
package com.github.celldynamics.quimp;

import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.io.File;

import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.geom.ExtendedVector2d;

import ij.IJ;
import ij.ImagePlus;
import ij.WindowManager;
import ij.gui.Overlay;
import ij.gui.PolygonRoi;
import ij.gui.Roi;
import ij.measure.Measurements;
import ij.plugin.PlugIn;
import ij.process.ImageProcessor;
import ij.process.ImageStatistics;

 * Inserts an image or stack into a stack.
public class Test_QuimP implements PlugIn {

  private static final int m =
          Measurements.AREA + Measurements.INTEGRATED_DENSITY + Measurements.MEAN;

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see ij.plugin.PlugIn#run(java.lang.String)
  public void run(String arg) {
    // testAngle();
    // testOverlay();
    // testCutSelf();
    // this.testClosest();
    // this.testArea();

    // this.test3Dout();
    // this.colorConvert();

   * Test area.
  void testArea() {
    ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
    if (imp == null) {

    ImageProcessor impProc = imp.getProcessor();

    Polygon outerPoly = new Polygon();
    outerPoly.addPoint(11, 11);
    outerPoly.addPoint(11, 110);
    outerPoly.addPoint(110, 11);

    Polygon innerPoly = new Polygon();
    innerPoly.addPoint(110, 110);
    innerPoly.addPoint(140, 120);
    innerPoly.addPoint(60, 130);

    PolygonRoi outerRoi = new PolygonRoi(outerPoly, Roi.POLYGON);

    ImageStatistics is = ImageStatistics.getStatistics(impProc, m, null);

    System.out.println("Area=" + is.area + ", mean=" + is.mean);

     * //ImageProcessor orgIp = orgStack.getProcessor(i + 1);
     * PolygonFiller pf = new PolygonFiller(); pf.setPolygon(roi.getXCoordinates(),
     * roi.getYCoordinates(), roi.getNCoordinates()); Rectangle b = roi.getBounds();
     * orgIp.setRoi(poly); orgIp.setMask(pf.getMask(b.width, b.height)); ImageStatistics is =
     * ImageStatistics.getStatistics(orgIp, m, null);


   * Test angle.
  void testAngle() {

    Vert a, b, c;

    a = new Vert(10, 10, 1);
    b = new Vert(15, 15, 2);
    c = new Vert(10, 15, 3);

    ExtendedVector2d edge1 = ExtendedVector2d.vecP2P(b.getPoint(), a.getPoint());

    ExtendedVector2d edge2 = ExtendedVector2d.vecP2P(b.getPoint(), c.getPoint());

    double curvature = ExtendedVector2d.angle(edge1, edge2) * (180 / Math.PI);

    System.out.println("curv = " + curvature);

   * Test qparams.
   * @throws QuimpException the quimp exception
  void testQparams() throws QuimpException {
    QParams p =
            new QParams(new File("/Users/rtyson/Documents/phd/tmp/smallStack/SmallStack_0.paQP"));
    System.out.println("" + p.nmax);
    System.out.println("" + p.getPath());
    System.out.println("" + p.getFileName());
    System.out.println("" + p.getConvexFile());

    // p.setParamFile(new
    // File("/Users/rtyson/Documents/phd/tmp/smallStack/SmallStack_NEW.paQP"));
    // p.writeParams();

   * Test overlay.
  void testOverlay() {

    ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage();

    PolygonRoi roiP = (PolygonRoi) imp.getRoi();

    Polygon p = roiP.getPolygon();
    Polygon np = new Polygon();

    float[] xf = new float[p.npoints];
    float[] yf = new float[p.npoints];

    for (int i = 0; i < p.npoints; i++) {
      np.addPoint(p.xpoints[i] + 10, p.ypoints[i] + 10);
      xf[i] = p.xpoints[i] + 10.4f;
      yf[i] = p.ypoints[i] + 10.4f;

    Overlay ov = new Overlay();
    PolygonRoi intRoi = new PolygonRoi(np, Roi.POLYGON);
    // FloatRoi floRoi = new FloatRoi(xf, yf);
    // ov.add(floRoi);

    // floRoi.setIntPoints();
    // imp.getCanvas().getImage().setRoi(floRoi);

  private void testLineIntersect() {
    System.out.println("Test line intersection");
    // Vect2d a = new Vect2d(238.8343223897114,180.57548291017963);
    // Vect2d b = new Vect2d(252.3128980477469,179.3057722538331);

    // Vect2d c = new Vect2d(248.21769647653375,383.1254314892506);
    // Vect2d d = new Vect2d(248.22719691475632,395.7869644627188);

    ExtendedVector2d a = new ExtendedVector2d(238, 180);
    ExtendedVector2d b = new ExtendedVector2d(252, 179);

    ExtendedVector2d c = new ExtendedVector2d(248.217, 383);
    ExtendedVector2d d = new ExtendedVector2d(248.227, 395);

    double[] intersect = new double[2];

    int state = ExtendedVector2d.segmentIntersection(a.getX(), a.getY(), b.getX(), b.getY(),
            c.getX(), c.getY(), d.getX(), d.getY(), intersect);
    System.out.println("Sate: " + state);
    if (state == -1) {
      System.out.println("\nLines parallel");
      System.out.println("close all;plot([" + a.getX() + "," + b.getX() + "],[" + a.getY() + ","
              + b.getY() + "],'-ob');"); // matlab output
      System.out.println("hold on; plot([" + c.getX() + "," + d.getX() + "],[" + c.getY() + ","
              + d.getY() + "],'-or');");

