion in right direction
   * @param wlfg weights for diffusion in left direction
   * @param wtfg weights for diffusion in top direction
   * @param wbfg weights for diffusion in bottom direction
   * @param avgwxfg averaged left -- right weights
   * @param avgwyfg averaged bottom -- top weights
   * @return diffusion constant that obeys stability criterion
  private double getDiffusionConst(RealMatrix wrfg, RealMatrix wlfg, RealMatrix wtfg,
          RealMatrix wbfg, RealMatrix avgwxfg, RealMatrix avgwyfg) {
    // diffusion constant along x
    double tmp1 = getMinofDotProduct(wrfg, avgwxfg); // min(wrfg .* avgwxfg)
    double tmp2 = getMinofDotProduct(wlfg, avgwxfg); // min(wlfg .* avgwxfg)
    double drl2 = tmp1 < tmp2 ? tmp1 : tmp2; // min(tmp1,tmp2)
    // diffusion constant along y
    tmp1 = getMinofDotProduct(wtfg, avgwyfg); // min(wtfg .* avgwyfg)
    tmp2 = getMinofDotProduct(wbfg, avgwyfg); // min(wbfg .* avgwyfg)
    double dtb2 = tmp1 < tmp2 ? tmp1 : tmp2; // min(tmp1,tmp2)
    double diffusion = drl2 < dtb2 ? drl2 : dtb2; // D = min(drl2,dtb2)
    diffusion *= 0.25; // D = 0.25*min(drl2,dtb2)
    LOGGER.debug("drl2=" + drl2 + " dtb2=" + dtb2);
    return diffusion;

   * Set maximum theoretical squared intensity depending on image type.
   * @param ip segmented image.
  private void setMaxTheoreticalIntSqr(ImageProcessor ip) {
    switch (ip.getBitDepth()) {
      case 16:
        maxTheoreticalIntSqr = 65535 * 65535;
      case 8:
        maxTheoreticalIntSqr = 255 * 255; // default in case of RealMatrix on input

   * Return values from in matrix that are on indexes ind.
   * @param in Input matrix 2D
   * @param ind List of indexes
   * @return Values that are on indexes ind
  ArrayRealVector getValues(RealMatrix in, List<Point> ind) {
    ArrayRealVector out = new ArrayRealVector(ind.size());
    int l = 0;
    for (Point p : ind) {
      out.setEntry(l++, in.getEntry(p.row, p.col));
    return out;

   * Set values from val on indexes ind in array in.
   * @param in Input matrix. Will be modified
   * @param ind List of indexes
   * @param val List of values, length must be the same as ind or 1
  void setValues(RealMatrix in, List<Point> ind, ArrayRealVector val) {
    if (ind.size() != val.getDimension() && val.getDimension() != 1) {
      throw new InvalidParameterException(
              "Vector with data must contain 1 element or the same as indexes");
    int delta; // step we move in val across elements, can be 1 or 0
    int l = 0; // will point current element in val
    if (val.getDimension() == 1) {
      delta = 0; // still point to the same element (because it is only one)
    } else {
      delta = 1; // move to the next one
    for (Point p : ind) { // iterate over points to fill with values val
      in.setEntry(p.row, p.col, val.getDataRef()[l]);
      l += delta; // skip to next value (points are iterated in for)

   * Return probability maps for each object (foreground is last). Valid after running the plugin.
   * @return probability maps
  public ProbabilityMaps getProbabilityMaps() {
    return solved;

   * Sub and then div in-place this matrix and another.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixDotSubDiv implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

    /** The sub. */
    RealMatrix sub;

    /** The div. */
    RealMatrix div;

     * Instantiates a new matrix dot sub div.
     * @param sub the sub
     * @param div the div
    public MatrixDotSubDiv(RealMatrix sub, RealMatrix div) {
      this.sub = sub;
      this.div = div;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#visit(int, int, double)
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {

      return (arg2 - sub.getEntry(arg0, arg1)) / div.getEntry(arg0, arg1);


   * Perform element-wise multiplication by value (.*val in Matlab). Done in-place.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixElementMultiply implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

    /** The multiplier. */
    private double multiplier;

     * Assign multiplier.
     * @param d multiplier
    MatrixElementMultiply(double d) {
      this.multiplier = d;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {

     * Multiply entry by value.
     * @param arg0 the arg 0
     * @param arg1 the arg 1
     * @param arg2 the arg 2
     * @return the double
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      return arg2 * multiplier;


   * Perform element-wise division by value (./val in Matlab). Done in-place.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixElementDivide implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

    /** The div. */
    private double div;

     * Assign multiplier.
     * @param d multiplier
    MatrixElementDivide(double d) {
      this.div = d;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {

     * Multiply entry by value.
     * @param arg0 the arg 0
     * @param arg1 the arg 1
     * @param arg2 the arg 2
     * @return the double
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      return arg2 / div;


   * Perform element-wise exp. Done in-place.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixElementExp implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#visit(int, int, double)
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      return Math.exp(arg2);


   * Perform element-wise power (.^2 in Matlab). Done in-place.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixElementPower implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {

