
package com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.utils;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Choice;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.Label;
import java.awt.Panel;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JSpinner;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.ParamList;

 * Simple window builder for QuimP plugins
 * <p>Allow user to construct simple window for his plugins just by passing textual description of
 * what
 * that window should contain.
 * <p>Main function (BuildWindow) accepts HashMap with pairs [name,params] where name is unique name
 * of
 * the parameter and params defines how this parameter will be displayed in UI (see
 * BuildWindow(final ParamList)). Using this mapping there is next list ui created that contains
 * the same names but now joined with UI components. This list is used for addressing these
 * component basing on theirs names. The UI controls are stored at ui which is protected and
 * may be used for influencing these controls by user. To identify certain UI control its name is
 * required which is the string passed as first dimension of def definition passed to to
 * BuildWindow method. Below code shows how to change property of control
 * <pre>
 * <code>
 * String key = "paramname"; // case insensitive JSpinner comp = (JSpinner)
 * ui.get(key); // get control using its name
 * comp.getEditor()).getTextField().setColumns(5);
 * </code>
 * </pre>
 * <p><b>Warning</b>
 * <p>UI type as JSpinner keeps data in double format even in values passed through by
 * setValues(ParamList) are integer (ParamList keeps data as String). Therefore getValues can return
 * this list with the same data but in double syntax (5 -> 5.0). Any try of convention of "5.0" to
 * integer value will cause NumberFormatException. To avoid this problem use
 * QuimP.plugin.ParamList.getIntValue(String) from ParamList of treat all strings in ParamList as
 * Double.
 * <p>Methods getValues() and setValues() should be used by class extending QWindowBuilder for
 * setting
 * and achieving parameters from GUI. Note that parameters in UIs are validated only when they
 * become out of focus. Until cursor is in UI its value is not updated internally, thus getValues()
 * returns its old snapshot.
 * <p>reservedKeys is list of reserved keys that are not UI elements. They are processed in
 * different
 * way. Other behaviour: By default on close or when user clicked Cancel window is hided only, not
 * destroyed. This is due to preservation of all settings. Lifetime of window depends on QuimP
 * <p>All parameters passed to and from QWindowBuilder as ParamList are encoded as {@link String}
 * @author p.baniukiewicz
public abstract class QWindowBuilder {

   * The Constant LOGGER.
  static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QWindowBuilder.class.getName());

   * Delimiter used in UI definition strings.
  public static final char DELIMITER = ':';
   * The plugin wnd.
  protected JFrame pluginWnd; // main window object

   * The window state.
  protected boolean windowState; // current window state \c true if visible

   * The plugin panel.
  protected JPanel pluginPanel; // Main panel extended on whole \c pluginWnd

   * The ui.
  protected ComponentList ui; // list of all UI elements

  /** The def. */
  private ParamList def; // definition of window and parameters

  /** The reserved keys. */
  private final HashSet<String> reservedKeys =
          new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "help", "name" })); // reserved keys

  /** The ui type. */
  // definition string - positions of configuration data in value string (see BuildWindow)
  private final int uiType = 0; // type of UI control to create

  /** The sr min. */
  private final int srMin = 1; // spinner min value

  /** The sr max. */
  private final int srMax = 2; // spinner max value

  /** The sr step. */
  private final int srStep = 3; // spinner step value

  /** The sr default. */
  private final int srDefault = 4; // spinner default value

  /** The sr fract. */
  private final int srFract = 5; // spinner number of fractional places

   * The apply B.
  protected JButton applyB; // Apply button (do nothing but may be overwritten)

   * The cancel B.
  protected JButton cancelB; // Cancel button (hides it)

   * Default constructor.
  public QWindowBuilder() {
    LOGGER.trace("Entering constructor");
    ui = new ComponentList();
    def = null;

