View Javadoc
1   package com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.randomwalk;
3   import java.awt.BorderLayout;
4   import java.awt.Color;
5   import java.awt.Dimension;
6   import java.awt.FlowLayout;
7   import java.awt.Font;
8   import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
9   import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
10  import java.awt.GridLayout;
11  import java.awt.Insets;
12  import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
13  import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
14  import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
15  import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
16  import java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener;
17  import java.util.Collections;
19  import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
20  import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
21  import javax.swing.JButton;
22  import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
23  import javax.swing.JComboBox;
24  import javax.swing.JComponent;
25  import javax.swing.JFrame;
26  import javax.swing.JLabel;
27  import javax.swing.JPanel;
28  import javax.swing.JSpinner;
29  import javax.swing.JToggleButton;
30  import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
31  import javax.swing.ToolTipManager;
33  import org.slf4j.Logger;
34  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
36  import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.plugin.randomwalk.RandomWalkModel.SeedSource;
37  import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.utils.QuimpToolsCollection;
38  import com.github.celldynamics.quimp.utils.UiTools;
40  /*
41   * !>
42   * @startuml
43   * salt
44   *   {+
45   *   Random Walk segmentation
46   *   ~~
47   *   {+
48   *   Image selection
49   *   ^cbOriginalImage  ^ 
50   *   }
51   *   {+
52   *   Generate seeds from
53   *   (X) rbRgbImage | () rbCreateImage
54   *   () rbMaskImage | () rbQcinfFile
55   *   }
56   *   {+
57   *   Seeds from RGB image
58   *   ^cbRgbSeedImage  ^
59   *   }
60   *   {+
61   *   Seed build
62   *   [bnClone] | [bnFore] | [bnBack]
63   *   ^cbCreatedSeedImage^
64   *   }
65   *   {+
66   *   Seeds from mask
67   *   ^cbMaskSeedImage  ^
68   *   }
69   *   {+
70   *   Seeds from QCONF
71   *   [bnQconfSeedImage]
72   *   lbQconfFile
73   *   }
74   *   {+
75   *   Segmentation options
76   *   Alpha | "srAlpha"
77   *   Beta | "srBeta"
78   *   Gamma 0 | "srGamma0"
79   *   Gamma 1 | "srGamma1"
80   *   Iterations | "srIter"
81   *   Rel error | "srRelerr"
82   *   }
83   *   {+
84   *   Inter-process
85   *   Shrink method | ^cbShrinkMethod^ 
86   *   Shrink power | "srShrinkPower" 
87   *   Expand power | "srExpandPower" 
88   *   Sigma | "srScaleSigma" | Magn | "srScaleMagn"
89   *   | Curv Dist | "srScaleCurvDistDist"| Norm Dist | "srScaleEqNormalsDist"
90   *   Inter-sweep filter | ^cbFilteringMethod^
91   *   () chInterFrameFilter | () chTrueBackground
92   *   {+
93   *   Use local mean
94   *   () chLocalMean
95   *   Window | "srLocalMeanWindow"
96   *   }
97   *   }
98   *   {+
99   *   Post-process
100  *   {+
101  *   Hat filter
102  *   () chHatFilter
103  *   Alev | "srAlev"
104  *   Num | "srNum"
105  *   Window | "srWindow"
106  *   }
107  *   Binary filter | ^cbFilteringPostMethod^
108  *   }
109  *   () chMaskCut
110  *   {+
111  *   Display options
112  *   () chShowSeed | () chShowPreview
113  *   }
114  *   {
115  *   [     OK     ] | [   Cancel   ] | [Help ]
116  *   }
117  *   }
118  * @enduml
119  * !<
120  */
121 /**
122  * UI for Random Walk algorithm.
123  * 
124  * <p>This is view only. It contains UI definition and handles events related to its internal state.
125  * All other events are handled in controller.
126  * 
127  * @author p.baniukiewicz
128  */
129 public class RandomWalkView implements ActionListener, ItemListener {
131   /**
132    * The Constant LOGGER.
133    */
134   static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RandomWalkView.class.getName());
136   /**
137    * Reference to underlying Frame object.
138    */
139   private JFrame wnd;
141   /**
142    * Get window reference.
143    * 
144    * @return the wnd
145    */
146   public JFrame getWnd() {
147     return wnd;
148   }
150   /**
151    * Main window panel.
152    */
153   private JPanel panel;
155   /** The panel main. */
156   private JPanel panelMain;
158   /**
159    * Original image selector.
160    */
161   private JComboBox<String> cbOrginalImage;
163   /**
164    * Get name of selected original image.
165    * 
166    * @return the cbOrginalImage
167    */
168   public String getCbOrginalImage() {
169     return (String) cbOrginalImage.getSelectedItem();
170   }
172   /**
173    * Set names of original images and select one.
174    * 
175    * @param item list of names of images
176    * @param sel index of that to select
177    * 
178    */
179   public void setCbOrginalImage(String[] item, String sel) {
180     cbOrginalImage.removeAllItems();
181     setJComboBox(cbOrginalImage, item, sel);
182   }
184   /** The cb seed source. */
185   private JComboBox<String> cbSeedSource;
187   /**
188    * Initialiser of cbSeedSource.
189    * 
190    * @param item list of items
191    * @param sel name of the selection to select.
192    * @see javax.swing.JComboBox#addItem(java.lang.Object)
193    */
194   public void setSeedSource(String[] item, String sel) {
195     setJComboBox(cbSeedSource, item, sel);
196   }
198   /**
199    * cbFilteringMethod getter.
200    * 
201    * @return index of selected entry.
202    */
203   public int getSeedSource() {
204     return getJComboBox(cbSeedSource);
205   }
207   /** The lb qconf file. */
208   private JLabel lbQconfFile;
210   /**
211    * Set name of loaded qconf.
212    * 
213    * @param lab name to set
214    */
215   public void setLqconfFile(String lab) {
216     lbQconfFile.setFont(new Font(lbQconfFile.getFont().getName(), Font.ITALIC,
217             lbQconfFile.getFont().getSize()));
218     lbQconfFile.setText(lab);
219   }
221   /** The cb rgb seed image. */
222   private JComboBox<String> cbRgbSeedImage;
224   /**
225    * Get seed image selected in dynamic rgb panel.
226    * 
227    * @return the cbRgbSeedImage
228    */
229   public String getCbRgbSeedImage() {
230     return (String) cbRgbSeedImage.getSelectedItem();
231   }
233   /**
234    * Set seed image in dynamic rgb panel.
235    * 
236    * @param item list of names of images
237    * @param sel name of that to select
238    */
239   public void setCbRgbSeedImage(String[] item, String sel) {
240     cbRgbSeedImage.removeAllItems();
241     setJComboBox(cbRgbSeedImage, item, sel);
242   }
244   /** The cb mask seed image. */
245   private JComboBox<String> cbMaskSeedImage;
247   /**
248    * Get seed image selected in dynamic binary mask panel.
249    * 
250    * @return the cbMaskSeedImage
251    */
252   public String getCbMaskSeedImage() {
253     return (String) cbMaskSeedImage.getSelectedItem();
254   }
256   /**
257    * Set seed image in dynamic binary mask panel.