     * Multiply entry by itself.
     * @param arg0 the arg 0
     * @param arg1 the arg 1
     * @param arg2 the arg 2
     * @return the double
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      return arg2 * arg2;

   * Multiply in-place this matrix by another.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixDotProduct implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

    /** The matrix. */
    RealMatrix matrix;

     * Instantiates a new matrix dot product.
     * @param m the m
    public MatrixDotProduct(RealMatrix m) {
      this.matrix = m;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {
      if (matrix.getColumnDimension() != arg1 || matrix.getRowDimension() != arg0) {
        throw new MatrixDimensionMismatchException(matrix.getRowDimension(),
                matrix.getColumnDimension(), arg0, arg1);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#visit(int, int, double)
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {

      return arg2 * matrix.getEntry(arg0, arg1);


   * Divide in-place this matrix by another.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixDotDiv implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

    /** The matrix. */
    RealMatrix matrix;

     * Instantiates a new matrix dot div.
     * @param m the m
    public MatrixDotDiv(RealMatrix m) {
      this.matrix = m;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {
      if (matrix.getColumnDimension() != arg1 || matrix.getRowDimension() != arg0) {
        throw new MatrixDimensionMismatchException(matrix.getRowDimension(),
                matrix.getColumnDimension(), arg0, arg1);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#visit(int, int, double)
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      return arg2 / matrix.getEntry(arg0, arg1);


   * Divide matrix by matrix (element by element) setting 0 to result if divider is 0. Prevent NaNs.
   * <p>It performs the operation:
   * <pre>
   * <code>
   * A = [....];
   * B = [....];
   * R = A./B;
   * R(isnan(R)) = 0;
   * </code>
   * </pre>
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixDotDivN extends MatrixDotDiv {

     * Instantiates a new matrix dot div N.
     * @param m the m
    public MatrixDotDivN(RealMatrix m) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.randomwalk.RandomWalkSegmentation.MatrixDotDiv#visit(
     * int, int, double)
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      double entry = matrix.getEntry(arg0, arg1);
      if (entry != 0.0) {
        return arg2 / matrix.getEntry(arg0, arg1);
      } else {
        return 0.0;

   * Perform operation this = this>d*matrix?1:0.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixCompareWeighted implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

    /** The matrix. */
    RealMatrix matrix;

    /** The weight. */
    double weight;

     * Instantiates a new matrix compare weighted.
     * @param matrix the matrix
     * @param weight the weight
    public MatrixCompareWeighted(RealMatrix matrix, double weight) {
      this.matrix = matrix;
      this.weight = weight;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {
      if (matrix.getColumnDimension() != arg1 || matrix.getRowDimension() != arg0) {
        throw new MatrixDimensionMismatchException(matrix.getRowDimension(),
                matrix.getColumnDimension(), arg0, arg1);

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#visit(int, int, double)
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      if (arg2 > matrix.getEntry(arg0, arg1) * weight) {
        return 1.0;
      } else {
        return 0.0;


   * Add in-place this matrix to another.
   * <p>src/test/Resources-static/Matlab/rw_laplace4_java_base.m This is source file of segmentation
   * in Matlab that was a base for RandomWalkSegmentation Implementation
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixDotAdd implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

    /** The matrix. */
    RealMatrix matrix;

     * Instantiates a new matrix dot add.
     * @param m the m
    public MatrixDotAdd(RealMatrix m) {
      this.matrix = m;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {
      if (matrix.getColumnDimension() != arg1 || matrix.getRowDimension() != arg0) {
        throw new MatrixDimensionMismatchException(matrix.getRowDimension(),
                matrix.getColumnDimension(), arg0, arg1);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#visit(int, int, double)
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      return arg2 + matrix.getEntry(arg0, arg1);


   * Sub in-place this matrix to another.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixDotSub implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

     * Example src/test/Resources-static/Matlab/rw_laplace4_java_base.m This is source file of
     * segmentation in Matlab that was a base for RandomWalkSegmentation Implementation.
    RealMatrix matrix;

     * Instantiates a new matrix dot sub.
     * @param m the m
    public MatrixDotSub(RealMatrix m) {
      this.matrix = m;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {
      if (matrix.getColumnDimension() != arg1 || matrix.getRowDimension() != arg0) {
        throw new MatrixDimensionMismatchException(matrix.getRowDimension(),
                matrix.getColumnDimension(), arg0, arg1);


     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#visit(int, int, double)
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      return arg2 - matrix.getEntry(arg0, arg1);


   * Perform element-wise power (.^2 in Matlab) and then divide by val. Done in-place.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  static class MatrixElementPowerDiv implements RealMatrixChangingVisitor {

    /** The val. */
    double val;

     * Instantiates a new matrix element power div.
     * @param val the val
    public MatrixElementPowerDiv(double val) {
      this.val = val;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#end()
    public double end() {
      return 0;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrixChangingVisitor#start(int, int, int, int, int,
     * int)
    public void start(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5) {

     * Multiply entry by itself.
     * @param arg0 the arg 0
     * @param arg1 the arg 1
     * @param arg2 the arg 2
     * @return the double
    public double visit(int arg0, int arg1, double arg2) {
      return (arg2 * arg2) / val;