   * Main window builder.
   * <p>The window is constructed using configuration provided by def parameter which is Map of
   * [key,value]. The key is the name of the parameter that should be related to value held in it
   * (e.g window, smooth, step, etc.). The name is not case sensitive but should not contain spaces
   * (use underscore). Keys are strictly related
   * to UI elements that are created by this method (basing on configuration passed in value). Keys
   * are used to produce UI control label, any underscore is replaced by space and key is
   * capitalised.
   * There are two special names that are not related to UI directly:
   * <ol>
   * <li>help - defines textual help provided as parameter. It supports HTML
   * <li>name - defines plugin name provided as parameter
   * </ol>
   * <p>The parameter list is defined as String and its content is depended on key. For help and
   * name it contains single string with help text and plugin name respectively.
   * <p>The UI elements are defined for all other cases in value filed of Map as comma separated
   * string. UI element name is case insensitive. Known UI are as follows:
   * <ul>
   * <li>spinner - creates Spinner control. It requires 4 parameters (in order). Fifth parameter is
   * help text and it is <b>optional</b>
   * <ol>
   * <li>minimal range
   * <li>maximal range
   * <li>step
   * <li>default value
   * </ol>
   * <li>spinnerd - creates Spinner control. It requires 5 parameters (in order). Sixth parameter is
   * help text and it is <b>optional</b>
   * <ol>
   * <li>minimal range
   * <li>maximal range
   * <li>step
   * <li>default value
   * <li>Precision as number of fractional numbers
   * </ol>
   * <li>choiceh - creates Choice control. It requires 1 or more parameters - entries in list. Last
   * parameter is help text and it is <b>compulsory</b>
   * <ol>
   * <li>first entry
   * <li>second entry
   * <li>...
   * <li>help
   * </ol>
   * <li>choice - creates Choice control without help. It requires 0 or more parameters
   * <ol>
   * <li>first entry
   * <li>second entry
   * <li>...
   * </ol>
   * <li>button - creates JButton control. It requires 1 parameter. Last parameter is
   * help text and it is <b>optional</b>
   * <ol>
   * <li>Name on the button
   * </ol>
   * <li>checkbox - creates JCheckBox control. It requires 2 parameters (in order). Last parameter
   * is help text and it is <b>optional</b>
   * <ol>
   * <li>checkbox name
   * <li>initial value (true or false)
   * </ol>
   * </ul>
   * For choice calling {@link QWindowBuilder#setValues(ParamList)} is justified only if passed
   * parameters will be present in list already (so it has
   * been used during creation of window, passed in constructor) In this case it causes selection
   * of this entry in list. Otherwise passed value will be ignored. setVales for Choice does
   * not add new entry to list.
   * <p>The type of required UI element associated with given parameter name (Key) is coded in
   * value of given Key in accordance with list above. The correct order of sub-parameters must be
   * preserved. By default window is not visible yet. User must call ShowWindow or ToggleWindow. The
   * Apply
   * button does nothing. It is only to refocus after change of values in spinners. They are not
   * updated until unfocused. User can overwrite this behaviour in his own class derived from
   * QWindowBuilder
   * <p>This method can be overridden in implementing class that allows for e.g. setting size of the
   * window or add listeners:
   * <pre>
   * <code>
   * public void buildWindow(ParamList def) {
   *     super.buildWindow(def); // add preferred size to this window
   *     pluginWnd.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 450));
   *     pluginWnd.pack();
   *     pluginWnd.setVisible(true);
   *     pluginWnd.addWindowListener(new myWindowAdapter()); // close not hide ((JButton)
   *     ui.get("Load Mask")).addActionListener(this);
   *     applyB.addActionListener(this);
   * }
   * </code>
   * </pre>
   * <p>Throw IllegalArgumentException or other unchecked exceptions on wrong syntax of def
   * @param def Configuration as described
  public void buildWindow(final ParamList def) {
    if (def.size() < 2) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window must contain title and" + " at least one control");
    this.def = def; // remember parameters
    ui.clear(); // clear all ui stored on second call of third method

    pluginWnd = new JFrame(); // create frame with title given as first position in table
    pluginPanel = new JPanel(); // main panel on whole window
    // divide window on two zones
    // - upper for controls,
    // - middle for help
    pluginPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

    Panel north = new Panel(); // panel for controls
    // get layout size
    int siz = def.size(); // total size of Map
    // but grid layout does not contain help and name or other reserved non
    // UI keys
    Set<String> s = def.keySet(); // get Set of keys
    for (String k : reservedKeys) { // and check if any of them is in s
      if (s.contains(k)) {
    GridLayout gridL = new GridLayout(siz, 3); // Nx3, by default in row we have control and its des
    gridL.setVgap(5); // set bigger gaps