    } else if (state == -2) {
      System.out.println("\nLines parallel and overlap");
      System.out.println("close all;plot([" + a.getX() + "," + b.getX() + "],[" + a.getY() + ","
              + b.getY() + "],'-ob');"); // matlab output
      System.out.println("hold on; plot([" + c.getX() + "," + d.getX() + "],[" + c.getY() + ","
              + d.getY() + "],'-or');");
      System.out.println("plot(" + intersect[0] + "," + intersect[1] + ", 'og');");
    } else if (state == 1) {
      System.out.println("\nLines intersect at " + intersect[0] + ", " + intersect[1]);
      System.out.println("close all;plot([" + a.getX() + "," + b.getX() + "],[" + a.getY() + ","
              + b.getY() + "],'-ob');"); // matlab output
      System.out.println("hold on; plot([" + c.getX() + "," + d.getX() + "],[" + c.getY() + ","
              + d.getY() + "],'-or');");
      System.out.println("plot(" + intersect[0] + "," + intersect[1] + ", 'og');");


   * private void test3Dout(){
   * QParams qp = new QParams(new File(
   * "/Users/rtyson/Documents/phd/tmp/test/QuimP11analysis/SmallStack_0.paQP") ); qp.readParams();
   * OutlineHandler oH = new OutlineHandler(qp); if (!oH.readSuccess) { return; }else{
   * System.out.println( "Contours read in. Size: " + oH.getSize());
   * }
   * int res = 150; Point3f[] coords= new Point3f[ res * oH.getSize()]; Color3f[] colors = new
   * Color3f[res * oH.getSize()]; int coCount = 0;
   * Vect2d centre = oH.getOutline(1).getCentroid(); centre.setX(centre.getX()*-1);
   * centre.setY(centre.getY()*-1);
   * Outline o, op; Vect2d pHead; for(int i = 0; i < oH.getSize(); i++){ o =
   * oH.indexGetOutline(i); o.setResolutionN(res); if(i!=0){ op = oH.indexGetOutline(i-1); pHead =
   * op.getHead().getPoint(); o.setHeadclosest(pHead); }
   * Vert n = o.getHead(); do{ coords[coCount] = new
   * Point3f((float)(n.getX()+centre.getX()),(i*1.0f),(float)(n.getY()+centre. getY()));
   * colors[coCount] = new Color3f(0.5f,(float)Math.random(),0f);
   * coCount++; n = n.getPrev(); // go tuther way round to point normals outwards
   * }while(!n.isHead()); }
   * int[] indices= new int[(res*4)* (oH.getSize()-1)]; System.out.println(
   * "indeices length: "+indices.length);
   * int base; for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i+=4) {
   * base = i / 4;
   * indices[i] = base; indices[i+1] = base+1; indices[i+2] = base+1+res; indices[i+3] = base +
   * res;
   * if(((i-((res-1)*4)))%(4*res) == 0){ indices[i+1] = base+1-res; indices[i+2] = base+1;
   * //System.out.print("\twraped: "); }
   * //System.out.println(""+indices[i] +"," +indices[i+1]+"," +indices[i+2]+"," +indices[i+3]); }
   * System.out.println("coord length" + coords.length); System.out.println( "max index = "+
   * Tool.arrayMax(indices));
   * /*
   * //biuld a simple quad Point3f[] coords={ new Point3f(-0.2f,0.2f,-0.2f), new
   * Point3f(-0.2f,-0.2f,-0.2f), new Point3f(0.2f,-0.2f,-0.2f), new Point3f(0.2f,0.2f,-0.2f), new
   * Point3f(-0.2f,0.2f,0.2f), new Point3f(-0.2f,-0.2f,0.2f), new Point3f(0.2f,-0.2f,0.2f), new
   * Point3f(0.2f,0.2f,0.2f) };
   * int[] indices={ 0,1,2,3, 5,6,7,4, 1,5,6,2, 0,4,7,3, 1,5,4,0, 2,6,7,3 };
   * //QuadArray quads = new QuadArray(4,GeometryArray.COORDINATES); //quads.setCoordinates(0,
   * coords);
   * //IndexedLineArray lineArray=new IndexedLineArray(coords.length,
   * //IndexedQuadArray.COORDINATES,indices.length); //lineArray.setCoordinates(0,coords);
   * //lineArray.setCoordinateIndices(0,indices);
   * IndexedQuadArray quadArray = new IndexedQuadArray(coords.length, IndexedQuadArray.COORDINATES
   * | QuadArray.COLOR_3,indices.length); quadArray.setCoordinates(0,coords);
   * quadArray.setCoordinateIndices(0,indices); quadArray.setColors(0, colors);
   * quadArray.setColorIndices(0, indices);
   * //Appearance a = new Appearance(); //PolygonAttributes pAttr = new PolygonAttributes(1, 0,
   * 0.1f); // a.setPolygonAttributes(pAttr);
   * Shape3D myShape = new Shape3D(quadArray);
   * BranchGroup bg = new BranchGroup(); bg.addChild(myShape); VRML97Saver saver = new
   * VRML97Saver();
   * saver.setBranchGroup(bg); saver.save("/temp/cube_A.wrl");
   * }
  // private void colorConvert(){
  // QColor c = new QColor( 0.6d,0.2d,0.4d);
  // int ci= c.getColorInt();
  // System.out.println("col int: " + ci);
  // Color3f cf = QColor.colorInt23f(ci);
  // System.out.println("r: " + cf.x + ", g: " + cf.y + ", b: " + cf.z);
  // }