258    * 
259    * @param item list of names of images
260    * @param sel name of that to select
261    */
262   public void setCbMaskSeedImage(String[] item, String sel) {
263     cbMaskSeedImage.removeAllItems();
264     setJComboBox(cbMaskSeedImage, item, sel);
265   }
267   /** The bn qconf seed image. */
268   private JButton bnQconfSeedImage;
270   /** The bn qconf show seed image. */
271   private JButton bnQconfShowSeedImage;
273   /** The bn clone. */
274   private JButton bnClone;
276   /** The bn seed roi. */
277   private JButton bnSeedRoi;
279   /** The bn fore. */
280   private JToggleButton bnFore;
282   /**
283    * Get FG button ref.
284    * 
285    * @return the bnFore
286    */
287   public JToggleButton getBnFore() {
288     return bnFore;
289   }
291   /** The bn back. */
292   private JToggleButton bnBack;
294   /**
295    * Get BG button ref.
296    * 
297    * @return the bnBack
298    */
299   public JToggleButton getBnBack() {
300     return bnBack;
301   }
303   /** The cb created seed image. */
304   private JComboBox<String> cbCreatedSeedImage;
306   /**
307    * Get seed image selected in dynamic created mask panel.
308    * 
309    * @return the cbCreatedSeedImage
310    */
311   public String getCbCreatedSeedImage() {
312     return (String) cbCreatedSeedImage.getSelectedItem();
313   }
315   /**
316    * Set seed image in dynamic created mask panel.
317    * 
318    * @param item list of names of images
319    * @param sel name of that to select
320    */
321   public void setCbCreatedSeedImage(String[] item, String sel) {
322     cbCreatedSeedImage.removeAllItems();
323     setJComboBox(cbCreatedSeedImage, item, sel);
324   }
326   /** The lb roi seeds info. */
327   private JLabel lbRoiSeedsInfo;
329   /**
330    * Set ROP info.
331    * 
332    * @param lab name to set
333    */
334   public void setLroiSeedsInfo(String lab) {
335     lbRoiSeedsInfo.setFont(new Font(lbRoiSeedsInfo.getFont().getName(), Font.ITALIC,
336             lbRoiSeedsInfo.getFont().getSize()));
337     lbRoiSeedsInfo.setText(lab);
338   }
340   /** The sr alpha. */
341   // optionsPanel
342   private JSpinner srAlpha;
344   /**
345    * Get RW alpha parameter.
346    * 
347    * @return the srAlpha
348    */
349   public double getSrAlpha() {
350     return ((Number) srAlpha.getValue()).doubleValue();
351   }
353   /**
354    * Set RW alpha parameter.
355    * 
356    * @param srAlpha the srAlpha to set
357    */
358   public void setSrAlpha(double srAlpha) {
359     this.srAlpha.setValue(srAlpha);
360   }
362   /** The sr beta. */
363   private JSpinner srBeta;
365   /**
366    * Get RW beta parameter.
367    * 
368    * @return the srBeta
369    */
370   public double getSrBeta() {
371     return ((Number) srBeta.getValue()).doubleValue();
372   }
374   /**
375    * Set RW beta parameter.
376    * 
377    * @param srBeta the srBeta to set
378    */
379   public void setSrBeta(double srBeta) {
380     this.srBeta.setValue(srBeta);
381   }
383   /** The sr gamma 0. */
384   private JSpinner srGamma0;
386   /**
387    * Get RW gamma 0 parameter.
388    * 
389    * @return the srGamma0
390    */
391   public double getSrGamma0() {
392     return ((Number) srGamma0.getValue()).doubleValue();
393   }
395   /**
396    * Set RW gamma 0 parameter.
397    * 
398    * @param srGamma0 the srGamma0 to set
399    */
400   public void setSrGamma0(double srGamma0) {
401     this.srGamma0.setValue(srGamma0);
402   }
404   /** The sr gamma 1. */
405   private JSpinner srGamma1;
407   /**
408    * Get RW gamma 1 parameter.
409    * 
410    * @return the srGamma1
411    */
412   public double getSrGamma1() {
413     return ((Number) srGamma1.getValue()).doubleValue();
414   }
416   /**
417    * Set RW gamma 1 parameter.
418    * 
419    * @param srGamma1 the srGamma1 to set
420    */
421   public void setSrGamma1(double srGamma1) {
422     this.srGamma1.setValue(srGamma1);
423   }
425   /** The sr iter. */
426   private JSpinner srIter;
428   /**
429    * Get RW number of iterations.
430    * 
431    * @return the srIter
432    */
433   public int getSrIter() {
434     return ((Number) srIter.getValue()).intValue();
435   }
437   /**
438    * Set RW number of iterations.
439    * 
440    * @param srIter the srIter to set
441    */
442   public void setSrIter(int srIter) {
443     this.srIter.setValue((double) srIter);
444   }
446   /** The sr relerr. */
447   private JSpinner srRelerr;
449   /**
450    * Get RW number of iterations.
451    * 
452    * @return the srRelerr
453    */
454   public double getSrRelerr() {
455     return ((Number) srRelerr.getValue()).doubleValue();
456   }
458   /**
459    * Set RW number of iterations.
460    * 
461    * @param srRelerr the srRelerr to set
462    */
463   public void setSrRelerr(double srRelerr) {
464     this.srRelerr.setValue(srRelerr);
465   }
467   /** The cb shrink method. */
468   private JComboBox<String> cbShrinkMethod;
470   /**
471    * Initialiser of cbShrinkMethod.
472    * 
473    * @param item list of items
474    * @param sel name of entry to select
475    * @see javax.swing.JComboBox#addItem(java.lang.Object)
476    */
477   public void setShrinkMethod(String[] item, String sel) {
478     setJComboBox(cbShrinkMethod, item, sel);
479   }
481   /**
482    * cbShrinkMethod getter.
483    * 
484    * @return index of selected entry.
485    */
486   public int getShrinkMethod() {
487     return getJComboBox(cbShrinkMethod);
488   }
490   /** The sr shrink power. */
491   private JSpinner srShrinkPower;
493   /**
494    * Get shrink power.
495    * 
496    * @return the srShrinkPower
497    */
498   public double getSrShrinkPower() {
499     return ((Number) srShrinkPower.getValue()).doubleValue();
500   }
502   /**
503    * Set shrink power.
504    * 
505    * @param srShrinkPower the srShrinkPower to set
506    */
507   public void setSrShrinkPower(double srShrinkPower) {
508     this.srShrinkPower.setValue(srShrinkPower);
509   }
511   /** The sr expand power. */
512   private JSpinner srExpandPower;
514   /**
515    * Get expand power.
516    * 
517    * @return the srExpandPower
518    */
519   public double getSrExpandPower() {
520     return ((Number) srExpandPower.getValue()).doubleValue();
521   }
523   /**
524    * Set expand power.
525    * 
526    * @param srExpandPower the srExpandPower to set
527    */
528   public void setSrExpandPower(double srExpandPower) {
529     this.srExpandPower.setValue(srExpandPower);
530   }
532   /** The sr scale sigma. */
533   private JSpinner srScaleSigma;
535   /**
536    * Get sigma.
537    * 
538    * @return the srScaleSigma
539    */
540   public double getSrScaleSigma() {
541     return ((Number) srScaleSigma.getValue()).doubleValue();
542   }
544   /**
545    * Set sigma power.