    String helpText;
    // iterate over def entries except first one which is always title
    // every decoded control is put into ordered hashmap together with its
    // descriptor (label)
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : def.entrySet()) {
      String key = e.getKey();
      if (reservedKeys.contains(key)) {
      String[] uiparams = StringParser.getParams(e.getValue(), DELIMITER);
      if (uiparams.length == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Probably wrong syntax in UI definition");
      switch (uiparams[uiType].toLowerCase()) {
        case "spinner": // by default all spinners are double
          helpText = spinnerVerify(uiparams);
          SpinnerNumberModel model = new SpinnerNumberModel(Double.parseDouble(uiparams[srDefault]),
                  Double.parseDouble(uiparams[srMin]), // min
                  Double.parseDouble(uiparams[srMax]), // max
                  Double.parseDouble(uiparams[srStep])); // step
          JSpinner sp = new JSpinner(model);
          ui.put(key, sp);

          String lab = WordUtils.capitalize(key.replaceAll("_", " "));
          ui.put(key + "label", new Label(lab)); // des
          ui.put(key + "help", new Label(helpText));
        case "spinnerd": // by default all spinners are double
          helpText = spinnerdVerify(uiparams);
          SpinnerNumberModel model = new SpinnerNumberModel(Double.parseDouble(uiparams[srDefault]),
                  Double.parseDouble(uiparams[srMin]), // min
                  Double.parseDouble(uiparams[srMax]), // max
                  Double.parseDouble(uiparams[srStep])); // step
          JSpinner sp = new JSpinner(model);
          String c = "";
          Double val = Double.parseDouble(uiparams[srFract]);
          if (val == 0) {
            c = "0";
          } else {
            c = "0." + String.join("", Collections.nCopies(val.intValue(), "0"));
          sp.setEditor(new JSpinner.NumberEditor(sp, c));
          ui.put(key, sp);
          String lab = WordUtils.capitalize(key.replaceAll("_", " "));
          ui.put(key + "label", new Label(lab)); // des
          ui.put(key + "help", new Label(helpText));
        case "choiceh": {
          helpText = choiceVerify(uiparams);
          Choice c = new Choice();
          for (int i = uiType + 1; i < uiparams.length - 1; i++) {
          ui.put(key, c);
          String lab = WordUtils.capitalize(key.replaceAll("_", " "));
          ui.put(key + "label", new Label(lab)); // des
          ui.put(key + "help", new Label(helpText));
        case "choice": {
          if (uiparams.length < 1) { // default
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Probably wrong syntax in UI definition for " + uiparams[uiType]);
          Choice c1 = new Choice();
          for (int i = uiType + 1; i < uiparams.length; i++) {
          ui.put(key, c1);
          String lab = WordUtils.capitalize(key.replaceAll("_", " "));
          ui.put(key + "label", new Label(lab)); // add description
          ui.put(key + "help", new Label(""));
        case "button": {
          helpText = buttonVerify(uiparams);
          JButton b = new JButton(uiparams[1]);
          ui.put(key, b);
          String lab = WordUtils.capitalize(key.replaceAll("_", " "));
          ui.put(key + "label", new Label(lab)); // des
          ui.put(key + "help", new Label(helpText));
        case "checkbox": {
          helpText = checkboxVerify(uiparams);
          JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox(WordUtils.capitalize(uiparams[1]),
          ui.put(key, cb);
          String lab = WordUtils.capitalize(key.replaceAll("_", " "));
          ui.put(key + "label", new Label(lab)); // des
          ui.put(key + "help", new Label(helpText));
          // wrong param syntax
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ui type" + " provided: " + key);

    // iterate over all components and add them to grid layout
    for (Map.Entry<String, Component> me : ui.entrySet()) {

    // add non ui elements
    if (def.containsKey("name")) {
      // border on whole window
      pluginPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Plugin " + def.get("name")));
    if (def.containsKey("help")) {
      JTextPane helpArea = new JTextPane(); // default size of text area
      // helpArea.setLineWrap(true);
      // helpArea.setWrapStyleWord(true);
      helpArea.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(80, 200));
      JScrollPane helpPanel = new JScrollPane(helpArea);
      pluginPanel.add(helpPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); // locate at center position
      helpArea.setText(def.get("help")); // set help text

    // add Apply button on south
    Panel south = new Panel();
    south.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    applyB = new JButton("Apply");
    cancelB = new JButton("Cancel");
    // set action on Cancel - window is hided
    cancelB.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        windowState = false;

    // build window
    pluginPanel.add(north, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    pluginPanel.add(south, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    // add listener on close - window is hidden to preserve settings
    pluginWnd.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) {
        LOGGER.trace("Window closing");
        windowState = false;
    windowState = false; // by default window is not visible. User must call ShowWindow or ToggleWi

   * Verify syntax for spinner and return help text if any.
   * @param uiparams uiparams
   * @return Help text (last from list)
  private String spinnerVerify(String[] uiparams) {
    String helpText = "";
    if (uiparams.length != 5) { // default
      if (uiparams.length != 6) { // with help text
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Probably wrong syntax in UI definition for " + uiparams[uiType]);
      } else {
        helpText = uiparams[5];
    return helpText;

   * Verify syntax for spinner and return help text if any.
   * @param uiparams uiparams
   * @return Help text (last from list)
  private String spinnerdVerify(String[] uiparams) {
    String helpText = "";
    if (uiparams.length != 6) { // default
      if (uiparams.length != 7) { // with help text
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Probably wrong syntax in UI definition for " + uiparams[uiType]);
      } else {
        helpText = uiparams[5];
    return helpText;

   * Verify syntax for choice and return help text if any.
   * @param uiparams uiparams
   * @return Help text (last from list)
  private String choiceVerify(String[] uiparams) {
    String helpText = "";
    if (uiparams.length < 2) { // default
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "Probably wrong syntax in UI definition for " + uiparams[uiType]);
    } else {
      helpText = uiparams[uiparams.length - 1];
    return helpText;

   * Verify syntax for button and return help text if any.
   * @param uiparams uiparams
   * @return Help text (last from list)
  private String buttonVerify(String[] uiparams) {
    String helpText = "";
    if (uiparams.length != 2) { // default
      if (uiparams.length != 3) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Probably wrong syntax in UI definition for " + uiparams[uiType]);
      } else {
        helpText = uiparams[2];
    return helpText;

   * Verify syntax for checkbox and return help text if any.
   * @param uiparams uiparams
   * @return Help text (last from list)
  private String checkboxVerify(String[] uiparams) {
    String helpText = "";
    if (uiparams.length != 3) { // default
      if (uiparams.length != 4) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Probably wrong syntax in UI definition for " + uiparams[uiType]);
      } else {
        helpText = uiparams[3];
    return helpText;

   * Show or hide window.
   * @param state State of the window true to show, false to hide
  public void showWindow(boolean state) {
    windowState = state;

   * Toggle window visibility if input is \c true. Close it immediately if input is \c false
   * @param val Demanded state of window. If \c true visibility of window is toggled, if \c false
   *        window is closing.
   * @return Current status of window \c true if visible, \c false if not
  public boolean toggleWindow(boolean val) {
    if (!val) {
      windowState = false;
    } else {
      windowState = !windowState;
    return windowState;

   * Check if window is visible.
   * @return true if it is visible, false otherwise
  public boolean isWindowVisible() {
    return windowState;

   * Set plugin parameters.
   * <p>Use the same parameters names as in BuildWindow(Map[String, String[]]). The name of the
   * parameter is key in Map. Every parameter passed to this method should have its
   * representation in GUI and thus it must be present in def parameter of
   * BuildWindow(Map[String, String[]]) All values are passed as:
   * <ol>
   * <li>Double in case of spinners
   * </ol>
   * <p>User has to care for correct format passed to UI control. If input values are above range
   * defined in def, new range is set for UI control. Unknown keys are skipped.
   * @param vals [key,value] pairs to fill UI.
  public void setValues(final ParamList vals) {
    // iterate over parameters and match names to UIs
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : vals.entrySet()) {
      String key = e.getKey();
      String val = e.getValue();
      // find key in def and get type of control and its instance
      String[] ret = def.getParsed(key, DELIMITER);
      if (ret.length == 0) { // skip unknown codes
      switch (ret[uiType].toLowerCase()) { // first string in vals is type
        // control, see BuildWindow
        case "spinnerd":
        case "spinner": {
          // get UI component of name key (keys in vals must match to keys in BuildWindow(def))
          JSpinner comp = (JSpinner) ui.get(key);
          comp.setValue(Double.parseDouble(val)); // set value from vals
          SpinnerNumberModel sm = (SpinnerNumberModel) comp.getModel();
          if (sm.getNextValue() == null) {
          } else if (sm.getPreviousValue() == null) {
        case "choiceh":
        case "choice": {
          Choice comp = (Choice) ui.get(key);
        case "button": {
        case "checkbox": {
          JCheckBox c = (JCheckBox) ui.get(key);
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "Unknown UI type in setValues: " + def.getParsed(key, DELIMITER)[uiType]);