546    * 
547    * @param srScaleSigma the srScaleSigma to set
548    */
549   public void setSrScaleSigma(double srScaleSigma) {
550     this.srScaleSigma.setValue(srScaleSigma);
551   }
553   /** The sr scale magn. */
554   private JSpinner srScaleMagn;
556   /**
557    * Get magnitude.
558    * 
559    * @return the srScaleMagn
560    */
561   public double getSrScaleMagn() {
562     return ((Number) srScaleMagn.getValue()).doubleValue();
563   }
565   /**
566    * Set magnitude power.
567    * 
568    * @param srScaleMagn the srScaleMagn to set
569    */
570   public void setSrScaleMagn(double srScaleMagn) {
571     this.srScaleMagn.setValue(srScaleMagn);
572   }
574   /** The sr scale eq normals dist. */
575   private JSpinner srScaleEqNormalsDist;
577   /**
578    * Get distance.
579    * 
580    * @return the srScaleEqNormalsDist
581    */
582   public double getSrScaleEqNormalsDist() {
583     return ((Number) srScaleEqNormalsDist.getValue()).doubleValue();
584   }
586   /**
587    * Set distance.
588    * 
589    * @param srScaleEqNormalsDist the srScaleEqNormalsDist to set
590    */
591   public void setSrScaleEqNormalsDist(double srScaleEqNormalsDist) {
592     this.srScaleEqNormalsDist.setValue(srScaleEqNormalsDist);
593   }
595   /** The sr scale curv dist dist. */
596   private JSpinner srScaleCurvDistDist;
598   /**
599    * Get distance.
600    * 
601    * @return the srScaleCurvDistDist
602    */
603   public double getSrScaleCurvDistDist() {
604     return ((Number) srScaleCurvDistDist.getValue()).doubleValue();
605   }
607   /**
608    * Set distance.
609    * 
610    * @param srScaleCurvDistDist the srScaleCurvDistDist to set
611    */
612   public void setSrScaleCurvDistDist(double srScaleCurvDistDist) {
613     this.srScaleCurvDistDist.setValue(srScaleCurvDistDist);
614   }
616   /** The cb filtering method. */
617   private JComboBox<String> cbFilteringMethod;
619   /**
620    * Initialiser of cbFilteringMethod.
621    * 
622    * @param item list of items
623    * @param sel name of the selection to select.
624    * @see javax.swing.JComboBox#addItem(java.lang.Object)
625    */
626   public void setFilteringMethod(String[] item, String sel) {
627     setJComboBox(cbFilteringMethod, item, sel);
628   }
630   /**
631    * cbFilteringMethod getter.
632    * 
633    * @return index of selected entry.
634    */
635   public int getFilteringMethod() {
636     return getJComboBox(cbFilteringMethod);
637   }
639   /** The ch true background. */
640   private JCheckBox chTrueBackground;
642   /**
643    * Get status of True Background.
644    * 
645    * @return the chTrueBackground enabled/disabled
646    */
647   public boolean getChTrueBackground() {
648     return chTrueBackground.isSelected();
649   }
651   /**
652    * Set status of True Background.
653    * 
654    * @param chTrueBackground the chTrueBackground to set (enabled/disabled)
655    */
656   public void setChTrueBackground(boolean chTrueBackground) {
657     this.chTrueBackground.setSelected(chTrueBackground);
658   }
660   /** The ch inter frame filter. */
661   private JCheckBox chInterFrameFilter;
663   /**
664    * Get status of chInterFrameFilter.
665    * 
666    * @return the chInterFrameFilter enabled/disabled
667    */
668   public boolean getChInterFrameFilter() {
669     return chInterFrameFilter.isSelected();
670   }
672   /**
673    * Set status of chInterFrameFilter.
674    * 
675    * @param chInterFrameFilter the chTrueBackground to set (enabled/disabled)
676    */
677   public void setChInterFrameFilter(boolean chInterFrameFilter) {
678     this.chInterFrameFilter.setSelected(chInterFrameFilter);
679   }
681   /** The ch local mean. */
682   private JCheckBox chLocalMean;
684   /**
685    * Get status of Local mean.
686    * 
687    * @return the chLocalMean enabled/disabled
688    */
689   public boolean getChLocalMean() {
690     return chLocalMean.isSelected();
691   }
693   /**
694    * Set status of local mean.
695    * 
696    * @param chLocalMean the chLocalMean to set (enabled/disabled)
697    */
698   public void setChLocalMean(boolean chLocalMean) {
699     this.chLocalMean.setSelected(chLocalMean);
700   }
702   /** The sr local mean window. */
703   private JSpinner srLocalMeanWindow;
705   /**
706    * Get value of window parameter for local mean.
707    * 
708    * @return the srWindow
709    */
710   public int getSrLocalMeanWindow() {
711     return ((Number) srLocalMeanWindow.getValue()).intValue();
712   }
714   /**
715    * Set value of local mean window parameter.
716    * 
717    * @param srWindow the srWindow to set
718    */
719   public void setSrLocalMeanWindow(int srWindow) {
720     this.srLocalMeanWindow.setValue((double) srWindow);
721   }
723   /** The ch hat filter. */
724   private JCheckBox chHatFilter;
726   /**
727    * Get status of HatSnake filter.
728    * 
729    * @return the chHatFilter enabled/disabled
730    */
731   public boolean getChHatFilter() {
732     return chHatFilter.isSelected();
733   }
735   /**
736    * Set status of HatSnake filter.
737    * 
738    * @param chHatFilter the chHatFilter to set (enabled/disabled)
739    */
740   public void setChHatFilter(boolean chHatFilter) {
741     this.chHatFilter.setSelected(chHatFilter);
742   }
744   /** The sr alev. */
745   private JSpinner srAlev;
747   /**
748    * Get value of alev parameter.
749    * 
750    * @return the srAlev
751    */
752   public double getSrAlev() {
753     return ((Number) srAlev.getValue()).doubleValue();
754   }
756   /**
757    * Set value of alev parameter.
758    * 
759    * @param srAlev the srAlev to set
760    */
761   public void setSrAlev(double srAlev) {
762     this.srAlev.setValue(srAlev);
763   }
765   /** The sr num. */
766   private JSpinner srNum;
768   /**
769    * Get value of num parameter.
770    * 
771    * @return the srNum
772    */
773   public int getSrNum() {
774     return ((Number) srNum.getValue()).intValue();
775   }
777   /**
778    * Set value of num parameter.
779    * 
780    * @param srNum the srNum to set
781    */
782   public void setSrNum(int srNum) {
783     this.srNum.setValue((double) srNum);
784   }
786   /** The sr window. */
787   private JSpinner srWindow;
789   /**
790    * Get value of window parameter.
791    * 
792    * @return the srWindow
793    */
794   public int getSrWindow() {
795     return ((Number) srWindow.getValue()).intValue();
796   }
798   /**
799    * Set value of window parameter.
800    * 
801    * @param srWindow the srWindow to set
802    */
803   public void setSrWindow(int srWindow) {
804     this.srWindow.setValue((double) srWindow);
805   }
807   /** The cb filtering post method. */
808   private JComboBox<String> cbFilteringPostMethod;
810   /**
811    * Initialiser of cbFilteringPostMethod.
812    * 
813    * @param item list of items
814    * @param sel name of the selection to select.
815    * @see javax.swing.JComboBox#addItem(java.lang.Object)
816    */
817   public void setFilteringPostMethod(String[] item, String sel) {
818     setJComboBox(cbFilteringPostMethod, item, sel);
819   }
821   /**
822    * cbFilteringMethod getter.
823    * 
824    * @return index of selected entry.
825    */
826   public int getFilteringPostMethod() {
827     return getJComboBox(cbFilteringPostMethod);
828   }
830   /** The ch mask cut. */
831   private JCheckBox chMaskCut;
833   /**
834    * Get status of mask cut filter.
835    * 
836    * @return the chHatFilter enabled/disabled
837    */
838   public boolean getChMaskCut() {
839     return chMaskCut.isSelected();
840   }
842   /**
843    * Set status of mask cut filter.
844    * 
845    * @param chMaskCut the chHatFilter to set (enabled/disabled)
846    */
847   public void setChMaskCut(boolean chMaskCut) {
848     this.chMaskCut.setSelected(chMaskCut);
849   }
851   /** The ch show seed. */
852   private JCheckBox chShowSeed;
854   /**
855    * Get status of show seed.
856    * 
857    * @return the chShowSeed
858    */
859   public boolean getChShowSeed() {
860     return chShowSeed.isSelected();
861   }
863   /**
864    * Set status of show seed.
865    * 
866    * @param chShowSeed the chShowSeed to set
867    */
868   public void setChShowSeed(boolean chShowSeed) {
869     this.chShowSeed.setSelected(chShowSeed);
870   }
872   /** The ch show preview. */
873   private JCheckBox chShowPreview;
875   /**
876    * Get status of show preview.
877    * 
878    * @return the chShowPreview
879    */
880   public boolean getChShowPreview() {
881     return chShowPreview.isSelected();
882   }
884   /**
885    * Set status of show preview.
886    * 
887    * @param chShowPreview the chShowPreview to set
888    */
889   public void setChShowPreview(boolean chShowPreview) {
890     this.chShowPreview.setSelected(chShowPreview);
891   }
893   /** The ch show prob maps. */
894   private JCheckBox chShowProbMaps;
896   /**
897    * Get status of show prob maps.
898    * 
899    * @return the chShowProbMaps
900    */
901   public boolean getChShowProbMaps() {
902     return chShowProbMaps.isSelected();
903   }
905   /**
906    * Set status of show prob maps.
907    * 
908    * @param chShowProbMaps the chShowProbMaps to set
909    */
910   public void setChShowProbMaps(boolean chShowProbMaps) {
911     this.chShowProbMaps.setSelected(chShowProbMaps);
912   }
914   /** The bn run. */
915   private JButton bnRun;
917   /** The bn cancel. */
918   private JButton bnCancel;
920   /** The bn help. */
921   private JButton bnHelp;
923   /** The bn run active. */
924   private JButton bnRunActive;
926   /**
927    * Build View but not show it.
928    */
929   public RandomWalkView() {
930     // try {
931     // UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
932     // } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException
933     // | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
934     // e.printStackTrace();
935     // }
936     ToolTipManager.sharedInstance().setDismissDelay(UiTools.TOOLTIPDELAY);
937     wnd = new JFrame("Random Walker Segmentation");
938     wnd.setResizable(false);
940     JPanel imagePanel = new JPanel();
941     imagePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory
942             .createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.RED, 1), "Image selection"));
943     imagePanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1, 2, 2));
944     cbOrginalImage = new JComboBox<String>();
945     imagePanel.add(getControlwithoutLabel(cbOrginalImage, "Select image to be processed"));
947     JPanel seedSelPanel = new JPanel();
948     seedSelPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(
949             BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.ORANGE, 1), "Get seeds from:"));
950     seedSelPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 2));
951     cbSeedSource = new JComboBox<String>();
952     cbSeedSource.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, cbOrginalImage.getPreferredSize().height));
953     cbSeedSource.addActionListener(this);
954     UiTools.setToolTip(cbSeedSource, "Select seed source.");
956     // UiTools.setToolTip(rbRgbImage,
957     // "Load seeds from scribble image. Stack or single image. FG must be pure red,"
958     // + " BG pure green. Only one foreground object supported");
959     // UiTools.setToolTip(rbCreateImage,
960     // "Create FG and BG seeds. Many FG object supported. Single image only.");
961     // UiTools.setToolTip(rbMaskImage, "Initial seed as binary mask.");
962     // UiTools.setToolTip(rbQcofFile, "Get binary mask from QCONF file.");
963     seedSelPanel.add(cbSeedSource);
964     // create all controls with values even if not visible
965     cbCreatedSeedImage = new JComboBox<String>();
966     cbRgbSeedImage = new JComboBox<String>();
967     cbMaskSeedImage = new JComboBox<String>();
968     bnQconfSeedImage = new JButton("Load");
969     bnQconfShowSeedImage = new JButton("Show");
970     UiTools.setToolTip(bnQconfShowSeedImage, "Show mask generated from loaded QCONF file.");
971     UiTools.setToolTip(bnQconfSeedImage, "Load mask from QCONF file.");
972     bnClone = new JButton("Clone");
973     UiTools.setToolTip(bnClone, "Clone selected original image.");
974     bnSeedRoi = new JButton("Seed");
975     UiTools.setToolTip(bnSeedRoi, "Open ROI seed tool.");
976     bnFore = new JToggleButton("FG");
977     UiTools.setToolTip(bnFore,
978             "Select Foreground pen. Not used and will be removed in next version.");
979     bnFore.addActionListener(this);
980     bnFore.setBackground(Color.ORANGE);
981     bnBack = new JToggleButton("BG");
982     UiTools.setToolTip(bnBack,
983             "Select Background pen. Not used and will be removed in next version.");
984     bnBack.addActionListener(this);
985     bnBack.setBackground(Color.GREEN);
986     lbQconfFile = new JLabel("");
987     lbRoiSeedsInfo = new JLabel("");
989     JPanel optionsPanel = new JPanel();
990     optionsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Segmentation options"));
991     optionsPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(8, 1, 2, 2));
992     srAlpha = getDoubleSpinner(400, 0, 1e5, 1, 0);
993     optionsPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srAlpha, "Alpha",
994             "alpha penalises pixels whose intensities are far away from the mean seed intensity"));
995     srBeta = getDoubleSpinner(50, 0, 1e5, 1, 0);
996     optionsPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srBeta, "Beta",
997             "beta penalises pixels located at an edge, i.e.where there is a large gradient in"
998                     + " intensity. Diffusion will be reduced</html>"));
999     srGamma0 = getDoubleSpinner(100, 0, 1e5, 1, 0);
1000     optionsPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srGamma0, "Gamma 0",
1001             "gamma is the strength of competition between foreground and background."