   * Receives parameters related to UI elements as Map.
   * <p>To get one particular parameter use getIntegerFromUI(String) or getDoubleFromUI(String)
   * <p>JSpinners are set to support double values and that values are returned here. It means that
   * originally pushed to UI integers are changed to Double what can affect set/getpluginConfig
   * from filter interface as well
   * @return List of [key,param], where key is the name of parameter passed to QWindowBuilder
   *         class through BuildWindow method. The method remaps those keys to related UI controls
   *         and reads values associated to them.
   * @see #getDoubleFromUI(String)
   * @see #getIntegerFromUI(String)
  public ParamList getValues() {
    ParamList ret = new ParamList();
    // iterate over all UI elements
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Component>> entryIterator = ui.entrySet().iterator();
    while (entryIterator.hasNext()) {
      Map.Entry<String, Component> m = entryIterator.next();
      String key = m.getKey();
      // check type of component
      switch (def.getParsed(key, DELIMITER)[uiType].toLowerCase()) {
        case "spinnerd":
        case "spinner": {
          JSpinner val = (JSpinner) m.getValue(); // get value
          ret.put(key, String.valueOf(val.getValue())); // store it in returned Map at
          // the same key
        case "choiceh":
        case "choice": {
          Choice val = (Choice) m.getValue();
          ret.put(key, val.getSelectedItem());
        case "button": {
        case "checkbox": {
          JCheckBox c = (JCheckBox) m.getValue();
          ret.put(key, String.valueOf(c.isSelected()));
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "Unknown UI type in getValues: " + def.getParsed(key, DELIMITER)[uiType]);
      entryIterator.next(); // skip label. ui Map has repeating entries UI,label,UI1,label1,..
      entryIterator.next(); // skip help
    return ret;

   * Return value related to given key.
   * <p>Value is retrieved from ui element related to given \b key. Relation between keys and ui
   * elements is defined by user in configuration list provided to buildWindow(final ParamList).
   * <p>The key must be defined and exists in that list. In case of wrong conversion it may be
   * exception thrown. User is responsible to call this method for proper key.
   * @param key Key to be read from configuration list, case insensitive
   * @return integer representation of value under \c key
   * @see #buildWindow(ParamList)
  public int getIntegerFromUI(final String key) {
    return (int) getDoubleFromUI(key);

   * Return value related to given key.
   * @param key key
   * @return {@link #getIntegerFromUI(String)}
   * @see #getIntegerFromUI(String)
  public double getDoubleFromUI(final String key) {
    // get list of all params from ui as <key,val> list
    ParamList uiParam = getValues();
    return uiParam.getDoubleValue(key);

   * Return value related to given key.
   * @param key key
   * @return {@link #getIntegerFromUI(String)}
   * @see #getIntegerFromUI(String)
  public boolean getBooleanFromUI(final String key) {
    // get list of all params from ui as <key,val> list
    ParamList uiParam = getValues();
    return uiParam.getBooleanValue(key);

   * Return value related to given key. Added for convenience
   * @param key key
   * @return {@link #getIntegerFromUI(String)}
   * @see #getIntegerFromUI(String)
  public String getStringFromUI(final String key) {
    // get list of all params from ui as <key,val> list
    ParamList uiParam = getValues();
    return uiParam.getStringValue(key);

   * Stores components under Keys that are not case insensitive.
   * @author p.baniukiewicz
  public class ComponentList extends LinkedStringMap<Component> {

    /** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -5157229346595354602L;