1002                     + " gamma 0 is for preliminary segmentation whereas gamma 1 for fine"
1003                     + " segmentation. Temporally disabled"));
1004     srGamma0.setEnabled(false); // Temporally disabled, see enableUI as well
1005     srGamma1 = getDoubleSpinner(300, 0, 1e5, 1, 0);
1006     optionsPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srGamma1, "Gamma 1",
1007             "Set to 0 to skip second sweep. Any other value is currently ignored."));
1008     srIter = getDoubleSpinner(300, 1, 10000, 1, 0);
1009     optionsPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srIter, "Iterations",
1010             "Maximum number of iterations." + "Second sweep uses half of this value"));
1011     srRelerr = getDoubleSpinner(8.1e-3, 0, 10, 1e-5, 6);
1012     optionsPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srRelerr, "Rel error", "Relative error."));
1013     // inter process panel
1014     JPanel processPanel = new JPanel();
1015     processPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Inter-process"));
1016     processPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
1017     GridBagConstraints constrProc = new GridBagConstraints();
1018     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1019     constrProc.gridy = 0;
1020     constrProc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1021     constrProc.weightx = 1;
1022     constrProc.insets = new Insets(1, 2, 1, 2);
1023     cbShrinkMethod = new JComboBox<String>();
1024     processPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(cbShrinkMethod, "Shrink method",
1025             "Shrinking/expanding if nth frame result is used as n+1 frame seed or"
1026                     + " seed is binary mask bigger than object (e.g. Active Contour segmentation)"
1027                     + " Ignored if seed is RGB image."),
1028             constrProc);
1029     cbShrinkMethod.addItemListener(this);
1030     srShrinkPower = getDoubleSpinner(10, 0, 10000, 1, 0);
1031     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1032     constrProc.gridy = 1;
1033     processPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srShrinkPower, "Shrink power", ""), constrProc);
1034     srExpandPower = getDoubleSpinner(15, 0, 10000, 1, 0);
1035     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1036     constrProc.gridy = 2;
1037     processPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srExpandPower, "Expand power", ""), constrProc);
1038     // scale panel
1039     JPanel scalePanel = new JPanel();
1040     GridLayout gr = new GridLayout(2, 2);
1041     gr.setHgap(2);
1042     scalePanel.setLayout(gr);
1043     srScaleSigma = getDoubleSpinner(0.3, 1e-2, 1, 1e-2, 2);
1044     scalePanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srScaleSigma, "Sigma",
1045             "Set up expotential relation between negative curvature and node translocation"));
1046     srScaleMagn = getDoubleSpinner(1, 1, 10, 1, 0);
1047     scalePanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srScaleMagn, "Magn",
1048             "Maximum multiplier of shrink power. Set to 1.0 to disable"));
1049     srScaleCurvDistDist = getDoubleSpinner(1, 1, 100, 1, 1);
1050     scalePanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srScaleCurvDistDist, "Curv dist",
1051             "Approximated number of nodes used for averaging curvature. "
1052                     + "At least 3 nodes are always used"));
1053     srScaleEqNormalsDist = getDoubleSpinner(0, 0, 100, 1, 1);
1054     scalePanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srScaleEqNormalsDist, "Norm dist",
1055             "Approximated number of nodes used for normals alignment "
1056                     + "Set to 0 to disable otherwise at least 3 nodes are used"));
1057     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1058     constrProc.gridy = 3;
1060     processPanel.add(scalePanel, constrProc);
1062     cbFilteringMethod = new JComboBox<String>();
1063     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1064     constrProc.gridy = 4;
1065     processPanel.add(
1066             getControlwithLabel(cbFilteringMethod, "Inter-sweep filter",
1067                     "Filtering applied for result between sweeps. Ignored if gamma[1]==0"),
1068             constrProc);
1070     // small panel for two checkboxes
1071     JPanel interFilterPanel = new JPanel();
1072     interFilterPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1073     chTrueBackground = new JCheckBox("Estimate Background");
1074     chInterFrameFilter = new JCheckBox("Inter-frame filter");
1075     interFilterPanel.add(getControlwithTooltip(chInterFrameFilter,
1076             "Apply additional filtering"
1077                     + " before shinking. It helps in case of touching objects but it"
1078                     + " can also remove small protrusions for more complicated shapes."));
1079     interFilterPanel.add(getControlwithTooltip(chTrueBackground,
1080             "Try to estimate background level. Disable is background is homogenous"));
1081     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1082     constrProc.gridy = 5;
1083     processPanel.add(interFilterPanel, constrProc);
1085     // Use local mean panel
1086     JPanel localMeanPanel = new JPanel();
1087     localMeanPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
1088     localMeanPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Use local mean"));
1089     chLocalMean = new JCheckBox("Local mean");
1090     chLocalMean.addItemListener(this);
1091     localMeanPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(chLocalMean, "",
1092             "Enable local mean feature. LM works best if mask is greater that object"
1093                     + " (external masks). Apply only for binary masks or seeds "
1094                     + "propagation between frames."));
1095     srLocalMeanWindow = getDoubleSpinner(23, 3, 501, 2, 0);
1096     localMeanPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srLocalMeanWindow, "Window",
1097             "Odd mask within the local mean is evaluated"));
1098     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1099     constrProc.gridy = 6;
1100     processPanel.add(localMeanPanel, constrProc);
1102     // post process panel
1103     JPanel postprocessPanel = new JPanel();
1104     postprocessPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Post-process"));
1105     postprocessPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
1106     JPanel postprocesshatPanel = new JPanel();
1107     postprocesshatPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1, 0, 2));
1108     postprocesshatPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Hat filter"));
1109     chHatFilter = new JCheckBox("Hat Filter");
1110     chHatFilter.addItemListener(this);
1111     UiTools.setToolTip(chHatFilter, "Try to remove small inclusions in contour");
1112     postprocesshatPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(chHatFilter, "", ""));
1113     srAlev = getDoubleSpinner(0.9, 0, 1, 0.01, 4);
1114     postprocesshatPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srAlev, "srAlev", ""));
1115     srNum = getDoubleSpinner(1, 0, 500, 1, 0);
1116     postprocesshatPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srNum, "srNum",
1117             "If set to 0 all features with rank > srAlew will be removed"));
1118     srWindow = getDoubleSpinner(15, 1, 500, 1, 0);
1119     postprocesshatPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(srWindow, "srWindow", ""));
1120     GridBagConstraints constrPost = new GridBagConstraints();
1121     constrPost.gridx = 0;
1122     constrPost.gridy = 0;
1123     constrPost.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1124     constrPost.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH;
1125     constrPost.weightx = 1;
1126     postprocessPanel.add(postprocesshatPanel, constrPost);
1127     cbFilteringPostMethod = new JComboBox<String>();
1128     constrPost.gridx = 0;
1129     constrPost.gridy = 1;
1130     constrPost.insets = new Insets(5, 0, 0, 0);
1131     postprocessPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(cbFilteringPostMethod, "Binary filter",
1132             "Filtering applied after segmentation"), constrPost);
1133     chMaskCut = new JCheckBox("Cut output");
1134     constrPost.gridx = 0;
1135     constrPost.gridy = 2;
1136     UiTools.setToolTip(chMaskCut, "Cut output mask by initial mask (if present)");
1137     postprocessPanel.add(getControlwithLabel(chMaskCut, "", ""), constrPost);
1139     JPanel displayPanel = new JPanel();
1140     displayPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Display options"));
1141     displayPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(displayPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
1142     chShowSeed = new JCheckBox("Show seeds");
1143     UiTools.setToolTip(chShowSeed,
1144             "Show generated seeds. Works only if seeds are polpulated between frames"
1145                     + " or if seeds are given as stack of masks");
1146     chShowSeed.setSelected(false);
1147     chShowPreview = new JCheckBox("Show preview");
1148     chShowPreview.setSelected(false);
1149     chShowProbMaps = new JCheckBox("Show maps");
1150     chShowProbMaps.setSelected(false);
1151     UiTools.setToolTip(chShowProbMaps,
1152             "Show probability maps for current frame. Does not work for stacks.");
1153     displayPanel.add(chShowSeed);
1154     displayPanel.add(chShowPreview);
1155     displayPanel.add(chShowProbMaps);
1157     // cancel apply row
1158     JPanel caButtons = new JPanel();
1159     caButtons.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
1160     bnRun = new JButton("Run");
1161     UiTools.setToolTip(bnRun, "Run segmentation for all slices");
1162     bnRunActive = new JButton("Run active");
1163     UiTools.setToolTip(bnRunActive, "Run segmentation for selected slice only");
1164     bnCancel = new JButton("Cancel");
1165     bnHelp = new JButton("Help");
1166     caButtons.add(bnRun);
1167     caButtons.add(bnRunActive);
1168     caButtons.add(bnCancel);
1169     caButtons.add(bnHelp);
1171     GridBagConstraints constrains = new GridBagConstraints();
1172     panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
1173     panelMain = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
1174     panel.add(panelMain, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1175     JPanel panelButtons = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
1176     panel.add(panelButtons, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
1178     constrains.gridx = 0;
1179     constrains.gridy = 0;
1180     constrains.weighty = 1;
1181     constrains.gridheight = 1;
1182     constrains.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH;
1183     constrains.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1184     panelMain.add(imagePanel, constrains);
1186     constrains.gridx = 0;
1187     constrains.gridy = 1;
1188     constrains.weighty = 1;
1189     constrains.gridheight = 1;
1190     constrains.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH;
1191     constrains.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1192     panelMain.add(seedSelPanel, constrains);
1194     constrains.gridx = 0;
1195     constrains.gridy = 2;
1196     constrains.gridheight = 1;
1197     constrains.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1198     constrains.weighty = 1;
1199     constrains.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH;
1200     panelMain.add(getRgbImage(), constrains); // dynamic panel no 2
1202     constrains.gridx = 3;
1203     constrains.gridy = 0;
1204     constrains.weighty = 1;
1205     constrains.gridheight = 3;
1206     constrains.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH;
1207     constrains.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL;
1208     panelMain.add(optionsPanel, constrains);
1210     constrains.gridx = 4;
1211     constrains.gridy = 0;
1212     constrains.weighty = 1;
1213     constrains.gridheight = 3;
1214     constrains.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH;
1215     constrains.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL;
1216     panelMain.add(processPanel, constrains);
1218     constrains.gridx = 5;
1219     constrains.gridy = 0;
1220     constrains.weighty = 1;
1221     constrains.gridheight = 3;
1222     constrains.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTH;
1223     constrains.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL;
1224     panelMain.add(postprocessPanel, constrains);
1226     constrains.gridx = 7;
1227     constrains.gridy = 0;
1228     constrains.weighty = 0;
1229     constrains.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL;
1230     panelMain.add(displayPanel, constrains);
1232     panelButtons.add(caButtons);
1234     wnd.add(panel);
1236     wnd.pack();
1237     wnd.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
1238     setInitial();
1240   }
1242   /**
1243    * Enables/disables UI. Does not apply to Cancel button.
1244    * 
1245    * @param status true if enabled.
1246    */
1247   public void enableUI(boolean status) {
1248     cbOrginalImage.setEnabled(status);
1249     cbRgbSeedImage.setEnabled(status);
1250     cbSeedSource.setEnabled(status);
1251     cbMaskSeedImage.setEnabled(status);
1252     bnQconfSeedImage.setEnabled(status);
1253     bnQconfShowSeedImage.setEnabled(status);
1254     bnClone.setEnabled(status);
1255     bnSeedRoi.setEnabled(status);
1256     bnFore.setEnabled(status);
1257     bnBack.setEnabled(status);
1258     cbCreatedSeedImage.setEnabled(status);
1259     srAlpha.setEnabled(status);
1260     srBeta.setEnabled(status);
1261     srGamma0.setEnabled(status);
1262     srGamma1.setEnabled(status);
1263     srIter.setEnabled(status);
1264     srRelerr.setEnabled(status);
1265     cbShrinkMethod.setEnabled(status);
1266     srShrinkPower.setEnabled(status);
1267     srExpandPower.setEnabled(status);
1268     if (cbShrinkMethod.getSelectedItem().equals("CONTOUR")) {
1269       srScaleMagn.setEnabled(status);
1270       srScaleSigma.setEnabled(status);
1271       srScaleCurvDistDist.setEnabled(status);
1272       srScaleEqNormalsDist.setEnabled(status);
1273     } else {
1274       cbShrinkMethod.setEnabled(status);
1275     }
1276     cbFilteringMethod.setEnabled(status);
1277     chTrueBackground.setEnabled(status);
1278     chInterFrameFilter.setEnabled(status);
1279     chHatFilter.setEnabled(status);
1280     if (chHatFilter.isSelected()) {
1281       chHatFilter.setEnabled(status);
1282       srAlev.setEnabled(status);
1283       srNum.setEnabled(status);
1284       srWindow.setEnabled(status);
1285     } else {
1286       chHatFilter.setEnabled(status);
1287     }
1288     chLocalMean.setEnabled(status);
1289     if (chLocalMean.isSelected()) {
1290       chLocalMean.setEnabled(status);
1291       srLocalMeanWindow.setEnabled(status);
1292     } else {
1293       chLocalMean.setEnabled(status);
1294     }
1295     cbFilteringMethod.setEnabled(status);
1296     chMaskCut.setEnabled(status);
1297     chShowPreview.setEnabled(status);
1298     chShowSeed.setEnabled(status);
1299     chShowProbMaps.setEnabled(status);
1300     cbFilteringPostMethod.setEnabled(status);
1301     bnRun.setEnabled(status);
1302     bnRunActive.setEnabled(status);
1303     bnHelp.setEnabled(status);
1305     // chHatFilter.setEnabled(status); // not implemented, remove after
1306     srGamma0.setEnabled(false); // feature currently disabled, see constructor as well
1307   }
1309   /**
1310    * Create two elements row [label component]. Component and label have tooltip.
1311    * 
1312    * @param c component to add.
1313    * @param label label to add.
1314    * @param toolTip tooltip.
1315    * @return Panel with two components.
1316    */
1317   private JPanel getControlwithLabel(JComponent c, String label, String toolTip) {
1318     JPanel panel = new JPanel();
1319     panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 2, 2, 2));
1320     JLabel lab = new JLabel(label);
1321     panel.add(lab);
1322     panel.add(c);
1323     UiTools.setToolTip(c, toolTip);
1324     UiTools.setToolTip(lab, toolTip);
1325     return panel;
1326   }
1328   /**
1329    * Create two elements row [label component]. Component and label have tooltip.
1330    * 
1331    * @param c component to add.
1332    * @param label label to add.
1333    * @param toolTip tooltip.
1334    * @return Panel with two components.
1335    */
1336   private JPanel getControlwithLabelSqueezed(JComponent c, String label, String toolTip) {
1337     JPanel panel = new JPanel();
1338     panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
1339     JLabel lab = new JLabel(label);
1340     panel.add(lab);
1341     panel.add(c);
1342     UiTools.setToolTip(c, toolTip);
1343     UiTools.setToolTip(lab, toolTip);
1344     return panel;
1345   }
1347   /**
1348    * Create one elements row [component]. Component has tooltip.
1349    * 
1350    * @param c component to add.
1351    * @param toolTip tooltip.
1352    * @return Panel with two components.
1353    */
1354   private JPanel getControlwithoutLabel(JComponent c, String toolTip) {
1355     JPanel panel = new JPanel();
1356     panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1, 2, 2));
1357     panel.add(c);
1358     if (toolTip != null && !toolTip.isEmpty()) {
1359       String text = "<html>" + QuimpToolsCollection.stringWrap(toolTip, 40, "<br>") + "</html>";
1360       c.setToolTipText(text);
1361     }
1362     return panel;
1363   }
1365   /**
1366    * Add tooltip to control only.
1367    * 
1368    * @param c control
1369    * @param toolTip tooltip
1370    * @return component with tooltip
1371    */
1372   private JComponent getControlwithTooltip(JComponent c, String toolTip) {
1373     if (toolTip != null && !toolTip.isEmpty()) {
1374       String text = "<html>" + QuimpToolsCollection.stringWrap(toolTip, 40, "<br>") + "</html>";
1375       c.setToolTipText(text);
1376     }
1377     return c;
1378   }
1380   /**
1381    * Create double spinner.
1382    * 
1383    * @param d initial value
1384    * @param min minimal value
1385    * @param max maximal value
1386    * @param step step
1387    * @param columns digits
1388    * @return created spinner
1389    */
1390   private JSpinner getDoubleSpinner(double d, double min, double max, double step, int columns) {
1391     SpinnerNumberModel model = new SpinnerNumberModel(d, min, max, step);
1392     JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner(model);
1393     String c = "";
1394     if (columns == 0) {
1395       c = "0";
1396     } else {
1397       c = "0." + String.join("", Collections.nCopies(columns, "0"));
1398     }
1399     spinner.setEditor(new JSpinner.NumberEditor(spinner, c));
1400     return spinner;
1401   }
1403   /**
1404    * Set initial state of UI.
1405    */
1406   private void setInitial() {
1407     srAlev.setEnabled(false);
1408     srNum.setEnabled(false);
1409     srWindow.setEnabled(false);
1410     srLocalMeanWindow.setEnabled(false);
1411     // chHatFilter.setEnabled(true);
1412   }
1414   /**
1415    * Helper creating dynamic panel for loading seeds from rgb image.
1416    * 
1417    * @return created panel.
1418    */
1419   private JPanel getRgbImage() {
1420     JPanel dynPanel;
1421     try { // protect against empty component at given index - used because this is default one
1422       dynPanel = (JPanel) panelMain.getComponent(2);
1423       dynPanel.removeAll();
1424     } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
1425       dynPanel = new JPanel();
1426     }
1427     dynPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(
1428             BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.ORANGE), "Seeds fom RGB image"));
1429     dynPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 2));
1431     dynPanel.add(cbRgbSeedImage);
1432     dynPanel.add(new JLabel());
1433     return dynPanel;
1434   }
1436   /**
1437    * Helper creating dynamic panel for loading seeds from created image.
1438    * 
1439    * @return created panel.
1440    */
1441   private JPanel getCreateImage() {
1442     JPanel dynPanel = (JPanel) panelMain.getComponent(2);
1443     dynPanel.removeAll();
1445     dynPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory
1446             .createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.ORANGE), "Seed build"));
1447     dynPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
1448     ((BorderLayout) dynPanel.getLayout()).setVgap(2);
1449     // middle buttons
1450     JPanel seedBuildPanel = new JPanel();
1451     seedBuildPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 2));
1452     JPanel seedBuildPanelButtons = new JPanel();
1453     seedBuildPanelButtons.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
1455     GridBagConstraints constrProc = new GridBagConstraints();
1456     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1457     constrProc.gridy = 0;
1458     constrProc.weightx = 1;
1459     constrProc.weighty = 1;
1460     constrProc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1461     // constrProc.insets = new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1);
1462     seedBuildPanelButtons.add(bnClone, constrProc);
1463     constrProc.gridx = 1;
1464     constrProc.weightx = 1;
1465     constrProc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1466     // constrProc.insets = new Insets(1, 2, 1, 2);
1467     seedBuildPanelButtons.add(bnFore, constrProc);
1468     constrProc.gridx = 2;
1469     constrProc.weightx = 1;
1470     constrProc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1471     // constrProc.insets = new Insets(1, 2, 1, 2);
1472     seedBuildPanelButtons.add(bnBack, constrProc);
1474     seedBuildPanel.add(seedBuildPanelButtons);
1475     seedBuildPanel.add(cbCreatedSeedImage);
1477     dynPanel.add(seedBuildPanel);
1479     return dynPanel;
1480   }
1482   /**
1483    * Helper creating dynamic panel for loading seeds from binary image.
1484    * 
1485    * @return created panel.
1486    */
1487   private JPanel getMaskImage() {
1488     JPanel dynPanel = (JPanel) panelMain.getComponent(2);
1489     dynPanel.removeAll();
1491     dynPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory
1492             .createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.ORANGE), "Seed from mask"));
1493     dynPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 2));
1495     dynPanel.add(cbMaskSeedImage);
1496     dynPanel.add(new JLabel());
1498     return dynPanel;
1499   }
1501   /**
1502    * Helper creating dynamic panel for loading seeds from qconf file.
1503    *
1504    * @return created panel.
1505    */
1506   private JPanel getQconfImage() {
1507     JPanel dynPanel = (JPanel) panelMain.getComponent(2);
1508     dynPanel.removeAll();
1510     dynPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory
1511             .createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.ORANGE), "Seed from QCONF"));
1512     dynPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 2));
1514     JPanel upperrow = new JPanel();
1515     upperrow.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
1516     GridBagConstraints constrProc = new GridBagConstraints();
1517     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1518     constrProc.gridy = 0;
1519     constrProc.weightx = 1;
1520     constrProc.weighty = 1;
1521     constrProc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1522     upperrow.add(bnQconfSeedImage, constrProc);
1523     constrProc.gridx = 1;
1524     constrProc.gridy = 0;
1525     constrProc.weightx = 1;
1526     constrProc.weighty = 1;
1527     constrProc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1528     upperrow.add(bnQconfShowSeedImage, constrProc);
1529     dynPanel.add(upperrow);
1530     dynPanel.add(lbQconfFile);
1532     return dynPanel;
1533   }
1535   /**
1536    * Helper creating dynamic panel for loading seeds from Rois file.
1537    *
1538    * @return created panel.
1539    */
1540   private JPanel getRois() {
1541     JPanel dynPanel = (JPanel) panelMain.getComponent(2);
1542     dynPanel.removeAll();
1544     dynPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory
1545             .createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.ORANGE), "Seed from ROIs"));
1546     dynPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
1547     ((BorderLayout) dynPanel.getLayout()).setVgap(2);
1548     // middle buttons
1549     JPanel seedBuildPanel = new JPanel();
1550     seedBuildPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 2, 2));
1551     JPanel seedBuildPanelButtons = new JPanel();
1552     seedBuildPanelButtons.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
1554     GridBagConstraints constrProc = new GridBagConstraints();
1555     constrProc.gridx = 0;
1556     constrProc.gridy = 0;
1557     constrProc.weightx = 1;
1558     constrProc.weighty = 1;
1559     constrProc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1560     // constrProc.insets = new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1);
1561     seedBuildPanelButtons.add(bnClone, constrProc);
1562     constrProc.gridx = 1;
1563     constrProc.weightx = 1;
1564     constrProc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
1565     // constrProc.insets = new Insets(1, 2, 1, 2);
1566     seedBuildPanelButtons.add(bnSeedRoi, constrProc);
1568     seedBuildPanel.add(seedBuildPanelButtons);
1569     seedBuildPanel.add(lbRoiSeedsInfo);
1571     dynPanel.add(seedBuildPanel);
1573     return dynPanel;
1574   }
1576   /**
1577    * Show the window.
1578    */
1579   public void show() {
1580     wnd.setVisible(true);
1582   }
1584   /**
1585    * Create dynamic panel on window depending on state of radio buttons group.
1586    *
1587    * @param e the e
1588    */
1589   @Override
1590   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
1591     Object source = e.getSource();
1592     if (source == cbSeedSource) {
1593       SeedSource val = SeedSource.valueOf((String) cbSeedSource.getSelectedItem());
1594       switch (val) {
1595         case RGBImage:
1596           getRgbImage();
1597           panelMain.revalidate();
1598           wnd.validate();
1599           break;
1600         case CreatedImage:
1601           getCreateImage();
1602           panelMain.revalidate();
1603           wnd.validate();
1604           break;
1605         case MaskImage:
1606           getMaskImage();
1607           panelMain.revalidate();
1608           wnd.validate();
1609           break;
1610         case QconfFile:
1611           getQconfImage();
1612           panelMain.revalidate();
1613           wnd.validate();
1614           break;
1615         case Rois:
1616           getRois();
1617           panelMain.revalidate();
1618           wnd.validate();
1619           break;
1620       }
1621     }
1622     if (source == bnFore) {
1623       if (bnFore.isSelected()) {
1624         bnBack.setSelected(false);
1625       }
1626     }
1627     if (source == bnBack) {
1628       if (bnBack.isSelected()) {
1629         bnFore.setSelected(false);
1630       }
1631     }
1632   }
1634   /**
1635    * Set enable/disabled controls depending on hatsnake checkbox.
1636    *
1637    * @param arg0 the arg 0
1638    */
1639   @Override
1640   public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent arg0) {
1641     Object source = arg0.getItemSelectable();
1642     if (source == chHatFilter) {
1643       srAlev.setEnabled(chHatFilter.isSelected());
1644       srNum.setEnabled(chHatFilter.isSelected());
1645       srWindow.setEnabled(chHatFilter.isSelected());
1646     }
1647     if (source == chLocalMean) {
1648       srLocalMeanWindow.setEnabled(chLocalMean.isSelected());
1649     }
1650     if (source == cbShrinkMethod) {
1651       if (!cbShrinkMethod.getSelectedItem().equals("CONTOUR")) {
1652         srScaleMagn.setEnabled(false);
1653         srScaleSigma.setEnabled(false);
1654         srScaleEqNormalsDist.setEnabled(false);
1655         srScaleCurvDistDist.setEnabled(false);
1656       } else {
1657         srScaleMagn.setEnabled(true);
1658         srScaleSigma.setEnabled(true);
1659         srScaleEqNormalsDist.setEnabled(true);
1660         srScaleCurvDistDist.setEnabled(true);
1661       }
1662     }
1663   }
1665   /**
1666    * Helper for setting entries in JComboBox.
1667    * 
1668    * @param component component
1669    * @param item item
1670    * @param sel selection entry, should be in item list
1671    */
1672   private void setJComboBox(JComboBox<String> component, String[] item, String sel) {
1673     for (String i : item) {
1674       component.addItem(i);
1675     }
1676     if (item.length > 0) {
1677       component.setSelectedItem(sel);
1678     }
1679     component.revalidate();
1680     wnd.pack();
1681   }
1683   /**
1684    * Get index of selected entry.
1685    * 
1686    * @param component to read from
1687    * @return index of selected entry.
1688    */
1689   private int getJComboBox(JComboBox<String> component) {
1690     return component.getSelectedIndex();
1691   }
1693   /**
1694    * Assign listener to whole window. It will react on window activation or deactivation.
1695    * 
1696    * @param listener listener
1697    */
1698   public void addWindowController(WindowFocusListener listener) {
1699     wnd.addWindowFocusListener(listener);
1700   }
1702   /**
1703    * Assign listener to Run button.
1704    * 
1705    * @param list listener
1706    */
1707   public void addRunController(ActionListener list) {
1708     bnRun.addActionListener(list);
1709   }
1711   /**
1712    * Assign listener to Help button.
1713    * 
1714    * @param list listener
1715    */
1716   public void addHelpController(ActionListener list) {
1717     bnHelp.addActionListener(list);
1718   }
1720   /**
1721    * Assign listener to Run selected slice button.
1722    * 
1723    * @param list listener
1724    */
1725   public void addRunActiveController(ActionListener list) {
1726     bnRunActive.addActionListener(list);
1727   }
1729   /**
1730    * Assign listener to Cancel button.
1731    * 
1732    * @param list listener
1733    */
1734   public void addCancelController(ActionListener list) {
1735     bnCancel.addActionListener(list);
1736   }
1738   /**
1739    * Assign listener to Clone button.
1740    * 
1741    * @param list listener
1742    */
1743   public void addCloneController(ActionListener list) {
1744     bnClone.addActionListener(list);
1745   }
1747   /**
1748    * Assign listener to Seed ROI button.
1749    * 
1750    * @param list listener
1751    */
1752   public void addSeedRoiController(ActionListener list) {
1753     bnSeedRoi.addActionListener(list);
1754   }
1756   /**
1757    * Assign listener to FG button.
1758    * 
1759    * @param list listener
1760    */
1761   public void addFgController(ActionListener list) {
1762     bnFore.addActionListener(list);
1763   }
1765   /**
1766    * Assign listener to BG button.
1767    * 
1768    * @param list listener
1769    */
1770   public void addBgController(ActionListener list) {
1771     bnBack.addActionListener(list);
1772   }
1774   /**
1775    * Assign listener to Load Qconf button.
1776    * 
1777    * @param list listener
1778    */
1779   public void addLoadQconfController(ActionListener list) {
1780     bnQconfSeedImage.addActionListener(list);
1781   }
1783   /**
1784    * Assign listener to Show loaded Qconfbutton.
1785    * 
1786    * @param list listener
1787    */
1788   public void addQconfShowSeedImageController(ActionListener list) {
1789     bnQconfShowSeedImage.addActionListener(list);
1790   }
1792   /**
1793    * Assign listener to original image selector.
1794    * 
1795    * @param list listener
1796    */
1797   public void addImageController(ActionListener list) {
1798     cbOrginalImage.addActionListener(list);
1799   }
1801   /**
1802    * Assign listener to all seed selectors.
1803    * 
1804    * @param list listener
1805    */
1806   public void addSeedController(ActionListener list) {
1807     cbRgbSeedImage.addActionListener(list);
1808     cbMaskSeedImage.addActionListener(list);
1809     cbCreatedSeedImage.addActionListener(list);
1810   }
1812   /**
1813    * Set text on cancel button.
1814    * 
1815    * @param label text to set
1816    */
1817   public void setCancelLabel(String label) {
1818     bnCancel.setText(label);
1819   }
1821 }